A/N - So this is my first foray into writing any sort of fanfiction in years, and my first Glee piece. This story is Kurtbastian with Klaine infidelity, in case that is an issue for you. Go easy on me and reviews are the best form of encouragement. Let me know if I should keep going. It makes me nervous writing Kurtbastian since there are so many amazing writers in the fandom already.

Disclaimer – I own nothing. Seriously. Nothing.

The music is loud, thrumming throughout the small basement room where a variety of New Directions and Warblers are falling over one another, laughing, crying, shouting and singing. They've all been drinking for several hours at this point, having moved the party to Rachel's basement after a long day spent poolside. The members of the two groups are scattered around the basement, various states of dress and intoxication.

Santana has Brittany pinned against the bar in just a bright pink bra and pair of too-short white shorts. Wes, Sugar and Quinn are huddled in a corner glaring at various members of the group as they whisper frantically to one another. Nick, Jeff, Tina, Mike, Finn and Rachel are collapsed on the couch, overlapping one another so it is difficult to distinguish the couples let alone individuals. All six are shaking as they laugh at the performance in progress on stage.

Sebastian is struggling to stay upright on stage, but continues to sing with his voice seeming unaffected by the alcohol. "When I walk in the spot, this is what I see… Everybody stops and they staring at me…" Sebastian nearly trips as he spins around the microphone stand, leering at anyone that makes eye contact, "I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it." Sebastian gives his hips an exaggerated thrust which is enough to send him off balance and tumbling off the stage.

In front of the stage, Kurt collapses on top of Blaine's dazed form, where he lays in Kurt's lap, in a fit of hysterical giggles, spraying his electric blue concoction across the room and earning an exaggerated pout from Rachel. Sam looks away from where he's immersed in a complicated-looking card game, calling out to Kurt, "Hey… I think someone needs to take the Hobbit to bed. I think he's going to pass out on us."

Kurt glances down at his boyfriend, grinning when he realizes Sam is right. He clumsily shakes Blaine's shoulder enough to get his attention. When Blaine just grins blearily up at Kurt and nuzzles into his lap, eyes closing once more, Kurt frowns and calls over to Puck (who is currently pouring a splash of coke into a cup of clear liquor) for help.

Puck grins back at Kurt and picks the smaller boy up off the ground. Kurt trails behind Puck as he carries Blaine up the stairs into the living room where Trent, a couple newer Warblers, Mercedes and several of the remaining Troubletones are already passed out on a pile of blankets and pillows in the middle of the floor. When Puck goes to drop Blaine in the middle of the pile Kurt pouts and trips into the couch along one side of the room. "Over here," he demands, voice just the wrong side of a whine. Puck rolls his eyes but obliges and drops Blaine on the couch where Kurt wanted before heading back to the party.

Kurt watches Blaine sleep dazedly for a minute before he grabs a loose blanket from the floor, almost falling over when it gets caught under one of the sleeping partiers, and tosses it unceremoniously over his unconscious boyfriend. With a sloppy kiss to his forehead and a sleepy sigh from Blaine, Kurt stumbles back down the stairs and into the party where Puck presses another drink into his hand.

Kurt blinks around the basement, vaguely noting the change in music to something decidedly less karaoke with more bass than melody. He can feel the vibrations through his whole body as he takes a long sip of the drink, sputtering vaguely as it burns on the way down. He feels a warm body press close to his back and hears a teasing voice in his ear "careful, killer, or you'll be the next in the pile." The voice registers with Kurt just moments before he turned to face the other boy. Sebastian.

"One to talk, are you? You just fell off the stage." Kurt replies while looking up into the eyes of the taller boy, his words coming out only slightly slurred. Sebastian just smiles lazily in response; eyes glazed from the alcohol but otherwise amazingly steady and composed for all his performance of minutes previous indicated. The smile throws Kurt off , and his stomach gives a funny twist as he tries to think of something else to say to the other boy when it becomes clear Sebastian doesn't intend to comment.

