By Googlekins

Swan Queen


Henry Mills was supposed to be asleep. He was supposed to have been asleep for hours, but his eyes were as wide as saucers, his entire body buzzing with excitement. As he heard Regina, his adoptive mother, moving about down stairs turning off lights and closing curtains, he knew she'd be heading up the stairs soon. It was almost time for him to initiate what he liked to call "Secret Sequence B," his latest amendment to Operation Cobra.

Regina's heels could be heard as she gracefully ascended the stairs. Henry shut his eyes and pulled the covers over his head, as he knew she'd be opening his door to check on him before she went on to her own bedroom. He held his breath as he heard his door creek open and a very soft voice say, "Sweet dreams, Henry."

There was a moment of silence, then the door quietly shut.

Henry opened his eyes and sat up, his covers staying up on his chest.

That was weird, he thought. Does she do that every night? Henry didn't know, but he had a mission and could spare no time worrying about that now.

He threw his covers down and jumped out of bed. Tiptoeing as gently as he could, he grabbed his flashlight and made his way to the bedroom door. Turning the handle ever so carefully, he cracked it open.

Regina's shower was on, and he could hear her humming. It was a sweet tune that gave him a faint sense of familiarity, like he'd heard it somewhere before. He began to wonder what else this woman's normalcy entailed after he'd gone to bed every night.

Pushing that thought aside, he continued on with his plan.

Opening the door just enough for him to slip out, he slipped through quickly and shut the door behind him.

The hall was dark, the only light present coming from the light in Regina's room flooding through the crack at the bottom of her closed door.

Henry walked backwards down the hall, keeping a close eye on that door, ready to run back to his room if it showed any sign of being opened.

Once he reached the top of the stairs, he spun around, flicked on his flashlight, and as quietly as he could, ran down them. He ran across the foyer, through the dining room, and into Regina's office. Closing the door behind him with a soft click, he turned and made a beeline for the large oak desk, pushing the huge chair out of the way.

The top drawer was locked, so he tried another which was also locked. Each drawer was locked, or contained only office supplies such as pens, staples, and things of no interest to Henry. Sitting in the huge chair with a humph, he crossed his arms, scrunching his face in defeat. Then out of the corner of his eye he spotted a flash of silver.

Henry sat up, looking at what seemed to be a tin box hidden inside a large bonsai tree next to the wardrobe in the far corner of the office.

Hopping out of the chair, he almost skipped to the tree, carefully freeing the shiny tin box from its branches.

It, too, was locked he noted with a frown. A double latch lock, and a pad lock secured its contents, whatever they were. It all seemed a bit excessive to Henry, which only amplified his desire to open it. Stuffing it under his arm, he pointed his flashlight in front of him as he ran through the door, across the dining room, then the foyer and up to the top of the stairs where he froze. Quickly turning off his flashlight, he saw that Regina's light was still on. The shower was turned off, but he still heard humming. That same haunting tune - it seemed to make him sleepy. Again, he shrugged it off, and quickly tiptoed to his room, slinking in the door and locking it behind him.

As he threw the flashlight back on the table it made a loud clattering sound. Henry's mouth dropped. Now you've done it! Thinking quickly, he threw the tin box into his back pack with his book and grabbed his head, laying on the floor next to his bed.

Almost immediately, Regina ran in to the room, throwing the light switch on.

"Henry, what on earth is going on?" Regina asked harshly.

Regina's face softened when she saw Henry laying on the floor, holding his head and grimacing.

"Owwwch," Henry faked.

"Oh, Henry, are you hurt?"

"Just bumped my head," Henry said as Regina helped him off the floor.

"Let me see."

Henry panicked, but only for a moment. Just before he pulled his hand away, he made sure to press onto his skin, leaving a red mark in its wake.

Regina smoothed the mark with her thumb and patted his cheek.

"You'll live," she winked.

Did she just wink at me? he wondered.

Helping him into bed, Regina pulled the covers over him and tucked the edges into him, just as you would a young child. Henry couldn't help himself, and he smiled up at her.

She ran her fingers through his hair, as she turned to leave. Her hand lingered on the light switch for a moment.

