Disclaimer – I don't own Vampire Academy.

Rose's P.O.V

I open my eyes and the first thing I see are green eyes looming over me. She has a cruel smile on her once gentle face. I feel her hands trail up my arms and to my neck.

"Sabrina?" I ask and gently move her arm away. She cocks her head and looks down at me before attaching her hand to my neck once again, this time giving it a little squeeze.

"Sabrina's gone, Rose." She says. "I know you lost your memory, but you can't possibly forget me." Her voice doesn't belong to Sabrina, it belongs to Becca. Wait, Becca! Before I could move Becca latches both of her hands on my neck and tightens, cutting off my air. I thrash under her, moving my arms and fingers, the small scratches do little to deter her from strangling me. My breath is almost gone; I can feel the tightening of my lungs as they try to obtain something that's just not there.

With my remaining strength I managed to get one good punch on her, which managed to get her off me. Becca (or Sabrina) is human, but I gave a weak punch so I'm not sure on how that's gonna affect her. I jump off the bed and quickly pick up what I believe is an old fashioned phone. I tear the cord out the wall and look back just in time to see Becca lunge at me, I dodge last minute and roll on the floor. I make out Becca's head hit the corner of the end table.

Her scream bounces off the walls as she holds her bleeding head. I quickly take the phone, which I happen to still have in my hands and I take the cord and whip it in Becca's direction. By the scream I suppose I hit the right spot. Without thinking I slam the telephone into her head, one, two, three times till she stops moving.

My breathing is labored as I look down at Becca's bloodied body. Did I kill my torturer? Or did I kill my savior? Did a kill this person in general?

I look closely at her body, trying to find the differences between her and Sabrina.

They're wearing the same clothes, same hairstyle and the same stupid charm bracelet. I flicker her hair off her face. Yup, same face.

Same person?

Sabrina was so nice, Becca is so evil! How can they be the same, they're two different people. Wait! Two different people, not so much. Two different personalities. Ding, ding, ding – we have a winner.

Everyone that worked at the Clinic had some sort of metal disorder. Maybe, Sabrina's was a duel personality. My memory was fuzzy everything, yet the more I thought about it, the more my memory resurfaced. The closer I got to remembering something, the thing I forgot…

I remember them saying something about a baby, not my baby! I don't have one.

I take one last pitiful look at Sabrina/Becca and frown before taking off the bloody sheet. I can tell that Sabrina fixed my wounds, adding bandages one then and even drawing a smiley face on them with permeate marker. I sigh. Maybe, if she lives, Sabrina can get help.

I look in the closets yet find no clothes around; of course it was just a motel room and not her house, there for no clothes. I huff and look around but the only clothes was my torn and bloody dress and Sabrina's clothes which are bloody and she's about two sizes to small. The only choice I had was one of the clean sheets on the bed. I take one look at Sabrina/Becca's body and take the sheet and wrap it around my body tightly. I wrap it around my body several times since the sheet was thin and look a little transparent. The sheet is a crème color with floral designs and after wrapping it, it comes to about a couple of inches below my knee. I wrap the top onto a knot to keep it around me securely.

I pick through Sabrina/Becca's pocket and snuff out some keys. I leave the motel room. Outside its pretty much dead. The motel we're in had three of the letters in motel out. Only one car in the parking lot is a rusty pick-up truck, it pretty much screamed Sabrina. I run towards it and quickly put the keys into lock and jump into the van. From the blood streaks on the seats I could tell that Sabrina drove me to the motel here.

Now to figure out where I am…

I turn on the car and it rumbles to life with a bunch of squeaks and groans. "Nice car, Sabrina." I mutter as I drive off. I take a look in the rear view mirror to see a shadow moving in the room we were once in. I adjust the mirror to get a better look yet it falls to the floor. I groan again as I get out the parking lot.

I try to get a view of my surroundings yet come up empty. All I can tell is that this is a small town, very small. I only go to main roads, where I might be able to spot a car or to two. I don't know where the Clinic is, yet it has to be near.

How'd I end up in that forest? Why was the real reason I was at the Clinic? Why are all of them crazier then me? I groan for the hundredth time as I seem to be going in circles around the small town. To make matters worse the truck is almost out of gas and I have no money, hell, I have no clothes! I turn the car and park into the parking lot of a small corner store. I lock the doors and roll up the windows. Incase Becca comes back and recognizes this car I might have a chance to roll her over.

Yet I don't want to, rolling over her will result in rolling over the sweet yet slightly annoying girl, Sabrina.