A loud whoop from deeper in the basement startles Kurt from his thoughts, and he spins back around too quickly, a steadying hand on his hip the only thing preventing him from falling, to see Sam standing on a chair, cards floating down around him. Kurt laughs delightedly at the scene, taking another sip of his drink, this time relishing the burn. Sam turns to Kurt with a grin, shouts "New game!" and hops down from his chair.

Sam's shout attracted the attention of the room and for several minutes the room is filled with suggestions. Finally Santana starts pulling all the chairs in the room around the small table, and setting out shot glasses. Kurt thinks he sees Santana wink at someone over his shoulder as she moves to set up the game, but when he looks back the only person he sees is Sebastian so he decides he must have imagined it. Kurt wanders over to the table, not really caring what the game is. Soon everyone is crowded around the table with a shot glass filled in front of them. Kurt finds himself between Jeff and Nick and Rachel and Finn, wishing Blaine were still down here.

Santana holds up her hand and the circle goes quiet, with the exception of the occasional drunken giggle. "Okay. Game is Never Have I Ever. Easiest game ever." She glances around as if daring someone to ask how to play. Her eyes focus on Kurt. "I'll start. Never have I ever kissed a Warbler." Nick, Jeff, David, Wes, Kurt and Rachel all raise their shot glasses, Kurt grinning at the other boys and trying to ignore Rachel's attempt at meeting his eyes. They all took their shot, Kurt relishing the burn now that he expected it.

Wes bounced in his seat a little as he called out "Never have I ever given head". Several of the New Directions girls, Kurt, Sebastian, Nick, and Jeff all took their shots. Kurt grins lazily across the table where Sugar and Quinn are sitting remembering a girl's night where they drank too much and he spent the night giving pointers. Several turns pass in succession where the statements get less interesting to Kurt and the game started to swim in and out of focus despite having to drink each time ("…played football," "…sang a Broadway song," "…went to an all boys school," "…went to public school").

Suddenly the game is pulled back into sharp relief when Sebastian turns to him him a broad, daring grin and said "Never have I ever been fucked by Blaine."

Kurt raises an eyebrow, and turns to Santana, "not really the point of the game is it?" When she just shrugs and motions for Kurt to drink he makes a small show of pushing the glass lightly away from him.

"Just drink so we can get on with the game. We all know you aren't a virgin, your little hobbit can't keep a secret." Puck gripes from where he's leaning back in his seat.

Kurt rolls his eyes and says "Nuh, uh. Can't drink to that." Sebastian's eyes narrow and darken as he watches Kurt as if he were seeing something entirely new in the other boy. The others roll their eyes, declare the game boring when (in Puck's words) "people won't play fair" and start discussing new games. Ignoring the new conversation surrounding him, Kurt frowns at Sebastian, silently questioning the change and feeling distinctly uncomfortable under the heavy gaze.

Kurt's attention is torn away once more and he groans out loud when an empty bottle is tossed onto the table and a chorus of "Spin the Bottle!" erupts from the eclectic group. Visions of the last time they played this game float through his head, and he feels slightly nauseous, although that may be the excess alcohol he had during their last game. Nick spins the bottle first, apparently having suggested the game, and cheers erupt when the bottle lands on Sebastian. Sebastian shakes his head a little, as if clearing some errant thought and leans over to Nick. Sebastian's eyes find Kurt's over Nick's shoulder as they kiss. The kiss is short and chaste; it ends with Jeff pulling on Nick's collar with a frown. Sebastian winks at Kurt before reaching for the bottle.

The bottle lands on Sugar and like that Sebastian is no longer focused on Kurt. Kurt breathes a sigh of relief and leans back to watch the game unfold. Sugar kisses Tina, who kisses Artie (which makes Mike frown with jealousy), who kisses Quinn, who kisses Rachel, who kisses Finn, who spins Kurt. Kurt frowns at the bottle as everyone starts laughing the manic sort of laugh that develops after several drinks too many. Finn shrugs across the table and Kurt's frown deepens. He glances around the table and nobody seems sympathetic to him. Finn leans over and kisses Kurt's cheek briefly before waving for him to spin the bottle.

