NOTE: After a nice long semester of college, I have finally reached my summer vacation. :3 So, to (I guess) celebrate, I decided to post a new story up. It's another request that I got a while ago and I had been working on it for a while. I've kind of reached a sort of writer's block at the moment for this story though...we shall see how this goes.

WARNING: There will be angst/sadness later on...but there's nothing too bad at the moment...but of course it is a Taito/boyXboy, and there is some swearing.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Tai or Matt. They belong to the owners of Digimon.


"No! I refuse!" Matt snapped at bushy haired, muscular athlete standing before him. Tai grinned sheepishly and shrugged.

"Why not Matt?" he chuckled. "I think it would look rather flattering on you."

"Tai! The 80's style is the most hideous style ever known to man! I refuse to dress up in such a stupid way!"

"Not even if it was to join me at a party?"

"NO! Especially not then!" Matt glared at his best friend who looked rather sad and pouty—suddenly, Matt's eyes went wide. "No…No! Don't you dare!"

"What? Oh, you mean do this?" Tai asked, before putting on his famous puppy-dog pout. Matt quickly looked away and tried to avoid the killer look. But he couldn't help it. He slightly glanced over and caught sight of it. Tai's brown eyes shined with misery and his bottom lip slightly stuck out. Matt tried to look away again, but he was soon caught in the brunette's trap. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the pathetic looking boy in front of him and it was made even worse when Tai let out a soft whimper.

"UGH! Alright!" Matt moaned in defeat. Tai let out a yip of happiness and hugged his friend tightly. The blonde blushed at the affection he received from the brunette and gently patted the athlete on the back. "What time is the party at?"

"It starts at eight," Tai grinned happily. "I'll come to pick you up around seven thirty, ok?"

"Yeah sure," Matt grumbled, starting to head off towards the direction he usually took to get home from school.


"No Tai. I will not wear a fishnet shirt!"

"That's not what I was going to say."

"Oh…what then?" The brunette took the blonde's hand and gently kissed it. Matt blushed even harder and stared wide-eyed at the brunette.

"Thank you so much," he simply smiled at him.

"Whatever," Matt brushed off and started his journey home. Once he was sure he was far away enough from Tai, he muttered miserably to himself, "Damn you Tai…why did you have to be so damn cute?"


Tai watched his friend leave and then sighed. He pulled out a list from his back pocket and scanned through it. He then took out a red pen and crossed off number one and sixteen.

"Two down," he muttered. "Ninety-eight more to go…" Tai looked down at his watch and frowned. "Six months left…"


"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Matt growled as he tried to make the red bandana work with his outfit. Unfortunately, his hair refused to corporate with it. Finally, he threw the bandana on the bathroom counter and stormed away from the mirror. Matt's father looked up from his reading of the newspaper to look at his son. A huge grin swept across his face.

"Wow Matt!" he exclaimed. "You look totally gnarly!"

"Ew…Dad," Matt scrunched his face up and slightly stuck his tongue out. "Don't use 80's slang on me…"

"Now how do you know I'm using 80's slang?" his father raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Besides the fact you sound like a surfer on drugs?" Matt fixed his shirt slightly. "You use it all the time."

"Ah," his father chuckled at Matt's "logic." "Sorry Son." Matt shrugged and thought to himself for a moment.

"…But were you saying 'gnarly good' or 'gnarly bad?'"

"Gnarly good."

"…No way."

"Yes way!"

"Dad!" There was a knock at their door and Matt quickly raced over to open it. Tai stood there, wearing blue jeans, sneakers, a tan button up shirt, and a bright orange puffer vest. He was staring at the ground, but once the door open, he looked up and smiled at Matt.

"Wow Matt," Tai smiled. Matt was wearing blue jeans that were torn at the knee, an off-white button up shirt, his black converse and a thin black tie. Matt smiled at the other boy's awed-look. "You look super dope!" Matt frowned and ignored his father's laugh.

"Doesn't he though?" Matt's father chuckled and patted his son on the back. "Looks just like I did back in the day." Matt's father grinned widely when he caught sight of the large orange vest the brunette wore. "Wow Tai! You yourself look legit! Is that your father's puffer?"

"Yeah," Tai grinned and showed off the puffy vest. "He was glad to have an excuse to pull it out of the closet and show it off."

"Come on Tai," Matt said and started walking off. "Let's get this over with."

"Alright kids, you have a totally radical time alright!"

"For sure Mr. Ishida!" Tai called back and waved.

"Oh, gag me with a spoon…" Matt groaned.


Tai and Matt were now walking home from the party, and to Matt's surprise, it actually wasn't that bad. There were a lot of hideous outfits being worn by people, but the blonde musician was too occupied having fun with his best friend. They'd sing along to the famous songs like "Livin' on a Prayer" and "Don't Stop Believing", rock out to the stranger sounding songs that were unfamiliar to them, and during any slow song's, they'd sneak off to the food table and much on some goodies. Over all, it was a…"radical" night, and Tai made it all the better.

They passed by a toy shop as Matt was busy explaining to Tai an upcoming gig. He explained how difficult it was getting to practice all together since they were all scrambling to be able to graduate high school; also how they are trying to fit all of their equipment in the new stage that they were to perform on, instead of their usual spot. It wasn't until he reached the end of the block, when he finally noticed that he was simply talking to himself. He looked around and saw the brunette standing in front of the store window. Matt jogged back and joined his friend.

Matt didn't understand what Tai was looking at. All he saw in the closed shop were a few stuffed animals, and a bunch of balloons. The balloons were all white ones, except for one that was red. It seemed to have been mixed in there on accident and was now struggling to survive amongst the white balloons. The blonde looked at his friend and frowned. Tai looked so…upset.

"What's up Tai?" Matt gently nudged him. Tai didn't answer for a moment.

"I want some red balloons…" Matt heard him mutter…or at least, that's what he thought he said.

"What?" Matt tried to clarify. Tai looked at Matt and smiled. Any trace of sadness quickly vanished.

"I said, 'I want some of your famous hot chocolate!'" Tai grinned and continued walking. "Let's go back to your place and maybe you can actually teach me how you make it so dang good!" Matt blinked in confusion. That didn't sound like anything he thought he heard the brunette say… With one last look at the balloons, Matt shrugged and then followed his 80's loving friend.

Hmm... What could Tai possibly be referring to? Guess you'll just have to wait and see. ;)

Yep, I will be referring to the 80's throughout this fic. Why? Because Psycho Weasel ka-freaking loves the 80's! Also, the request that this fic originated from was when the "client" asked me to write something pertaining to the song "99 Luftballons" (a.k.a. "99 Red Balloons") by Nena. The song was very popular in the 80's, so I decided to include it with this fic (also gave me a good excuse to geek over 80's stuff). I can't remember if the request was originally to be a songfic...but after listening to the song, I came up with my own idea and decided to run with it.

Thank you for reading this first chapter! I'd be happy to see what you thought of it. Did you like it? Did you not like it? Do you love the 80's like Tai? Or do you think it was a horrible style period like Matt? Constructive criticism is helpful and appreciated, flames however are not and can/will be used to warm my freezing room.

Oh, and P.S. "Gnarly", "yes way", "dope", "legit", "radical", "for sure", and "gag me with a spoon" are all slang words from the 80's. Who knew, ne? :3