A/N – Here's the next part. A little Klaine interaction as well as some Furt brothers. I definitely need to work on writing Finn, sorry for anything too OCC. I hope you all enjoy! Also, I work all weekend, so I definitely wouldn't count on an update until early next week. I'm glad that there are people enjoying this story, thank you for your reviews! Please do review. Your thoughts make writing so much more entertaining. :o)

"Hey, Kurt. Wake up." Kurt felt a soft hand pressed to his cheek and a warm kiss pressed to his lips. "Come on, love." He opened his eyes to meet warm hazel ones. Smiling sleepily up at his boyfriend he wrapped reached out with his free hand to pull Blaine in for another kiss. Kurt grinned sloppily into the kiss as Blaine's warm lips moving gently against his, sparking a dark, fluttering feeling in his chest. Kurt's grin fell as the warmth and sweetness of Blaine's lips blended with the ghost of Sebastian's more passionate ones from last night.

Kurt pulls away abruptly, hand coming up to cover his mouth, guilt flooding back with the intoxicating memories of Sebastian. He can feel the ghost of Sebastian's hands running down his sides, ghost of his breath over his neck and the tingling warmth of his lips caressing Kurt's own. The memories are overwhelmingly familiar.

"Are you okay?" Blaine's concerned gaze pulls Kurt from his memories, hand still covering his lips. Kurt glances around the nearly empty room, noting that Finn is the only person left and he is shoving a blanket back into his duffel. He runs through several possibilities for this moment before responding. He figures while he could tell Blaine everything that happened last night in this moment, he really doesn't want to do this in the same place everything happened. He really does not want to talk about Sebastian with Finn across the room. He realizes he can come up with a hundred reasons in this moment not to tell Blaine, but is struggling to find one reason to tell him.

"I've been better. My head is killing me." He settles for a partial truth, and it is enough to have Blaine reaching back out to brush his knuckles against the smooth skin of Kurt's cheek. For the first time, Kurt finds he is not comforted by the gesture, to the contrary it increases the pressure growing in his chest. Kurt pushes the negative feelings aside and forces himself to focus on Blaine. Sweet, perfect Blaine.

"Do you want Finn or I to drive us back to yours then?"

Kurt barely musters up the attitude that he know both boys would expect from him at that suggestion, "and drive my baby? I don't think so." He catches Blaine and Finn sharing a small smile that shows they feel better knowing Kurt is okay enough to toss out his signature snark. Kurt stands and notices the room is spinning slightly; reconsiders his ability to drive, dips his hand in his pocket and tosses Finn his keys. "On second thought, she may be better off in your hands."

The three boys make their way out to the car and pile in. Kurt notes that on their way out they don't run into anyone else. Or see any signs of the other members of either club.

Finn and Kurt take a long way home to drop Blaine off at his own home where Kurt gives his boyfriend a short kiss and whispers "I love you." This makes Blaine's face light up as he nearly skips to the door, waving from the porch. Kurt can't help but smile sadly at the happy sight; he knows that what happened last night will hurt this innocent boy when he finds out.

When the two brothers make it safely back to their house, Kurt slips out of the car and grabs his keys back from Finn. He slips inside and tosses himself onto the end of the couch. With a sigh, Kurt pulls his laptop off the coffee table. Finn flops down into a nearby chair and flips on the TV, the ESPN logo filling the screen followed by a lame car advertisement. Kurt opens a new tab on the browser and pulls up his Facebook. The first piece of information on his newsfeed shocks him so much he has to read it three times before it starts to sink in.

3 Tina Cohen-Chang is single.

"Finn… did something happen between Tina and Mike last night?"

"You really don't remember? That was, like, the most shocking thing to ever happen at a New Directions party. And that is saying something. C'mon, it started when Mike got Britt in spin the bottle, they made out for like way longer than you and Sebastian even." Kurt flinches slightly at this, but Finn just continues on, obliviously, "Tina finally grabbed Mike and they were arguing about something I think I missed then Britt told everyone she got into that same dance program Mike is accepted to. The one Tina didn't want him going to because she of something about the NYU program being better. They spent a long time sitting on the couch talking after that, but I don't think it went very well."

