Well, this is the last chapter. You finally get to know what really happened during the holidays. I'm posting this chapter early because I had finished it and really couldn't let you guys wait any longer 'cause it's the last one. I had so much fun writing it!
The new chapter for Valentine's day will a bit postponed, sorry for that! (I'll try to post the next one on Sunday)
I hope you enjoy it and like the outcome!

Chapter 5

Harry had started ignoring the Slytherin. It wasn't an easy task to do, but it was for the better. He couldn't go on like this. He hadn't thought Malfoy would be like this, but obviously Malfoy regretted what he had done.

Harry had wasted hours trying to think of a way to get Malfoy back, and wondering why Malfoy had done this to him at the beginning of the year. What was he even playing at? He still hadn't forgotten their kiss. Those pink lips. Untouchable now.

They still had classes together, but it was harder now. He caught himself staring at Malfoy more often than he would admit and he had to lock away the thoughts of following Malfoy into his bathroom under his invisibility cloak.

The worst part of it all was that Harry noticed Malfoy not experiencing the same feelings as him. He saw that the blonde wasn't affected by Harry's plan to ignore him. Harry wondered if Malfoy even knew what he was ignoring the pale boy.

Furthermore Harry kept dreaming about Malfoy and their time together during the holidays. On the tenth night it was a rather vivid dream, not only because it had felt so real, because it was identical to what had happened.

Harry woke up at the Dursleys. It was another boring day, but at least it was one closer to the return at Hogwarts. He ate what Aunt Petunia had made them, even though it was hardly edible. He made some homework and at four in the afternoon he left the house to get some coffee at the coffee shop. He went there a lot, just to be out the house. He was old enough now, so Aunt Petunia couldn't make him stay inside.

In the coffee shop, a female servant brought him his coffee and Harry read the paper while stirring his coffee.

"I could've sworn I saw that picture move," the girl said.

"What? That would be ridiculus," Harry said, but put away his paper to make sure no one saw them moving again. It was rather annoying for the people in the pictures to act like they were frozen all the time too.

"You've got something to do this evening?" she asked. Harry hesitated. She was really pretty, so it would be impolite to turn her down.

"Of course not," Harry said, putting on a wide smile.

"Meet me at the Nightingale, it's a pub not far from the supermarket around the corner."

"I know where it is. I'll be there. Thanks for the coffee," Harry replied with a smile. The girl flushed a bit and went behind the counter again.

That evening, Harry went down to the pub, called the Nightingale. He saw the girl had saved him a chair and it occurred to Harry that he didn't even know her name.

"Hi. How're you?" Harry greeted.

"I'm fine. Saved you a seat."She had dark brown hair which fell in curls onto her shoulders.

"Thanks. What did you say your name was again?"

"I didn't. It's Camille."She smiled at Harry and waved at the bartender to come.

"I'm Harry," Harry said. They shook hands and the bartender came to serve them drinks. Harry had to admit he had a good time, it was better than staring out his window into Little Whinging again. However, Harry soon realized the evening wouldn't get better than that. They chit chatted a little, but Harry could hardly tell anything about himself, because he was a wizard.

He told a little about the Dursleys, saying that his parents had died in a car accident. At that, Camille seemed a bit shocked but he told her it was alright.
Nothing special happened until - …

"Excuse me, the guy at the bar asked me to bring this to you," the bartender said. He held up a glass of Whisky and Harry followed the guy's finger into the right direction.

He would recognize those blonde locks from miles away.
It was none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Will you excuse me?" Harry said to the girl. "I know that guy. Haven't seen him in a while."
"Sure," She said, and stood up herself to dance a little.

"Malfoy," Harry said, sitting on the bar stool next to him.

"Potter. Didn't expect to see you here," Malfoy said. Harry smiled.

"Me neither." He took a moment to look at the boy and was almost sure someone must have momentarily petrified him because he couldn't move for several seconds.

Malfoy was wearing a light blue blouse and it fit him perfectly. He was wearing tight black pants underneath it. Harry had never looked at a guy like that before.

Malfoy knew perfectly how to act around Muggles, and how to dress like them. Harry was impressed.
"Are you even listening?" Malfoy asked coolly. Harry met Malfoy's grey gaze and realized he had been caught in his thoughts.

