Just a quick little Johnlock drabble I did for a friend on Tumblr. Enjoy! There might/might not be more of these.

Sherlock is copyrighted by the BBC

Harry Potter is copyrighted by my queen JK Rowling

John sat hunched over in the Great Hall, trying in vain to study for Arithmancy, Charms and Herbology all at once, creating a messy nest of books and parchment and used quills a foot wide in front of him on the table. OWLS were in exactly a week, and he was starting to feel frantic.

Sherlock plopped down next to him, leaning into Johns shoulder with an overly dramatic sigh. "Studying is so DULL John! Why can't we go do something interesting? Like jinxing Mycroft? Or hexing Mycroft? Or filling Mycroft's shoes with flobberworm mucus?" he complained.

John pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are probably the only Ravenclaw in the history of Ravenclaw House to have a complete aversion to studying. Where's your Charms book? We were going to study together right?"

Sherlock looked up at him sideways, wearing that half blank, half nonchalant look that made John alternately want to flick or kiss him. "Oh, right! I forgot it. It's up in my dorm."

"Well go get it."

"You've got a perfectly good Charms book. We'll share." Sherlock decided, reaching over and yanking the Charms book closer so that it was in the middle of them. Before John could protest, Sherlock had scooched himself so close to John that he was practically sitting in his lap. He gave John his signature smile and eyebrow quirk combo that silently smirked, "Problem?"

"Fine." John sighed. "Let's start with Chapter 6 it's still giving me troubleā€¦"

By the end of the chapter Sherlock's hand had found its way into John's under the table; his thumb making gentle circles on the back of John's hand. John smiled and leaned into Sherlock's bony shoulder, breathing in his scent of linen, parchment and traces of potions chemicals. Any anxiety John was having over OWLS was long forgotten now.

"Maybe Sherlock should "forget" his books more often." John thought as he turned to a new chapter.


A/N: hm? yes? no? tell me what you think! Have a nice day!