His friends continue to laugh at his misfortune as he reaches for the bottle and sends it spinning faster than he intended. As the bottle starts to slow it spins dangerously close to the edge of the table where Sebastian is sitting. The bottle nearly stops in its rotation when it tips off the table and lands in Sebastian's lap. This sets off another round of laughter, which prompts Kurt to glance around and reach across Nick and Jeff for the bottle, intending to spin again. When Kurt's hand brushes the cool glass a hand lands on his wrist and he looks up into green eyes.

"Uh, uh, princess. That bottle landed on me, I want my kiss." Sebastian purred, eyes glinting and dark as he assessed Kurt's reaction. Kurt's eyes widened and he looked around at his friends who were all shrugging or nodding in agreement with Sebastian. When his eyes connected with Sebastian's again he steeled himself and leaned across his two Warbler friends, meeting Sebastian over half way.

Kurt paused just before his lips touched Sebastian's, surprised by the warmth of the other boy's breath and the strong scent of cinnamon that was threatening to overwhelm him. Sebastian brushes his fingers tenderly along Kurt's cheek before threading them through the short hairs at the nape of his neck and tugging him forward into a hot press of lips. Kurt gasps out of surprise and Sebastian takes advantage by slipping his tongue moist and hot against Kurt's bottom lip. Instinctively Kurt reaches out to brace himself against Sebastian's shoulder, leaning into the kiss and relishing the drag of his own dry lips against the other boy's moist ones. Kurt looses track of time as he reaches out with his own tongue to tastes the overpowering cinnamon and liquor flavor that fills the other's mouth. Kurt feels light headed and as if the room is dissolving into the background. He loses track of time as he melts into the feel of Sebastian's lips on his and hands running up and down his sides.

Distantly Kurt hears excited whispers and whoops coming from his friends in the room, but the kiss doesn't end until someone shouts "get a room!" and the rest of the group dissolves into loud laughter. Although neither boy pulls entirely away, the moment is shattered and the room fades back into sharp relief. Kurt finds himself straddling Sebastian's lap, with one of his hands hot on Kurt's hip and the other remaining tangled in short hairs at the nap of his neck. Their foreheads are pressed tightly together, both boys panting heavily as they try to catch their breath.

It's this moment that Kurt will look back on and question tomorrow as well as over the next weeks, months, even years. This moment when he opens his eyes to find Sebastian's own green ones dilated and intense with desire that he is sure is mirrored in his own. This moment when he feels like the world could fall apart tomorrow as long as he gets to feel this now. This moment when he slides his hand down from where it rested on the other boy's shoulder, laces their fingers together and drags him from the room.

They are barely in the hall at the top of the stairs when Sebastian flips Kurt around and presses him into the nearest wall. Kurt feels the hot line of Sebastian pressing into him, the hot breath on his neck and the hard press of what is undeniable proof that Sebastian is feeling everything he is feeling himself. Sebastian pulls their intertwined hands above their heads and pins them to the wall as Kurt's head falls back. He presses a wet line of kisses up Kurt's neck, pausing to suck hard on the soft flesh of his ear lobe before whispering "Tell me this is happening," with his cheek pressed tight to Kurt's.

Kurt whimpers at the sound of the other's deep voice so close and turns his head to capture Sebastian's lips with his own once more. Kurt takes in everything that Sebastian gives him, drinking up the hot press of lips, the glide of soft, wet tongues and the intoxicating taste of liquor from another's mouth. As he pulls back Kurt captures Sebastian's bottom lip and suckles gently on it, nipping lightly with his teeth and drawing a long moan from the taller boy. "C'mon," he whispers against the full, kiss-reddened lips. He pulls Sebastian along with an arm possessively around his waist, dragging him up a second flight of stairs and into an empty bedroom.