"Sorry, I got – eh distracted. You were saying?" Harry hoped it hadn't been obvious he was eying the boy but everything seemed fine.

"What brings you here?"

"Might ask you the same question. A girl from the coffee shop asked me out." Harry mentioned to Camille, who had already found another guy to dance with. Harry didn't feel hurt at all, he was happy she wasn't waiting on his return, because he wouldn't have returned anyway.

"A girl. How nice." Harry had to admit Malfoy was different. He wasn't trying to hex the life out of him and Harry took a sip. Malfoy was drinking Whisky too.

"Whisky doesn't equalize Firewhisky, though."

"Yeah. I know." Malfoy smiled. It was the most beautiful facial expression Harry had ever seen on the Slytherin's face. Harry had to keep his thoughts on track, so that he wouldn't dream again.

"Why did you offer me that drink?"

"Don't know. I thought it would be nice to talk to someone I know tonight." Malfoy seemed honest.
"Yeah. Of course. It's always nice to talk to your arch enemy," Harry said sarcastically. He couldn't help it. It was just so hard to see Malfoy like this. Malfoy of all people.

"Don't act like that, Potter. We're having a drink. I don't wanna talk about Hogwarts." Again, Harry was astounded by the power of Malfoy's words and his honesty.

"What do you wanna talk about then?"

"What do you say about dancing?"

"You wanna talk about dancing?"

"No, thickhead. I wanna dance." Malfoy stood up and held out a hand.

"Uh. Okay." Harry stood up and they made their way to the dancefloor. The song was rather upbeat and the boys danced.

"It's so weird to see you here, Malfoy." Harry said, smiling as they moved to the beats.
"Please call me Draco for just this time."

"Draco. Fine with me." They danced for a while on the upbeat rhythms, then a slow song was played. Harry hesitated at first, but Draco stepped forward and Harry couldn't turn away.

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and Harry laid his hands on Draco's shoulders. Harry was astounded by how good Draco looked from nearby. Their bodies were almost touching. Harry was scared by the closeness of his enemy. He looked up in Draco's face and yet again, couldn't find the words to say something wise.

"You've changed a lot," Draco said. Harry shrugged.

"In a positive way, I hope?"

"Of course. I never really hated you, to be honest." Harry needed a few moments to let that sink in.

"How do you mean?"

"I just hated the fact that I wasn't allowed to be friends with you. So I made you pay."

"You insulted Ron that day on the train."

"I know. I've always been told that the Weasels were scum. How was I supposed to act?"

"Oh. I'm sorry. I just never had a friend before, and then you insulted my first friend. It felt like the right thing to do."
"You're a Gryffindor. It figures."

"You're a Slytherin, it figures." Draco's face was so close Harry could feel his breath on his cheek. It made him nervous and curious at the same time. Draco was smelling really good. He looked at him again and their faces came closer.

But just then the song ended and Harry let go. They took their seats again. Harry took a sip and said: "That was nice."

"It was. I didn't know you could dance, Potter."

"Harry. Call me Harry for just this time." Draco looked happily surprised and took a sip too.

"Sorry. It's a habit." It was weird to hear Malfoy say sorry.

"I know. It's so weird I'm seeing you here. Normally I don't see anyone from Hogwarts during the holidays. I hardly see my friends."

"And now you're taunted by seeing your enemy, right?"

"Anyone would do," Harry joked. They both laughed and fell silent again.

It was odd. Harry didn't know anything to say. They were used to calling each other names and such, but they never had a civil conversation.

"I'm sorry about your godfather," Draco said. Harry's face fell. It had been 2 months since Sirius died.

"It's fine," he lied. It wasn't fine at all. But life went on and he would make all those Death eaters pay. Draco saw through his mask too.

"I know it's not. I guess it was even more difficult since it was the only family you have."

"Besides the Muggles." Harry didn't want Draco to make him feel helpless. He knew the boy could use it against him in school.

Draco lifted an eyebrow. "Muggles aren't a real family."

"I wouldn't expect you to say it otherwise, anyway the Dursleys aren't family, that's for sure."

Harry took another sip. The Whisky made his head light and part of him forgot that he actually had to hate Malfoy. Why hate him if they were having this nice talk?

"You already asked me, but what brings you here anyway?"

