AN: Hi dear readers! This is a continuation to the episode "The Company" 7x20. It is an extension from the story, "The Bottom Line". You don't have to read that one, but it's a good read, too *wink*. I am doing something different with this, posting as I go, so bear with me. This is dedicated to Michelle, teamshemar, who gave me the prompts to use, starting with today's prompt: Hot Wax. (I bet I didn't use it the way you thought I would? hee hee)

Chapter 1

Chicago branch of the FBI...

For a long time, Derek just sat there, soaking up the warmth of Penelope. Slowly, ever so slowly, the tears that threatened dissipated, and he was left with an aching in his chest, like a volcano about to erupt, and now it disappeared. He had to thank the girl on his arm right now for that. It was amazing how calming it was for him to have Penelope near him, like a blanket of peace, wrapped around him snugly and tucked under his chin for good measure. He hadn't been lying to her when he'd said she was his solace so many years ago. She was then and she still was now.

She turned her face to kiss his bicep. "Okay, my love. Where to now?"

"I don't know," he replied honestly, sighing softly. "I hadn't thought that far ahead. The rest of the team is heading back, but I asked Hotch if I could stay behind, be with my family. Des is still in the hospital, so…"

He let his voice trail off. He didn't want to suggest that she stay with him. She had her own life, a boyfriend who may or may not be her fiance by now, and her own responsibilities. Anyway, he could handle it.

Penelope nodded and put her cheek against his shoulder. "Makes sense."

At that moment, they heard a knock. Reid popped his head around the corner of the doorway.

"Ah, Garcia?"

She continued leaning against Derek's arm, as if she completely belonged there. Derek knew the truth: she did.


"Hotch wanted me to tell you wheel's up in thirty… if you wanted to catch a ride home with us?"

Imperceptibly, Derek stiffened. He'd known he didn't want to be alone tonight; he just hadn't known how badly until that moment. The idea of Penelope leaving…

He didn't have anything to worry about. She looked over at the genius, snuggled in just a touch closer to Derek, and then shook her head but slightly.

"Okay." Reid gave them the slightest grin—closed lips, no teeth—and then nodded. "See you guys Monday."

Once Reid left, Derek said, "Penelope… you don't have to do that."

"I want to," she replied. She had a devilish gleam in her eyes. "It's not like I had anything planned…"

He chucked and grinned back at her. "You didn't, huh?"

"No." She shrugged. "I was going to wax my legs—had the hot wax all melted—but I thought you might have needed me more that I needed to be prettified."

He kissed the top of her head again. "Thanks, baby."

"Are you staying at your mom's house?" she asked, looking up at him with curious blue eyes.

He shook his head. "No. My auntie is staying there with Cindy and her boy. It gets too crowded, and I wanted to give them some time and space… after…"

Again, that overwhelming anger and sadness washed over him. He thought about how much of his cousin's life he'd missed, about what that bastard had done to them and what he'd done himself. He'd given up hope, and that's what made him the most angry.

"Oh. Oh, no," she said, leaning back from him. She was looking at him disapprovingly.


"You got a pinchy face, like you're thinking bad things Here I am, volunteering to stay in Chi-town with you, and you're thinking negatively." This time, she shook her head and even made a tsking sound. "That simply won't do."

He grinned. "You're right. I was. Forgive me?"

"I do! And I've got an idea," she said, turning to face him.

"What's that?" he asked, liking the twinkle in her eye.

Her smile was huge and excited. "How about we go back to my hotel—you can share my room, and I don't even have to call dibs this time—"

"Baby Girl…"

Ignoring him, she continued. "And we can get an uber famous Chicago style pizza and veg out." She tilted her head, giving him a hopeful look. "Sound good?"

"Sweetheart, it does, but I don't want to impose."

"Impose shimpose," she said, waving her hand in the air. "I got two double beds, like I need them both. And don't worry, this will not be like a bad romantic comedy where the clerk at the hotel tells us there's been a mix up and now there's only one bed, and we end up sleeping together and making mad passionate love… Well, not right away, at least. "

That made him chuckle again. "You're awful."

She grinned. "I'm wonderful, and you know it."

"That I do."

She stood. "Come on, sugar lips. This is your town; you lead the way."

Once they reached the hallway, he draped his arm over her shoulders. "This feels good, having my baby girl in my town. Thanks for staying."

She sighed happily, slid one arm around his waist, and then reached her hand up where his was dangling over her shoulder. "It's my pleasure."

They took a few more steps.

"But you still owe me a leg wax," she continued as they entered the elevator.

Derek pressed the floor button with a smirk. "You know… I could help you with that."

That made her blink. "What do you know about leg waxing?"

"Nothing," he admitted, but then he pulled his shirt out of his waist band and pointed to his rather bare tummy. "However, I've done my abs and my chest." He flexed and made his abs undulate. "Shows off definition."

She pulled a face. "Really?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She winced. "That had to have hurt, especially on your chest."

"Not really. Better than you girls and your Brazilian waxes." He shrugged, and then he began to grin. "Tell me, sweetness… You do that south of the border wax thing?"

Just as he'd expected, he watched her turn a luscious shade of pink that covered her from her cheeks all the way to her collarbones. He loved that she blushed so easily. She teased mercilessly, but when it came down to it, she wasn't as naughty as she was nice.

Still, her bravado picked up immediately and she lowered her lashes in a consummate flirt. "Ah, mon cher, that is for me and my boudior partners to know..."

"Thought I'd ask," he said innocently, and then he couldn't resist; he winked and added, "in case you needed help with that, too."

"Morgan!" she cried, slapping his arm as the pink flush turned red with mortification.

Chuckling, he looped his arm around her shoulders again and headed out the now open elevator doors.