as I sit down in class I look across the room and see a green skinned dude "hmm.." as I look in front of me I see a guy with a lock of hair that's shaped like a scythe I look down my clothes where a shirt that had "I LOVE TACOS!" on it and a dark blue almost black trench coat and blue skinny jeans "hey new girl?" "Huh? What?" I look up and see the boy who was sitting in front of me looking at me "hey I'm dib u see that green kid over there?" "yea?" I look over at him "he's an alien" "really?" "Ye- WAIT U BELIEVE ME?" "Of course unless there was something to prove u wrong I'll believe u" "wow" we hear the bell ring and I put my notebook that was in my lap in my bag "if u really do believe me meet me at my house" he hands me a piece of paper and I take it "ok I'll be there" I get up and put my bag on my shoulder and walk to the door by then everyone had left the room except me, dib, and the green skinned freak I walk over to his desk and flick his head his nose was in a book well if he had a nose it would be "WHO DARES FLICK THE ALMIGHTY ZIM?" "So ur names zim huh?" "eh?" he sees me standing in front of his desk I look at him "and who r u?" "I'm Kim the new girl but u wouldn't know cuz ur head was in that book" "but u just told me…" "oh well" "GET AWAY FROM THE MIGHTY ZIM!" "ha ok" I smile and walk out the door "hmm she seemed like she knew him but he couldn't figure out who she was" dib whispers then goes running after me he taps my shoulder and I throw my bag at him he falls to the ground "WTH!" "OH MY GOD DIB! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that" I run and kneel down beside him I help him sit up "are u ok?" "yea I think so" I help him get to his feet and I grab my bag "again I'm so sorry u really shouldn't sneak up on me" "its ok" "so when do u want me to come over?" I say "umm how about-" he gets cut off by my phone saying "hey mom there's something in the backroom hope its not the creatures from above" "um sorry I have to take this" I take my phone out "hello…. Umm I'm going to stay with a friend 2night?…yea yea I'll be home by 5 2marrow ok thanks mom!" I turn around and dib says "what was that u where saying?" "um I'm gunna have to stay with u" "oh why?" I look down at the ground "my mom was drunk when she called so I kinda don't want to go home…" he walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder he can tell I started crying a little as I sniff "its ok… u can stay with me" "I can?" I look up at him smiling "of course" "yay!" I hug him and then let go almost as fast as I hugged him "sorry" I look throw my bag and find my notebook it is very small and has a ghost sticker and paranormal written on the front in big letters "ah there it is" he looks at me confused "its got some paranormal stories and the rest is ppl who I know I have to just call one of them real quick" "ok" I flip throw my note book and find a name 'kay' I type in her number and call her "hey Kay!...yea um I'm gunna stay at someone else house for 2night…..maybe…..ok yes it's a boy!...NO! WE R NOT! IM GOING TO KILL U WHEN I SEE U!" I hang up and smile dib looks at me "what was that about at the end" "oh nothing she makes fun of me whenever I stay at a boys house" "ohhh ha" he smiles at me as his face turn a little red "ok well follow me and we can get u to my house" "um wait a sec I have to go to my house first and get a change of clothes" "ok I'll follow u" "k" I start run-walking down the street and I see a 2 story house.