"I just wanted to get a fresh nose." Draco's lip curled up slightly.

"As far as I know, The Manor isn't next door, is it?"

"Yeah. But people from that neighborhood recognize me sometimes."

"Well, I wouldn't have recognized you being a wizard, that's for sure."

"Like what you see, Harry?" Draco said seductively. Harry felt something stir in his stomach and smiled.

"You're rather presentable, yes." Harry immediately turned pink.

"You mean hot."

"Don't get your hopes up."

"Well, I must admit, you look promising this evening."

"Thanks, I guess." Draco came closer again. Harry felt too hot all of a sudden and didn't know how to act.

Draco's eyes were half closed when their noses touched. Harry closed the rest of the distance between them. It was heaven. Draco's lips on his made his blood flood to the center of his body. It wasn't like anything Harry had felt before. Not like Cho. They released and Draco looked at him.

"That was -
"Don't say how it was, you moron. We both now it was perfect." Yes. Draco had chosen the right word. Perfect.

"Let's do it again then," Harry said, and he was shocked by his own self confidence.

Both boys forgot track of time. Harry didn't even know how they ended up at the Dursleys again. Anyway Harry was shushing Draco to be quiet so that the Muggles wouldn't wake up.

"Come on, my room's up here." Harry pointed to the door and opened it up. The Dursleys wouldn't have been worried about him. They probably hoped he had killed himself or would never show up again.

"You have a small room." Draco entered and looked at Harry's mess.

"It's big enough for two people." Harry came in too, feeling ashamed he hadn't cleaned up before.

"Your bed isn't. I will be obliged to lay on you."

"Who says you aren't allowed?" They both giggled and Harry closed the door.

He turned around as Draco captured the boy's mouth with his. He could feel his stomach turn in pleasure and returned the kiss willingly.

The kiss deepened and Harry could feel Draco's tongue entering his mouth. Harry put his arms around Draco's neck and caressed the skin there as Draco pulled his waist closer. Harry moaned in pleasure. That was only a sign for Draco to take things to the next level.

He pulled Harry's T-shirt over his head and Harry started to fumble with the buttons of Draco's blouse. After about a minute of patience, Draco couldn't hold it anymore and ripped the blouse open, buttons scattering everywhere. If Harry had thought Draco would be beautiful, he had thought wrong. He was even more than that.

Disorientated by the situation, Harry couldn't think straight anymore. Draco unbuckled Harry's belt and his pants was dropped on the floor. Harry had a lot more difficulty with Draco's pants, but Draco was patient this time and let Harry do it on his pace. They sat down on the bed and that's where Harry stopped Draco in his tracks. He needed to focus. To get a grip on himself.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just- I haven't done this before. None of it."

"It's – what? You've never had sex with anyone?" Harry shook his head, feeling very embarrassed. What was he doing? Malfoy would make a fool out of him!

"It's alright. I'll do it slowly." Harry didn't feel convinced. Draco kissed him on the lips softly and sat down next to him. He still pictured the angry Malfoy from the school corridors.

"Harry. Do you want to do this?" Harry just nodded.

"Are you sure?" Draco trailed his fingers down Harry's arm and looked at him closely.

"Yeah. Do you want to?"

"Hell yes. I've waited for this moment my entire life." Harry was paralyzed for a moment and then asked.

"To have sex?"

"No. To have this moment with you." This sentence did it for Harry and then continued where they had left off. Harry's hormones flamed up again, not ready to be pushed back again. Harry lay down on his back, with Draco on top of him. Harry sought Draco's mouth again and dug his nails into the blondes back. He moaned as their erections touched.

Harry couldn't believe what was happening. The blonde on top of him was doing things to him, he only dared to imagine.

"Fuck Potter. You're so hot." Draco hissed, his words only a whisper.

Harry flushed even more and closed his eyes. He nestled his hand in the blonde's hair and was pleased by the softness of it. Draco places small kisses in Harry's neck and went down to his chest. He stopped at a pink nipple and licked it.

"Gosh, that tickles! Don't, Draco, I swear."

"Or what?"


"You'll what? Get harder?" Harry closed his mouth and looked alarmed.

"This really is your first time," Draco said laughing slightly. "Maybe you should lead then." Harry hesitated but they switched places.