She looked over her shoulder at Henry who was already falling asleep. Flicking off the light switch, she began humming, sending Henry quickly into a deep and enchanting sleep.

"Don't forget your back pack this time!" Regina yelled as Henry was half out the front door. Skidding to a halt, he reversed direction and ran up the stairs, threw open his door, grabbed his bag, and ran back down the stairs and out the door. The door slammed shut.

"Have a good day at school..." Regina said quietly to herself from the kitchen for no one to hear.

Henry spent his entire day in anticipation of Emma Swan picking him up from school. It was a rare indulgence Regina allowed.

Three o'clock finally came, and as the bell rang he waved goodbye to Miss Blanchard, err, Snow White, as he bolted for the door.

Running down the hallway, out the front double doors, and down the front stairs of the school, he saw Emma waiting across the street and sped up his pace even faster. Emma was smiling and reached out as Henry approach, enveloping him in a hug as he leapt mid air, landing in her arms.


Emma laughed "Hey Kid! How was school?"

Still wrapped around Emma, he pulled back to look at her, smiling.

"No time for that. We have business to discuss!"

Emma quirked one eye brow as he leaped to the ground.

"Ok, is this Cobra related by any chance?" Emma played along.

"Oooooh yes. And I hope you have pliers!"

Emma frowned, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Wait, what?" she called after Henry, who had started pulling her by the hand towards the Sheriff's station.

Henry dropped his back pack on the floor, and Emma sat down in her desk chair.

"Kid, what is this about?"

Henry just smiled mischievously and opened the bag. Pulling out the tin box, he set it gently down in front of Emma who eyed it skeptically, looking from the box, to Henry, to the box again. Emma's curiosity got the better of her.

"Where did you get this? And why is it part of Cobra?"

Henry explained how he snuck into his mother's office, and found it hidden in her bonsai tree. Emma was more than a little impressed at his boldness, but even more so worried about Henry's behavior.

"Henry, you know it's not a good idea to go messing around with your mother's private things!"

"I know, but I just had to find something, ANYTHING to prove that she's evil!"

Emma just looked at him sadly. She knew Regina was a difficult woman, but even Regina deserved a little acceptance and understanding.

"Look, kid, I don't have anything to open this right now, and we only have 30 more minutes before I have to get you home," Emma said. "Why don't we go get some cocoa and I'll keep this here? Maybe, and I do mean MAYBE, I'll open it later."

Henry nodded and shrugged. Emma stood up and grabbed his hand, leaving the tin box on her desk as they walked out, heading for Granny's and some hot cocoa with cinnamon.

Emma walked through the doors of her office and sat with a thud in her chair. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she leaned forward onto her desk, resting on her elbows.

Regina had scolded her for not being punctual in returning Henry for dinner. Emma stood there like a deer in the headlights as Regina spat insult after insult at her. Henry had recoiled and ran upstairs, slamming his door moments before Regina slammed her front door on Emma's face. Anger and confusion rising in her like a volcano about to erupt, Emma had stormed heatedly down main street to her office, ignoring any greetings from passers by, and scowling at a very fidgety Dr. Hopper.

Now in her office, she fought off an impending migraine and wondered why she continued to take such abuse from the infuriating woman.

Her hands fell to the surface of her desk and she opened her eyes. The box - she'd forgotten about the box.

Suddenly, not caring that it would be an invasion of privacy, she grabbed it.
Emma pawed at the locks and used her fingernails to try and pry it open. Unsuccessful, she threw it onto her desk again. Standing up from her chair so forcefully that it skidded backwards, she ran to the supply closet on the other side of the room. After rummaging through it for a few moments, she stalked back to her desk with three screwdrivers, a hammer, and her gun in tow.

First, she tried the screw drivers. She succeeded in freeing the pad lock, but the second lock seemed to be almost welded in place.

Grabbing the hammer, Emma lifted it high over her head, and closed her eyes as she swung forward with all her might. The hammer hit the lock with a sickening clank. No luck. She hit it again and again. Still the lock would not budge. Throwing the hammer across the room with a growl, she grabbed her gun off the counter.