Kurt shoves Sebastian into the room and stalks toward him while reaching up and slowly unbuttoning hi s shirt. Each button that Kurt pops open reveals more smooth skin and as he unbuttons his shirt, he is drinking up the slow drag of Sebastian's eyes on his hands, on his chest, on his body in general. Vaguely Kurt notes that the warmth in Sebastian's eyes feels foreign, but before his muddled mind can consider why Sebastian is pressed against him, running hands across the newly exposed flesh. Kurt mirrors Sebastian's touch, running his hands down to the bottom of Sebastian's loose T shirt and sliding his hands under the fabric. The smooth muscles he finds are far from a surprise, but seem so much firmer than he expected. As he runs his palms across the other boy's chest, Sebastian lifts his own arms to allow the removal of his shirt. Kurt scrambles for the base of the T-shirt, nearly flinging it across the room before wrapping his arms around Sebastian and pressing back against him. The warmth of their chests pressing together washes over Kurt, increasing the need that has been building since the first touch of their lips. His hands slip down and under the elastic band of Sebastian's swim trunks, cupping his ass and pulling their bodies impossibly closer together. The resulting moan that sounds from deep in Sebastian's chest vibrates through Kurt as the boys continue to kiss. Kurt kneads the flesh under his fingers as he slides his tongue deeper into Sebastian's mouth, seeking out the taste under the liquor and cinnamon that he can only call pure Sebastian.

Sebastian spins them around and Kurt topples backward onto the soft mattress, feeling like he's landed on a cloud. The sheets are cool against his overheated skin despite the warm air floating in through the open window. He allows his eyes to flutter closed as Sebastian pulls his pants down with one sharp tug and a groan of appreciation. When he hears another rustle of clothing his eyes snap back open and he knows his eyes are wide and dilated at the scene in front of him. Sebastian dropped his swim trunks and is now standing before him, all smooth lines, hard muscle and soft skin with his thick red cock standing at attention, leaking slightly. He sees a slight hesitance in Sebastian's eyes for a split second before he edges toward the bed.

Kurt swallows and reaches a hand toward Sebastian, tugging sharply when he grasps the other's hand, pulling him down on top of Kurt. Sebastian lands without an ounce of grace, limbs splayed across the bed and both boys start shaking with unrestrained giggles. Sebastian places his hand next to Kurt's head and pushes himself up so his face is just above Kurt and unintentionally slotting their hips together. Kurt is unsure who lets out the wonton moan that reverberates off the walls and causes the tension to settle back over the duo, but he feels his own hips buck up into the delicious pressure.

Sebastian lowers his mouth to Kurt, kissing deeply and seeking entrance immediately. Kurt allows him to slide his tongue in roughly, the kiss rougher and more needy than those they'd shared to this point. Suddenly as he started Sebastian's lips are gone. Kurt feels them slide down his neck, pausing to suck roughly at the base of his collar bone, before continuing down with hot, peppered kisses across his chest. Kurt lifts his head and watches Sebastian's progression, eyes locked on his, until Sebastian catches his teeth on Kurt's nipple. Kurt drops his head back and flushes at the needy sound that fills the room. He feels Sebastian smile into his chest, pepper kisses across his chest and give the same attention to the other side. Kurt feels himself harden at the unexpected pleasure to the point he can't control the small circling motion of his hips, seeking out some sort of friction.

After what feels to be a painfully long time Sebastian is laid out between his legs, nudging each one until Kurt's feet are flat on the bed with his knees bent. Sebastian licks a long stripe up his hard cock pulls back and blows cool air onto him in stark contrast to the warm air filling the room. Kurt thrusts his hips up involuntarily and Sebastian smiles up at Kurt's pleading face. Without warning Kurt feels Sebastian's hot mouth around him, swallowing deeper than Kurt thought was possible. Kurt thrust into the warmth, immediately pulling back, with an apology on his lips, to see green eyes looking up impishly at him and hands sliding around to cup his ass and pull his hips forward.