Harry started by sucking Draco's earlobe and quickly got the hang of it. Harry stopped at the waistband of Draco's boxer but Draco edged him on. Harry could see his grey eyes were hazy with lust. His hand disappeared under the thin cloth. Draco closed his eyes in pleasure as Harry took his full length in his hands.

"Oh my god. This is – Harry could feel the pleasure through his own groin as he touched Draco's.

"Shh. Don't ruin it," Draco said. Harry closed his mouth and explored Draco's cock further.

"Please do something with it, Potter. Or I'll come on your hands right away."Harry looked up again, he had been caught up in Draco's penis because he just couldn't imagine something more beautiful, hot and perfect.

"I'm sorry. You said I could take things slow, right." He squeezed his balls lightly.
Draco sighed in desire. Harry stroked it a few times and then bent down. He could feel how astonished Draco was by his actions and licked the head slowly. Draco tried to buck his hips, but Harry kept them down.

He slowly took the erection in his mouth, not knowing how to do it didn't want to take it to deep and then have to gag.

"Is this alright?" Harry asked.

"It's more than fine," Draco almost cried out.

"Shh! The Dursleys are next door, remember." Harry said, his breath feeling hot on Draco.

"It's hard to think with your mouth on my -

"Don't ruin it," Harry said and used his mouth for other purposes again.

As Harry sucked harder and harder, it became difficult for Draco to keep quiet. He pulled Harry's hair, and it only turned Harry on.

"God, Harry. Please. I need you."

"You have me," harry answered, not quite understanding. If Draco hadn't been on the point of losing it, he would have smiled.

"I need you in me," he groaned. Harry almost choked in his own spit.
"I don't -

"Let me help you." Draco performed a lubricant charm on himself. Harry became anxious. He wasn't ready for this. Draco wrapped his hands around Harry's cock. Harry felt like he would explode. He was feeling things he had never felt before and he just wanted Draco to continue.

"You need to prepare me too. I'll just help you okay. First with your finger."
"My finger?" Harry knew how it went, but he had never imagined doing it himself.

"Yes, Potter. I do believe you have ten of them." Harry could feel Draco was getting annoyed, and he didn't want to spoil the night, so he got over his primness.

"O- Okay."

When Harry woke up, he felt like he hadn't slept at all, which was very close to the truth. He opened his eyes and searched for his glasses. He put them on and saw Draco had already left.

He felt a pinch of disappointment and sat back down on the bed.
He looked at his alarm clock. It was already ten o'clock. Why hadn't the Dursleys woken him? Probably didn't know he was home. Then he saw a small note next to it on the nightstand.

I had a wonderful time. See you in school.

Harry smiled. He got hard again only by thinking about what had happened the night before.

Harry woke up panting, slightly disorientated. After a few breaths he realized he had been dreaming and sighed in frustration. He was all hot and bothered, and no Draco to be seen.

He had had this a lot since that night with Malfoy. He always woke up with a hard on in his pants, and every time Harry had to sneak out so nobody would see it.

He checked if everyone was asleep and hurried to the bathroom to take care of his problem.

Weeks passed and Harry started to forget the Malfoy he had known during the holidays, and getting used to the normal Malfoy again. The Malfoy who didn't care.

Harry was so caught up in trying to forget Malfoy that he couldn't see that the person he was missing, couldn't keep his eyes off of him either. Only the attentive eye of Hermione saw what was really happening.

She saw Malfoy struggling to keep his attention to the professors. She saw him watching Harry out of the corner of his eye, impossible for Harry to see. She saw him trying to do something, but not trying hard enough.

It didn't take Hermione long to figure out by herself what was really going on between her best friend and his enemy. She had known it for a while, but didn't want to admit it to herself that it was possible. But right now she was sure of it. Both boys were crazy about each other.

She wanted to do something about it, but knew that only those two could solve their problems. She kept an eye on both boys to make sure nothing happened to them. That was all she could do.

The night of Halloween everyone was gathered in the Great Hall, which was as usual decorated with giant pumpkins,frightening bats, large spiders (Ron had refused to enter at first, but Hermione had encouraged him and had made sure to him they weren't real) and other stuff.