Aiming it at the lock, she closed her eyes tight.

"This had better work!" Emma muttered under her breath.

She pulled the trigger. The shot was extremely loud in the confines of the tiny office, and Emma's ears were ringing.

Opening one eye and peering down, she saw the lock was broken. There was also a hole through her desktop, but she'd worry about that later.

With a sigh and a victor's smile, she lay her gun down and picked up the tin box as if it were a fragile flower.

She almost laughed out loud as she took it to her seat and sat down with it in front of her. She slowly removed the locks and dropped them on the tile floor with a clink.

Grabbing each side, she lifted the lid.

Inside she found a lot of paperwork, mostly having to do with Henry's adoption. There was his birth certificate, two tiny booties, a social security card, some "baby's first birthday" cards, one of which was even from Mr. Gold. Rummaging on, she also found an old apartment lease contract from the year Henry was a baby and an employee parking decal for a place called "Merc."

Vaguely, Emma recalled merc, meant girl in French. Slightly intrigued, Emma dug deeper into the box finding a lighter also bearing the word Merc and a few papers dealing with Henry's adoption, including a legal document with Emma's signature on it.

"What the..." Emma said out loud as she came across an envelope.

Turning it over and over in her hands, she debated on what to do, of course deciding to open it in the end.

Ripping off one end and quickly removing the contents, she stared in shock. Eyes widened, mouth dropped, and a strangled sound came from the back of her throat as she choked on her own spit.

In her hands, she was holding pictures. A young woman with long dark hair and a body that would put Cindy Crawford to shame was turned away from the camera, her black lace thong and red high heels her only clothing.

"WHOA!" Emma exclaimed as she continued to stare at the photo.

"Who knew Regina was into dominatrix porn?" Emma almost giggled.

She flipped to the next photo, almost falling out of her seat. The dark-haired woman was half turned, looking at the camera over her shoulder and grinning in a devilish manner.

One leg was up on a chair, a hand clearly cupping a breast.

"Wait…Wha…OH. MY. GOD!" Emma shouted as she felt a feverish blush spring to her cheeks. She was staring into the same eyes that only an hour ago had been screaming at her about Henry. Those same eyes that looked wantingly at her through the photo were the same eyes that coldly watched every move Emma made.

She was staring at the naked back side of Regina Mills.

Feeling faint, Emma re-situated herself in her chair and tried desperately to calm her breathing. For some reason, though, she couldn't bring herself to look away. The flawless skin, the perfect rounding of Regina's hips, her toned butt and powerful, muscled thighs – it was all too much to take in. Emma blushed again as a familiar wetness began make its way into her panties.

Gulping loudly, Emma braved moving to the next picture.

Emma whimpered as she looked at a full frontal view of a younger Regina leaning on a pole, still only clad in that black lace thong and red heels. Emma was sure drool was running down her chin. Her skin was overheated and sensitive enough that she had to shift in her seat to alleviate some of the tension she was feeling.

Regina had her right leg wrapped around the pole, her right arm stretched up above her, grasping the pole as she leaned against it. Her left hand on her hip, breasts small but shapely and staring back at her. Emma tore her eyes away and glanced up at Regina's face. She was smiling seductively, but her expression was passive. Emma though it almost looked as if she were trying to escape, wishing she weren't there almost completely naked and humiliated.

Emma felt a pang of sympathy and frowned.

Continuing on, the next picture was of Regina and another girl who happened to be completely naked.

Emma's was surprised at how upset this one picture made her. Who was this little red head with nipple rings and a tattoo of Minnie Mouse on her hip bone? The red head had her arms around Regina's waist, and was licking Regina's shoulder.

Emma was fuming. But why? This nameless red head shouldn't be spurring such hostile emotions. Emma shook her head and went to the next picture.

It was clearly a motion shot. Regina and the red headed woman were dancing on a stage quite provocatively, and touching each other as they did so. The red head had one of her hands on Regina's breast, and Emma let out a primal growl in the back of her throat.

She no longer cared if it made sense or not, she did not like this red head, and she was furious with Regina.

Blinking a few times, Emma calmed herself.