I relax in the car and look out in the night sky. The clouds somewhat blocked the moon, giving it an eerie, gothic feel to it.

Is this over?

Is the nightmare gone, am I awake? Why do I feel like the dark clouds are still ahead, the rain still pouring? Why am I still alone? What I'll give to have Lissa sitting beside me, talking form a range of nail polish colors to the Moroi government, or Sparky, annoying the hell out of me and secretly making me laugh, or Adrian who's drinking and offering me a cigarettes while making sexual comments. Maybe even Sydney who tends to blabber about almost everything in the universe and after a five minute conversation I can perform an hour long oral report of the String Theory.

Then there's Dimitri, who I just want to hold me and tell me everything will be better. I'm not usually a person who needs comfort, yet even I'll admit its desirable – especially from my boyfriend.

Who I may or may not want to marry.

I turn my head back to the moon, the clouds and even the small stars that shine. I can't help but think that my friends may be watching the same sky.

Lissa's P.O.V

I hold onto Christian as we slow dance in the living room to a song on an old cassette tape. His strong arms providing a shield from the world beyond. One that threatens to eat me alive and chew me out. Not that there's many pieces left.

Christian is my rock, without him I'll certainly fall. I hate that I have to depend on someone else, by its Christian. He's my husband. I still in some way can't believe I got married without Rose beside me, it might seem heartless yet the wedding was postponed till she got back but after all the dark months, the constant threat of her being gone weighing on me I needed something to smile about. After Rose went missing things just went from bad to worse.

At first I was hopeful; Adrian and I have some of the most powerful magic in the world. I was confident we'll find her. Then we actually tried the dream walking, Adrian was very worried that he couldn't find her – thinking the worse. You can't dream walk someone who's dead. I tried and got the same result. Yet I couldn't let myself think Rose was dead, even though we're not bonded I would have still felt something. When you lose the connection with your best friend you'll feel it, I think.

Adrian was very persistent and so was I. We kept trying and trying to reach her, one of the clue's that she wasn't dead was that we felt her almost, like we knew she was there yet for some reason we could break the barriers and touch her. It was a shred of light, yet disperses quickly when we didn't progress from that. I'm Queen and using to much magic would have caused mental instability, plus I was pregnant. I was hoping to get married before people noticed yet luck wasn't on my side. No amount of alcohol in the world could tame Adrian and after three months we had no choice but to put him in a mental asylum.

Sydney's ass of a father actually came to court, or as he calls it the 'Devil's playground' and told Sydney off, telling her that he was right and she was wrong and a stupid girl for falling in love with a vampire and even more one that fell for a unstable vampire. Sydney left court in tears and heart break, from what I know she's still sending Adrian love letters, telling him to get better.

Things didn't take a good turn for me either. Due to magic use and stress I end up losing the baby. The only thing that I could really look forward to was also gone. I cried non-stop for weeks. To make matters worse I'm no somewhat infertile. I can still have children – thank god, yet it won't be easy and I'll have to have major bed rest during those pregnancies. Even with that it's a 50/50 chance the baby will survive. Our doctor sure doesn't know how to sugar coat.

I don't even want to mention Dimitri. Once I seen him in the bar, drinking more the Adrian. At night he looks totally unaffected yet I can tell he's constantly battling a major hang-over.

Yet Christian and I still pick up the pieces of hope. We do random romantic things with each other, like going to a fancy dinner or having a midnight picnic, or like now – slow dancing to an 80's love song. We do it simply to tell each other we love you. We don't want to end up like Rose and Dimitri, who never got the last 'love you' to each other. From what I hear they actually fought the last time they say. Yet I didn't ask.

Christian backs away and smiles down at me. "Let's go outside." He gently pulls me to our patio. The moon light shines down on us and the people below us. Outside is a blue blanket. I smile as I remember the last time I saw this.

It was the same blanket we used when we first made love in that church all those years ago. We both lie on it and look up at the stars.

Since the court is in the middle of the woods we actually can see the stars pretty well out here. I can point out several constellations; thanks to Sydney telling me which constellations was which. All I knew was the big dipper.

"What do you think she see's?" I ask and we both know who 'she' is. Always during one of our romantic moment we bring up Rose.

"Hopefully the moon, the stars. Or Mason." At least Christian is being honest, which is the most I can ask for. He's right to, she might be seeing the inside of a horrible basement, gagged and beaten or the sky we're seeing. Or Mason in heaven.

"I hope she's happy." I say while intertwining my fingers with Christians.

"That's all we can hope for."