With that encouragement Kurt lets go of the last of his inhibitions, moving freely into every movement Sebastian makes. Sebastian lets a slick finger trail down the middle of Kurt's ass, applying dragging pressure to his hole. Kurt lets out a whimper and presses back against the finger before thrusting back into Sebastian's warm mouth. He repeats this action unconsciously several time before Sebastian obliges and slides his long digit into Kurt, with deep moans from both boys.

Sebastian continues allowing Kurt to move between his mouth and finger for several long minutes before slipping a second finger in and bending them both to find Kurt's prostate. When Sebastian brushes the little bundle of nerves Kurt nearly screams his name, cum spilling hot and unexpectedly down Sebastian's throat. Kurt's hips rock feebly through his orgasm, Sebastian sucking down everything Kurt gives him. Sebastian takes advantage of the pleasure to slide another long, slick digit into Kurt's tight channel, spreading his fingers and stretching Kurt slowly open. Kurt whimpers against the over sensitivity of his cock in the other boy's mouth and Sebastian slips off with an obscene pop.

Sebastian slides slowly back up to plant open mouth kisses across Kurt's face before capturing his lips and sucking greedily. The flavor of himself in Sebsastian's mouth and the desire Kurt feels from Sebastian as he sucks lightly on the other boy's tongue has Kurt hardening rapidly for a second round. After several long minutes of tender, lazy kisses Sebastian pulls back to look into Kurt's eyes. His own green surprisingly tender for as dark as they undeniably are he whispers, "I'm not reading this wrong, am I?" while moving his fingers insistently inside Kurt to emphasize his point.

Kurt whimpers and shakes his head, mouthing a silent plea, "Please. Now." Sebastian moans at Kurt's whispered words and slides his fingers out, spilling the lube down his hard length and giving himself two quick pulls to spread it. Kurt feels the press of Sebastian at his entrance, and groans at the blunt pressure. The sharp burn of Sebastian sliding into his tight hole momentarily overwhelms him. He knows his face is showing his pain when Sebastian pauses to brush some errant hairs from his forehead and murmur reassurances to him. It's the first time that Kurt can feel that Sebastian is impaired in any way as he unconsciously thrusts forward slightly, ending up fully seated inside Kurt, making Kurt's vision blur with tears and Sebastian whisper a "shit, shit, sorry," and freeze entirely.

Several deep breaths later Kurt moves experimentally, moaning when he realizes the pain has passed and he is left with a blissfully full sensation that is coupled with the drag of Sebastian's cock across his overly sensitive prostate. Sebastian leans down to recapture Kurt's lips, thrusting his tongue into his willing mouth, mimicking the movement of their lower bodies.

Kurt looses track of time with the rhythmic thrusts and slow drag of overly dry lips and hot tongues. He runs his nails up and down Sebastian's back, wanting to leave some sort of mark on this beautiful dream's skin. Something to make this night seem more real, even in the haze of alcohol and summer heat. Kurt looses track of time in the give and take, choosing to let go and feel everything Sebastian is giving him.

Before he can register the change, Sebastian's thrusts start to become irregular. He reaches between them, taking Kurt's cock in his hand and stroking it firmly. It only takes about 3 drags of Sebastian's overly dry hand over his sensitive cock before Kurt feels his orgasm washing over him. It takes him by surprise long before he is ready for the sensations to be over. He manages to stutter out a warning to Sebastian that is followed by Kurt gasping out a strangled "Bas!" as he shoots hot and sticky across both of their chests.

Sebastian eventually rolls away, Kurt frowning at the cool air that reaches him, and walks out the door to return just minutes later. Kurt feels a warm, wet cloth carefully wiping at his sensitive skin and a soothing voice murmuring to him. When Sebastian seems satisfied with his work he slips back into the bed and pulls a light sheet over them. Kurt's eyes open lazily, a small smile covering his face as he rolls and curls into the warmth of the body next to him. The last thing he remembers as he drifts into sleep is Sebastian humming softly, making his chest vibrate comfortingly under Kurt's ear. The melody seems familiar and inspires feelings of love and longing.