What is WRONG with me? Emma thought.

Thinking it'd be best if she just put the photos back in the envelope and took it all back to Regina, she stuffed them inside the box, grabbed her coat, and headed out the door, still feeling confused, aggravated, and not a little turned on.

Emma did not falter in her determination until she reached Regina's front door. She paused a moment, trying to figure out what to say and how to go about getting the box back to Regina without incurring her ever prominent rage.

As she stood there lost in thought, she didn't notice the curtains slightly pulling back and dark brown eyes peering at her.

Emma almost jumped backwards when the front door flew open, and a very irritated Regina came to stand inches from Emma's face.

"Miss Swan, CAN I help you?" She crossed her arms and tapped a bare foot.

Emma stared blankly at Regina, the mayor of Storybrooke, the adoptive mother of her son, the most exotically beautiful woman Emma had ever seen.

Emma's face scrunched up at that last thought. So weird.


Regina dropped her arms to her side and approached closer, now standing nose to nose with Emma. Emma gulped loudly.

Regina glanced down slightly at what was in Emma's hands. She froze, unable to breath, unable to make a sound. She glanced back up to Emma who had a look of both worry and apology.

Regina's eyes instantly watered, and she slowly reached for the box. Emma let it slide gently into Regina's grasp and dropped her hands to her side, attempting a half smile.

Regina looked down, noting that the locks were gone, and she bit her lower lip. Unable to lift her head, she gripped the box tightly and exhaled, the fire gone out of her.

"Would you like some cider, Miss Swan?" Regina asked, almost too softly for Emma to hear.

Taking a few moments to answer, Emma finally managed "Yes Ma'am."

Emma followed Regina closely as they made their way to Regina's office.

Emma stopped just inside the door, and Regina went to her desk, setting the box quietly down, running her fingers over it before turning around to face Emma.

Emma noted how small the normally statuesque Mayor seemed.

Neither woman spoke for what seemed like an eternity. Regina leaned against her desk as Emma took a few steps forward, finally speaking up.

"So, uhh, cute booties! Were they Henry's?" Emma recoiled at how idiotic she knew she sounded. Regina just looked at her.

"I don't know HOW you gained possession of this box, Miss Swan, but I trust your discretion and better judgment will allow you to keep your mouth shut regarding ANYTHING you saw inside." Regina's eyes were shooting daggers, and Emma felt her throat constrict.

"Yes, of course." Emma's lips pursed together.

"Um…" Emma surprised herself as she spoke up again.

"Who's the red head" Emma knew she had just implicated herself in having seen the pictures, and also that she sounded slightly more jealous than she had intended. Regina's mouth fell open, utter shock written all over her face. Then the daggers were back.

"Excuse ME?"

Emma stood her ground, though she didn't know why it was so important to her.

"The red head. Were you…close?"

Regina laughed out loud, a full hearted, bristling laugh that made Emma feel like a tiny child who had just asked a silly question.

"What does it matter to you?" Regina snapped, her lip curling slightly at the corner.

"Uh.. Well… I umm. Its just….." Emma stammered.

Finally deciding it'd be better to just shut up, she watched as Regina turned around and picked up the box. Walking over to her shelves, she set the box behind some books, and arranged them to conceal it as best she could.

Emma exhaled, and sat on the edge of the large couch.

Without turning around, Regina spoke quietly.

"When I adopted Henry, I had experienced a very short period of…monetary shortage…" Regina tapered off. Emma heard a soft, strangled sound, and Regina cleared her throat.

"The only way I could keep my apartment and feed a new infant was dancing at a club in town called Merc."

Regina turned back around, looking Emma straight in the eyes.

"I only worked there for 3 weeks, until I had enough money to get myself back on track."

Emma watched Regina slowly walk closer.

"They tore down the club a month later, and put up Granny's Inn. The pictures were taken as publicity stills. They were never printed for the public to see…thank God."

Regina leaned on the arm of the couch opposite Emma, who was keeping a close watch on Regina's every move.

"And.. the red head?" Emma questioned again.

Regina looked at Emma. There was a look on Emma's face that Regina couldn't quite place.

"I honestly don't remember." She answered.

