I always noticed you.

I always wanted you.

I wanted you to see me, but it seems as if my efforts were useless.

I saw you as a beautiful person, a person who couldn't be touched.

I had to give you up though.

I was losing everything I worked for because you distracted me too much.

I didn't want to give you up.

Oh god, I never wanted to.

You were the sole object that made my day.

I am writing this note today, simply because I wanted you to know I want to die.

I couldn't take it when you died.

It hurt too much.

I fell into a depression.

My grades began to fail, and my hopes of a bright future were extinguished.

I couldn't live if I couldn't have you by my side.

I wanted to see you.

I wanted to hold you.

I wanted so much to bring you back, and make sure that you were fine.

I wanted you to be okay, and unharmed.

This was the reason I killed myself today.

I couldn't live without you.

I hope I will see you again.

Ich liebe dich.

I decided to finish this! And for any people who want me to actually start another fic to from this, please do say so, because I might have already have an idea. SO, I hoped you like it!