The meals were served and everyone was eating and talking happily to their peers. Harry poked in his roasted beef, but wasn't hungry at all. He hadn't been hungry the last couple weeks.
Hermione had noticed. As she had noticed more things.

"Harry, what's wrong with you, lately? You're not eating well."

"I'm just not hungry, Hermione." Harry put down his fork and looked up to meet his friend's eyes.

"This has to do with Malfoy, hasn't it?" she asked. Ron pulled an eyebrow as he didn't know what had been going on between the two boys. But he didn't put down his fork, he swallowed the content of his mouth and joined the conversation.

"Malfoy?" he asked.

"Ron, please. You don't see anything, do you?" Hermione shot him an annoyed glance.
"See what?" he asked. Harry sighed.

"It's nothing, 'Mione, please drop it." Harry didn't want to discuss it. It would bring up moments he had tried so hard to bury the last couple weeks.

"It's a big deal to us that you're not eating. Although Ron doesn't notice, he does care," she said, looking at Ron with a meaningful look.

"Yeah, mate. You can spill everything, you know," Ron said, filling his mouth with a half beef steak and chewing happily.

"I know. It's nothing really. I need to get some air."

Hermione sighed and dropped her cutlery. "Harry, you really need to do something about it. Go talk to him or something."

"What do I say to him?"

"Yeah, why does Harry need to talk to the bastard?"

"Ronald! Don't interfere in things you don't understand!" Hermione snapped and turned to Harry again.

"You have to try."

"I already did. It's obvious he still hates me." Ron's face was suddenly filled with utter astonishment.

"Maybe I can figure something out." Hermione looked at Harry with a pleading look.

"No. I just need some time alone. Excuse me." Harry dropped his napkin and left the table. The Great Hall was so festive that no one saw him leave.

The hall was also too festive to see that Malfoy hadn't even been in the Great Hall. Harry hadn't noticed. But he did when he bumped into someone in the hallway.

"Potter. Where have you been?"

"Right here, why?" Harry said calmly, although he was startled to find the person he wanted to avoid standing right in front of him.

"You've been ignoring me, Potter. Let me tell you something, I don't like being ignored."

"Me neither, ferret face. So get lost," Harry said, quite angry already. How did he have nerve to blame him for ignoring the git? He was the damned one who ignored him!

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Malfoy asked. Harry was too angry to hear that Malfoy's voice sounded a bit softer than usual.

"Nothing really. Just trying to be alone."

"You're not going anywhere. I've tried very hard to get you alone."

"You? Trying hard to get me alone? Don't make me laugh." This was the last thing he expected the blonde to say.
"As a matter of fact, yes Potter." Malfoy did a step forward, but Harry cut him off.

"Why did you tell me to get lost every time you had some time alone with me?"
"I – I don't know," Malfoy answered. Harry noticed his tone had slightly changed.

"You don't know? Well I do. You hate me. And I hate you, so we like to tell each other to get lost." Harry knew he didn't mean what he was saying but he felt like he had to blow off Malfoy and wanted so desperately to be alone.
"Whatever you say." Malfoy seemed uneasy.

"What do you want from me?"

"I wanted to ask why you barged in my bathroom last time."

"Are you kidding? I thought it was obvious, thickhead." Harry couldn't believe he was really having this conversation. Now he had to make apologies?

"Well it was very impolite of you." Malfoy said. Harry tried hard not to laugh. What had gotten into the boy?
"If you'll excuse me, you're wasting my time. So tell me what's going on or piss off."

"I, fuck Potter. I know what I did during the Holidays. I just got, … well, you know scared and-
Harry would have to pass by at St. Mungo's to look at his ears, because he just heard Malfoy say scared.

"Scared?" Harry asked.
"Yes, Potter. I can be scared too. Would you not interrupt me? Thank you very much." Malfoy looked everywhere but at the raven haired boy in front of him.

"Alright. Let's hear it."

"I got scared, because I didn't think it would be serious. When we came back I saw how everything's supposed to be and that I didn't fit into your world. So I sorta, you know. Tried to push you away."

"Do you really want me to believe that? I'm not that stupid." Harry felt drained, this was just a lame excuse, nothing more.

"I already thought you would be like that."

"Be like what? You were being a big asshole, you know that?"

"Yes. That was the whole point of pushing you away, smartass."