A look of relief flashed across Emma's face, and something snapped in Regina.

"Emma," Regina asked as she stood up. "Do you like music?"

Emma was so stunned at the use of her given name that she just nodded in affirmation.

Regina had a glint in her eye as she went back to the book shelf, switched on her CD player and filled the room with Etta James singing "At Last."

Emma swallowed hard at the lump she suddenly felt in her throat. Her mouth was suddenly dry, and her eyes were fixed on Regina as she started swaying with the music.

Regina was barefoot, wearing a black silk robe that flowed freely with each sway of her hips. Regina spun around and around, moving through the room with more poise and grace than anything Emma had ever witnessed. This cold hearted, steel jawed viper of a woman was the very embodiment of beauty, and Emma couldn't take her eyes off her.

Regina's fingers gripped the silk robe at her hips, and lifted slightly as she turned to face Emma. Her eyes closed as she began to drag her fingers up her sides, grazing past her ribs, past her breast, onto her face, and into her hair. Her knees spread apart revealing a milky soft inner thigh, as her head went back and her hips slowly moved in circles.

Emma was transfixed. It was like she was under a spell, she couldn't take her eyes off Regina.

This is getting WAY out of han,. Emma thought. Realizing her mouth was gaping open, she shut if firmly, biting her tongue. The pain was almost delicious.

Regina's hands began smoothly descending down her neck, past her clavicle and resting one hand on each breast, her head came back forward. Green eyes locked with brown. Emma stood up, pulled by some unknown force towards this exquisite creature.

Slowly, she walked in sync with the music. Regina found herself excited, and started towards Emma as well. Regina's hands moved from her breasts as she got close enough to reach out and grab Emma's wrists tenderly. They came together with mere inches between them. Regina ran her hands up Emma's arms to her shoulders, grabbing the collar and pulling back to free her from it. The jacket fell to the floor, and Regina's hands were back on Emma's bare shoulders. Instinctively, Emma wrapped her arms around Regina's waist, pulling them flush against each other. Regina's arms slid perfectly around Emma's back and caressed downward, until they were resting on her lower back. They swayed together to the music, as it slowly faded away. After the music had completely stopped, the two women stood in the middle of the office, breathing heavily. Regina searched Emma's eyes. What she saw both frightened and warmed her. Emma was accepting her, knowing her, loving her. Emma was not judging her past or threatening her future. Emma was just a woman, who saw light in her darkness. Regina opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Emma didn't know what was happening, she had never had these feelings for Regina before, but she knew she was definitely having them now.

Emma leaned in slightly, until her lips where ghosting over Regina's, still not completely sure Regina was returning these feelings. Sensing Emma's trepidation and keeping true to her own character, Regina closed the distance between them. Lips came together in a luscious explosion. Regina nibbled on Emma's lower lip before soothing over it with her tongue. Emma moaned and leaned into Regina harder, almost knocking them to the ground.

Laughing deeply into the kiss, Regina pushed back, walking Emma backwards till her knees met the couch. Regina gently sat Emma down, never leaving her lips, and climbed on Emma's lap, straddling her hips and pushing Emma back against the cushions. Emma relaxed as Regina curled her fingers into the hem of her tank top, and lifted it just enough to possessively lay her hands flat on Emma's stomach. Breaking the kiss, Regina looked down at Emma, smiling.

"I'm glad you found the box.."

Emma smiled back. Sliding her hands up Regina's back and into her hair, she pulled her back down, sliding her tongue into Regina's mouth, trying to feel every inch of her she could. Pulling away only for an instant, Regina pushed her hands up, simultaneously pushing the tank up and over Emma's head, past her arms, and onto the floor. To Regina's delighted surprise, Emma was wearing no bra. Regina grinned and placed a hand gently over each of Emma's breasts and leaned down to kiss the sensitive flesh between them.

