House of Sun

Note from the author:

This is my first shot at writing a fan fiction. I'm an avid reader but now it's my turn to take a shot. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. Spoilers for True Blood and Southern Vampire Mysteries to ensue. Rated M for a reason…I'll get there.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even a car. You have Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball to thank for implanting the seed of creation in my mind. You have god to thank for Alexander Skarsgard, although I wouldn't mind owning him at all.

On ward with the story, you say? Okay. Well, most of the shenanigans of season four of True Blood have happened. This story begins during the episode "Soul of Fire." Tara, Lafayette, Jesus, and Sookie are in the Moon Goddess Emporium with Mantonia and the Vamps have come to save the…night.

Chapter 1:

"Antonia! Show your face, witch." Even though Bill was outside, we could hear him clearly and he was not asking. "Hiding behind magic like a coward does not become you!" His tone was ice cold and I could feel, through his recently replenished blood in me, that the time for games had come to an end.

I held my breath, waiting to see what Antonia would do, knowing that at any moment, either my vampires or Antonia could lose their cool, which would surely end in all of us dying. I knew that the situation was delicate and I hoped that Bill would proceed cautiously. I didn't think provoking her was the best way to get her to cooperate.

Antonia seemed lost in her own thoughts for just a moment before turning to me. "You're right. It's time for negotiation," she said, drawling out the last word with a sort of calm menace, a promise that she would use her powers if it came to that. She grabbed her coat before looking to me again, "The vampires seem to like you. Will you join me?"

I turned slightly to see Holly's reaction and when I caught a glimpse of hope coming from her, I knew this might be the only chance we would get to defeat Antonia. My only chance. I flashed Holly a small smile and hoped it conveyed more confidence than I was feeling. Without giving it another thought, I turned on my heel and ran out the door.

"Bill," I yelled out to him as I opened the door. Standing with him were Jason, Jessica, Pam and, "Eric! She wants to negotiate with you." I caught Eric's eye and couldn't help the smile that graced my lips. He always managed to look even sexier than the previous time I saw him. My Gran would have smacked me on the head for thinking such dirty thoughts when I should be planning my next course of action. "I think we should let her speak," I said, hoping she would give me time to gather my energy. I tore my eyes away from Eric's to take in the scene around me.

All of the vampires and Jason were standing on the other side of the invisible barrier that Antonia had erected around the Moon Goddess Emporium. Bill was detaining a vampire I had never seen before, under his foot. I hadn't even noticed her before now and chided myself again for gawking at Eric for as long as I had. Pam, Jessica, and Jason were standing closer to the barrier than Bill and Eric. Everyone had turned their eyes on Antonia. Everyone, that is, except Eric, whose gaze found and lingered on mine once again.

In his eyes I saw My Eric, the Eric without his memories, the Eric I had given my heart to. I also saw something I had hoped I would never see from this Eric. He looked almost helpless. I tried to look away but I couldn't help being afraid in that moment and continued to search his eyes for some strength. That's when I resigned myself to pull on my big girl panties and do what needed to be done to get us out of this clusterfuck. The Stackhouse women were strong and didn't stand down when the people they loved were threatened. I would not back down. Ever. I closed my eyes and begin searching for the fairy inside of me, trying to will it to come forth.

Bill broke the silence first, "We will not negotiate with a necromancer. You are finished Antonia. I demand that you release your hold on Marnie, free ALL of the humans, and close down Moon Goddess, effective immediately. We will not allow you to go on killing our kind. You are surrounded. It's over." I opened my mind to scan for brain signatures, but the only ones I came across were the people being held captive within Moon Goddess.

Are we ever goin' home? Mom is gonna be so pissed at me. I'll probably have to give her the keys back…

I hope Timmy and Nicky are okay. I wonder if Brad noticed the casserole I put in the fridge. I'll kill him if he took 'em to McDonalds…

SOOKIE! SOOKIE! It's Tara. If you can hear me, take a small step to your left. I hadn't expected to hear Tara and my eyes flew open. I took the slightest of steps to the left, praying that Antonia didn't notice. She didn't, but the vampires did. Bill gave me the oddest look, somewhere between confused and frightened. Eric just looked curious. Great, Sook. Now listen. Jesus and Lafayette are workin' on a spell to help y'all out. I think they are tryin' to take down the barrier so Bill and Eric can come in. Just keep her busy long enough for them to get the spell goin'…

I was jerked back to reality when I "heard" someone else chanting in a different language that I couldn't quite identify. The horrified look on my brother's face is what made me turn to face Antonia. I was standing only a foot away and what I saw made my heart drop in my chest. Marnie's eyes were completely black and her hair was whipping about her face like she had her own personal wind machine. Her hands were down by her sides but her palms were turned out toward the vampires.

Sook! Don't let that crazy bitch do nothin'! Lafayette and Jesus are almost done. You gotta distract her! Tara thought at me and I answered out loud, "Fuck! What do I do?"

"Sookie! Get away from her!" Bill yelled at me at the same time his feet were pulled from under him and his attention was turned toward the vampiress that now had him by the throat. I lifted my hand, aimed it toward Bill's opponent, and reached inside of myself. I looked for my fairy magic and tried to tap into it. Nothing happened and I let my hand drop back down. Marnie/Antonia started to rise up off the ground and I decided I couldn't let her get too far away or there would be nothing I could do. I lifted my hand again, but this time I reared back and punched her in the side of the head as hard as I could. Marnie/Antonia went down like a ton of bricks.

Please review! Should I continue?