"Well, be happy. You did push me away. Now leave me alone."

Harry tried to walk away, but Malfoy stopped him.

"Don't go. I…"
"You what? You tell me this, now that I don't stalk you anymore? You suddenly miss me?"Malfoy didn't answer. It made Harry angrier.

"Just go away," Harry repeated, he turned around again, but Malfoy pulled him back with more strength than last time.
They were facing each other now, noses almost touching.

"I still want you," Malfoy whispered. It was said very soft, so that only Harry could hear it.
Harry stared into Malfoy's eyes, not wanting to believe what the grey eyed boy had just said.

"I mean it, Harry." Harry looked startled. Just as he was about to give up on the Malfoy he had known, he popped back out of nowhere. He had never heard his name spoken so softly, so intense. It sounded weird coming out of Malfoy's mouth, but at the same time it was the sweetest thing he ever said.

Harry opened his mouth to say something, couldn't come up with anything and closed it again.
Malfoy's grey eyes were fascinating and took him over completely.

Then Malfoy leaned forward. He lifted Harry's chin with one finger and Malfoy's pink lips brushed his lightly. Harry's heart skipped a few beats. He stared into Malfoy's eyes in disbelief and was shocked to find something he had never seen before. Love.

Malfoy's eyes spoke love just before he closed them and pressed his lips softly against Harry's.

The taste of Malfoy's lips made Harry swoon and crave for more. He leaned into the kiss and cupped Malfoy's cheek with his hands.

Malfoy wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, pulling him closer so that they stood chest to chest. Malfoy licked Harry's lips to ask for entrance and Harry opened willingly.

Harry's heart was thumping so loud he was afraid Malfoy would feel it through his chest and his blood was flooding to the center of his body. Their tongues intertwined. Harry made a noise in the back of his throat as he heard Malfoy moan into the kiss.

Both boys seemed to be alone on the world, undisturbed by the noise coming out of the Great Hall. It was just the two of them.

They were standing so close, Harry could feel the heat coming off the Slytherin's body. Harry trailed his fingers down Malfoy's chest as they finally came up for air.
"I still want you too, Draco," Harry said, his voice raw, but still quiet.
This was only a boost for Mal- Draco to grab the boy in front of him. Their lips locked again and Draco pushed Harry into the wall, their erections brushing past each other. Draco pulled away to catch Harry's earlobe in his mouth and Harry growled in pleasure. God he had missed this.
He dug his nails into Draco's back as Draco sucked the sensitive skin in his neck. Harry pushed his hips forward, uniting their erections again and Draco whimpered softly. Harry caught his mouth again and kissed him with more force than before.

Both boys were so caught up in each other that they didn't notice Hermione exiting the Great Hall to go look for Harry.
"Humhum," Hermione cleared her throat and both boys were startled.
"Hermione, what –

"You two should get a room. Please," she said amused. Malfoy gaped at her and Harry merely laughed.
"I'm sorry. I, … we were," Harry tried to explain. But it obviously didn't need any further explanation.

"It's alright. I'm glad you two thickheads finally admitted your feelings to one another. Malfoy's eyes almost fell out of his eye sockets.
"How do you know about this?" Malfoy asked.

"Well, it wasn't that difficult. You two were practically staring at each other all day without the other noticing. It was really funny. I'm glad it turned out well. Otherwise I would have given a push in the right direction of course."
Malfoy's face couldn't be funnier, he looked at Hermione as if she had grown a second head.

"Draco, stop looking at her like that, she's not going to eat you." Harry was very amused and it occurred to him that Draco's name tasted like a sweet pie into his mouth.

"I'm really happy things turned out right. I won't bother you any longer, you seemed really occupied for a moment." She giggled and went back into the great hall.

Harry looked at the boy in front of him and he could feel his chest swell up from happiness.
"Let's go some place safer," Harry said, and held out a hand.
Draco nodded and interlaced his fingers with Harry's.

The boys walked through the deserted castle together, both thinking about the summer holidays, and about how everything would be alright now.

The End!
Please review!

Thanks a lot for the support. I didn't expect this one shot to become a small story, but here it is! It's all thanks to my readers that it became this good.
A special thanks to easyluckyfree83 for her support and for edging me on to make this a multi-chaptered story.

I hope you enjoyed it!