Emma groaned loudly and pushed herself up into Regina's lips, as Regina licked and sucked. Emma grabbed Regina's hands off her breasts, sitting up slightly, edging Regina to a sitting position on her lap. Letting Emma take the lead a little, Regina sat still, watching, anticipating, and shivering with need. Emma lightly slid her thumbs into the collar of Regina's robe, parting it from her shoulders, sliding it down her arms as it fell free of her naked breasts. Exactly the same as they looked in the picture, Emma remarked mentally. Smiling, Emma let the robe fall freely the rest of the way to the floor. Placing a hand on either side of Regina's small waist, and looking up at her, Emma had never seen Regina so open and raw with emotion. It broke Emma's heart in a million pieces. She had fallen hard for this woman, and not even realized it. Tears filled her eyes, and she choked back a sob. Regina instantly reached her hands up, cupping Emma's face and wiping a tear away with her thumb.

"No tears, dear," she whispered, kissing Emma's forehead. Moving down, Regina kissed Emma's eyebrow, then her eyelid, the tip of her nose, and downward until she reached Emma's lips and kissed her passionately, putting everything she now knew she felt into that one kiss. Emma wrapped her arms around Regina's waist again and fell backwards, pulling Regina with her.

Reaching behind her, Regina took Emma's hands in hers, pulling them forward until they were between them. Regina laced their fingers together and held on tight for an instant as they kissed. She let go, and placed a hand on the back of the couch, the other she used to unbutton and unzip Emma's jeans in one swift motion. Surprised, Emma pulled away and looked at Regina in amused shock.

"Wow…" Emma breathed. Regina only smiled as Emma lifted her hips just enough for Regina to push them down her legs; Emma kicked them the rest of the way off.

Regina settled back onto Emma's lap, relishing in the intimate contact of skin on skin. She watched as Emma positioned a hand on each of her knees. Regina's skin was hyper sensitive. She felt as if everywhere Emma touched was on fire. Emma grazed her palms up the tops of Regina's thighs till they rested on her hip bones. Looking up from her own hands and into Regina's eyes, Emma was asking permission to possess Regina. Regina put her hands on Emma's and rubbed her thumbs over Emma's knuckles, a silent response. As Emma's left hand slid around to Regina's back, the right hand moved down, until it was met with a slick heat. Regina leaned forward closer to Emma's face, and Emma's fingers slid through her velvet core, stroking back and forth over Regina's tight little bundle of nerves. After a sharp intake of breath, Regina's mouth was on Emma's, demanding and full of fervor. Regina kissed her, and held onto Emma's neck and shoulders tightly.

Emma replaced her stroking finger with her thumb, and leisurely inserted two fingers into Regina's heat. Regina broke her assault on Emma's lips, large brown eyes turning a soft honey color as they gazed into Emma's green sapphire orbs.

"Emma…" she breathed.

Emma watched Regina's face, as she began a steady pace. Regina's eyes hooded, and she began rocking on Emma's hand as it moved on her, in her, consuming her. It didn't take long for Emma to feel Regina's muscles start to contract around her fingers.

Wanting this to be something Regina would never forget, Emma quickly added another finger.

Regina lurched forward, attacking Emma's lips with her own. She desperately needed to feel Emma completely.

As she came closer and closer, Regina's body shook of its own accord.

At the last moment, Emma curled her fingers upwards, pressing into that most delectable spot.

Regina hissed as she tumbled freely over the edge, then moaned with Emma's name on her lips.

Emma continued to massage Regina through her orgasm, coaxing her through.

Regina lay on top of Emma, unable and unwilling to move. She wanted to stay like this as long as she could.

She felt Emma tenderly kiss the top of her head, slide her hand up her stomach, and reach around to hold Regina in place. Emma's other hand slid up to her hair, playing with the short strands absentmindedly until Regina came back to her. Regina lifted her head slightly to peer up at Emma, and Emma just smiled, kissed her sweetly, and reached over the back of the couch. A blanket Regina had forgotten she kept back there was draped over her naked body which still lay limply on Emma. Now warm and safely wrapped in Emma's arms, Regina had never felt so at peace. Emma squeezed her and nuzzled her ear, kissing it just as Regina drifted off into a light, pleasant sleep - the most restful sleep she had felt in as long as she could remember. The last thing she heard before the sweet darkness claimed her was Emma whispering,

"Sweet dreams, Gina"