He watched her bound happily on the golden meadow, a radiant smile lighting up the spaces around her.

And the empty spaces in his heart.

A rusty, unused half-smile found its way onto his face and he settled down, placing his heavy axe onto the ground. As the weight of the wrought steel left his hands, another heaviness rose from his shoulders and into the mild summer air.

He sighed in relief.

A peal of girlish laughter rang through air and he looked up.

His princess was laying amidst the tall golden grasses, her hands outstretched to the glowing fireflies flitting around her.

She was smiling and laughing and living.

She was so vibrant with life, so radiant with innocence.

So untouched, so pure, so clean.

So beautiful.

Another smile tugged at his lips.

His little princess had grown from adorable to pretty to lovely to beautiful.

If he closed his eyes, he could still see the short little cherub he had been assigned to-cute, stubborn, playful, sweet.


He opened his eyes and met shining blue eyes.

He chuckled. Nothing had changed, he supposed.

She was grinning from ear to ear, sticks and leaves tangling among the silken gold strands of her hair,dirt smudging on the milky paleness of her skin and her clothes were wrinkled and dirtied-he thought she looked more beautiful than ever.

He smiled, tilting his head and gently settling his eyes on her.


The princess smiled and giggled before taking her hands from behind her back. Her small hands were cupped as a soft glow emitted from it. The pink-haired bodyguard leaned forward in mock-curiosity.

"What is it, princess?"

She stifled a laugh and opened her hands slowly.

A lone firefly sat in her cupped hands, glowing softly in the shadows of her palms. "Look, a firefly! I caught it but I was afraid I'd squish it. It's so so small and fragile but so pretty. Have you ever seen anything so pretty, Yuma?"

He let his gaze leave the insect and for a second it lingered on her face as she smiled, entranced with her catch.

A soft, gentle smile curved his lips and he felt his heart melt for his young princess.

"Every day, my princess. Every day."

She didn't seem to notice his tone as she stared at the firefly.

She didn't seem to notice as his gaze stayed on her face, fondness melding with some other emotion neither quite understood.

She only noticed when her firefly began to flutter its wings and flew out of her hands.


She spun around, watching as it went to join its brethren, only another speck in the spectrum of light surrounding the meadow.


It was a sigh of awe as she looked out at the field of light.

"How beautiful."

She turned to look at her guardian. He was staring out beyond her, quiet and thoughtful.


He was silent for another moment before smiling a sweet Yuma smile. It reminded her of home and of warm leather and of loquats and oranges. She loved his Yuma smile. He beckoned for her and she came, sitting between his tented legs like she always had when she was younger.

He accommodated for her, shielding her with his long legs and cocooning her with his strong arms and she was warm and surrounded by her favorite man in the world.

It was a nostalgic feeling—to feel warm and safe and so very loved. They both thrived on it. On each other, even if they didn't know it. She relied on his strength and his security, his gentle guidance and steadfast love. He managed to stay human only by her sweetness, her innocence, her kind childish beauty and her warmth—oh, her warmth.

They needed each other.

She leaned into him, suddenly so very small.

He brushed a leaf from her golden locks before resting his chin on the very crown of her head.

And they sat there, amidst the rustling gold of the meadow, basked in the gentle glowing light of the fireflies.

They were not a princess and her bodyguard tonight.

They were simply a man and a woman.

And time stood still for them in the mild summer night.

AbomiT: .Yuma.

Most of you probably don't know 's known as VY2 Yuma on Youtube, sometimes spelled Yuuma.

I have recently become borderline-psychotic/obsessed over him and his hair and his clothes and his voice-OH,HIS VOICE IS GLORIOUS.

But anyways...I'm planning on this being the first of many(or not) drabbles and one-shots for Yuma.

Because I love him.

For this one I paired him with Rin and I probably will always pair them together unless I find another pairing for him(NU).


I would love some feedback.

Share the Yuma love with me,my dearies~!
