Have you ever thought what it would be like if I ever ruled the zoo? I sure have. And yet again, it is bound to happen sometime. When that time comes… I'm going to be prepared. So I created a few rules that would need to be passed and warnings to anyone who disobeys me. Please tell me if I should continue writing these rules because I've got plenty.

Disclaimer: I don't own Skipper, oh wait, I am Skipper. ;)

1) My first act as owner of the zoo will be to kick that good for nothing, lousy excuse of a human "Alice" out on the streets!

She could get herself a nice job as a nagging assistant (think she'll be quite good at it) instead of bothering OUR training with HER nonsense.

Plus... she smells like rotten tomatoes... and I can't have her stinking up MY zoo.

2) Second act: Penguin Awareness Day. The brilliance of all this is that we get EXTRA fish on this special occasion and a very cool, deadly weapon. Next step: Penguin Awareness Month :D

3) Two words: Monster. Trucks. Yeah I consider it an essential.

4) 4th rule. Whoever gives US fish biscuit will be TURNED into a biscuit got it? And I'm not talking about those cute little fishy biscuits either; I'm talking about those mutated, Justin Beiber biscuits! And yeah... I'm serious.

5) Funday Monday? No dice. Taco Wednesday...sounds nice. ;)

6) There would be not permission for ANYONE to play, dance or sing to ANY music between the hours of 12 am-11:59 am. Yes ringtail, I'm talking to you. *stern glance*

7) There would be extra precautionary measures to ANYONE entering the zoo. Severity system would be tripled, no, quadrupled! There wouldn't be anymore of these "kidnappings" to a ToD world, because frankly, I've had enough.

8) People would have to obey my orders! It's for their own good. Especially in an emergency or a crises! Or….when I feel like drinking a smoothie.

9) All authorized penguins *cough* my team is entitled for free popcorn and/or snowcones whenever he/she (he) pleases. Yeah, and all those fakes who will pass themselves off as a penguin will be punished severely.

10) There would be no permit or access to any dolphin merchandise, dolphin snacks, and/or dolphins themselves. Yeah Blowhole I'm talking to you. -.- (And sorry if I crushed your dreams Kowalski, but it was never going to happen)