"You don't think? Apparently it didn't, Tina changed her relationship status. Seriously, how did I miss this? Obviously it happened after I left, but it had to have been loud down there!" Kurt's head is spinning with the realization that he and Sebastian may be the only two who know anything more than an out of control spin-the-bottle moment went down between them. Somehow he feels both lighter and heavier with this knowledge than he has since he woke up the first time this morning.

"That's right. You and Sebastian." Finn shudders. "What happened when you guys left the room? Since you were on the couch with B this morning apparently you regained sense quick enough." Kurt rapidly considers his options. Sure Finn can be oblivious, and he has to wonder what his other friends may suspect. Regardless of that possibility, Kurt makes a snap decision to play it off as nothing.

"I'm surprised that you all didn't follow us." Kurt grins up at Finn, the teasing accusation in his voice an indication that if the tables had been reverse Kurt would have done just that. Kurt, though he'd never admit it, also wanted to know what people were likely to tell Blaine about the parts of the party he missed; if any incriminating information would make it back to Blaine before Kurt got up the nerve to talk with his boyfriend. If he decides to do so. "Would've been much more like your snoopy selves."

Finn looks sheepish, "Yeah, well, crazier things happened and sort of took priority. Looks like we made the best choice, since nothing else happened." Kurt just forces himself to smile at his brother's obliviousness and sends a silent prayer, to a God he doesn't believe in, that all the other party goers remain just as oblivious.

Kurt passes the rest of the afternoon lounging on the couch, doing leftover homework and taking occasional naps. He avoids any thoughts from last night by immersing himself in conversation with Finn when he wasn't otherwise distracted. By the time his phone buzzes with an incoming text he's has almost managed to fool himself into believing last night was nothing more than an intense dream.

From Sebastian Smythe (4:34 pm): Are you still coming over?

Kurt's breath catches in his throat, his mind filling with pictures of Sebastian stretched

From Kurt Hummel (4:51 pm): Are we going to talk about last night?

From Sebastian Smythe (5:05 pm): Will we still get coffee if I say yes?

From Sebastian Smythe (5:06 pm): We can do whatever you want.

From Sebastian Smythe (5:06 pm): I just want things to be the same.

From Sebastian Smythe (5:08 pm): Or whatever you want.

Kurt frowns at the onslaught of incoming messages and picks up his phone after the fourth one, dialing Sebastian's number.

"Kurt?" Sebastian's voice sounds anxious in a way that Kurt can't remember ever hearing from the other boy and Kurt can't help the fond feeling welling up for the other teen.

"Deep breaths." He greets the other boy with a slight laugh. "We can still get together; I just didn't think you'd want to since I didn't see you this morning. Figured you'd be recovering from at least as massive a hangover as I've had today."

"I've felt okay today, actually. I didn't drink that much last night. I mean, I did but… not. I guess. And I must've misjudged how out of it you were when I did leave. I tried to say goodbye, but you were about to pass back out. I actually wanted to talk then. As soon as you left the room, really." Sebastian sounds slightly shaken and rambles in a way that makes Kurt nervous, a feeling he's not used to when it comes to his confident friend.

"'Bastian. Please. Stop." Sebastian sucks in a deep breath on the other end of the line, and Kurt can't hear the exhale, but knows it's the other boy's attempt at calming himself. Which makes Kurt feel suddenly calmer. "Is anyone else gonna be there?" He asks with a glance toward Finn, knowing Sebastian will understand he's really asking if Blaine is joining them this afternoon or not.

"I haven't talked to our little hobbit friend. I can if it would make you more comfortable, but I wanted time with just my best friend." Kurt can't help but smile at the causal way Sebastian talked about the two of them, recalling a time when Sebastian struggled with labeling his relationships even when it came to friends. The night Kurt first heard Sebastian use the label for Kurt was one of his current favorite memories from the beginning of this summer.

Kurt and Sebastian were laying in the grass at the local park both dressed in slacks and white undershirts. Button ups and ties had been discarded hours earlier. It was well after midnight and the late night spring air was cool around them but they were still basking in the joy of graduation. The excitement in the air, even hours after the ceremonies and parties had passed, was palpable between the two.

"You have to admit, there is something symbolic in watching the sun rise the morning after graduation, the first morning of the rest of our lives, our adult lives." Kurt was staring at the stars, speaking softly into the dark. His own head was just inches from where Sebastian's lay, almost on the other boy's shoulder. "Although, if anyone had told me three months ago that I would be here with you, of all people, I'd have definitely thought they were crazy."

He'd turned his head to look at the profile of the other boy, admiring for a minute the way the moon light reflected off already tanned skin. Sebastian seemed to feel Kurt's gaze as he turned just slightly into it, glowing green eyes meeting Kurt's blue ones. "I know what you mean. I thought you were a boring gay-face who would always be more annoying than fun." The look in Sebastian's eyes was playful, as it had been so often when they traded insults like this recently, so Kurt grinned and fired back.

"And you were a smirky meerkat who smelled like craigslist and was only talking to me because your slutty self wanted my boyfriend." Kurt hesitated when he saw a flash of vulnerability and Sebastian's face hardened slightly.

"Who says I'm not still just playing you for Blaine?"

Kurt frowned at the implication. "You know you love me. In fact I know you love me, you are here after all. And if you're after Blaine, you kind of suck at execution because you haven't seen him in over a week."

Kurt relaxed as Sebastian laughed, "Well I never was very successful, maybe a change in tactic will serve me better. Besides, how do you know I wasn't expecting him to be here tonight."

"Because I'm the one who had to talk you into doing this with me." Kurt smiled brightly at his new friend. "And including B was never part of the plan. This is a graduate only event, and you knew that. You agreed that was exactly what you wanted too." Kurt winked at the other boy, and he could have sworn he saw Sebastian's cheeks darken. Kurt shook his head and passed it off as a trick of the light.

"Well I kind of had to. Can't let my best friend down, now can I?" Kurt was momentarily stunned. It wasn't like hadn't felt the changes over the past few months, with Sebastian slowly becoming the person he turned to when he needed a friend or just wanted to gossip. It was hearing the words fall so effortlessly from Sebastian's lips that stopped Kurt's heart for a millisecond.

Sebastian had always been willing to talk through Kurt's issues, but aside from one conversation with a very drunken Sebastian following one of his father's

Kurt playfully reached out a hand and felt at the other boy's forehead, then rested the back of his hand against Sebastian's cheek."Are you sure you're feeling okay. Am I really here with Sebastian?" Even as he joked with Sebastian, he could feel a flush of pride for the other boy. It was amazing how different he seemed since the first time the duo had met, months previous in the Lima Bean.

"Kurt… Kurt! Are you still with me?" Sebastian's voice cut sharply into his reminiscing.

"Oh, uh huh, I'm here. Sorry, just zoned out a little." Kurt apologized to the other boy, "What were you saying?"

"I was just asking if you were okay to drive over or if you wanted me to swing by and get you, but I think you answered my question. I'm leaving now, I'll see you in about 15." Sebastian's voice was warm and affectionate, and Kurt had learned to accept the other boy's protective streak, so he didn't fight the offer.

Kurt hummed slightly in agreement. "Drive safe then, see you soon."

"Will do. Bye for now." Kurt could hear Sebastian's smile through the phone before the line went dead.

He glanced up to see Finn smiling at him, knowing that his brother was endlessly amused by the pair's relationship. He'd long since given up trying to explain his friendship with Sebastian to anyone outside of Blaine (who still didn't really understand their dynamic).

"Only the two of you could make out one night the way you were then hang out the next like nothing happened." Finn laughs a little at his, admittedly inaccurate, observation. Kurt doesn't have it in his heart to correct Finn, mostly because he is clinging to the hope that when Sebastian arrives at his doorstep things really would feel like they were before the events of last night.