Crocodile: Hello.

Willoffire123: Goodbye!

Crocodile: B-but I'm not done with you yet!

Willoffire123: No, no, you're done. Now I get to throw you in the banana shark tank.

Crocodile: Since when?

Willoffire123: Since Robin said so. I have the legal papers to prove it.

Crocodile: I hate women.

Willoffire123: You nearly killed Luffy twice! Did you really think you would get away with that?

Crocodile: Yes

Willoffire123: (kicks Crocodile, sending him flying into the banana shark tank) then think again, you overgrown lizard. NO ONE GETS TO TORTURE LUFFY EXCEPT ME! YOU HEAR? MWAHAHAHAHA!

Zoro: Did you forget to take your meds again?

Willoffire123: I don't have any meds.

Chopper: On with the chapter!

Luffy's POV

"Where am I?" I wondered out loud. I was floating in some sort of black cloud. Or maybe the cloud was purple; I couldn't really tell.

"Ugh, my head feels like a lead balloon," I said. I tried moving my hand to scratch my head, but I couldn't move anything.

"Can't move my body," I said, stating the obvious. "What's going on? Where am I? Where's my crew?"

I went quiet for a second, then started calling my crewmates names. "Zoro! Nami! Chopper! Usopp! Robin! Franky! Sanji! Where are you guys?"

No response.

"This is bad. My friends aren't here. But where are they?"

I still wasn't getting any answers though.

I still couldn't move, so I stayed frozen, floating on my back in the darkness.

"I hope they come find me soon. It's so cold here; and lonely. Guys, where are you?"


Zoro's POV

"How is he, Chopper?" I asked our ship's resident doctor as he entered the kitchen where we were all waiting in anticipation. I suppose I should explain what's going on. Marines attacked us a few hours ago. We let our guard down, and we're separated from Luffy. The Marines cornered him and ambushed him. Luffy wasn't even trying to fight back as much as he usually does when this happens, the idiot.

Chopper shut the door behind him, and sighed. "He's stable, for now. But he has some critical wounds. I just finished operating on him. After he's had time to take in more oxygen and the blood supplements, I'll have to operate on him again."

"Bottom line is; he's alive for now. But if we don't get him advanced medical help, he will die," said Chopper gravely after seeing the clueless looks on his friends faces.

I felt the temperature in the room drop instantly.

"L-Luffy…" said Usopp.

"What should we do, Chopper?" asked Nami, her face as white as a sheet.

"We need to get him to an island. I don't have the medical tools here with me that I need to permanently put him out of any life-threatening danger," said Chopper.

"Then it's decided," I said. "We set sail, full speed to the next island. If anyone on the island can help Luffy, then we're in luck. If they can't help us, then Luffy dies."

"How can you say something like that so casually?" wailed Usopp.

"Hey! I'm just stating the facts," I said, standing up. "Alright everyone! Set sail for the next island! Nami, how far away are we from the next island?"

"About a day's journey, going at our normal speed," answered Nami.

"I can get us there in half a day," declared Franky.

"Good," I said. "Sanji, take the wheel."

"Hold on a second!" said Sanji, glaring at me. "Who died and made you boss?"

Nami hit Sanji over the head. "Nobody idiot! Don't use that word!" she said menacingly. She was right of course. Nobody wanted to hear the possibility that Luffy might die, even if it was a joke.

"Zoro is Luffy's first mate. Whenever our captain is unable to lead us for one reason or another, it is Zoro's job to take charge," said Robin.

I smirked. "Thank you Robin. Sanji, go take the wheel."

"Hey! What if-"

"Nami, go with him. Show him which way to steer," I said.

"Right away, Captain Mosshead!" said Sanji, saluting and dashing out of the kitchen, Nami right behind him.

"Chopper, stay with Luffy. Make sure nothing happens to him while we're sailing," I ordered.

Chopper nodded. "Right!" he said, hopping off his chair and running to the infirmary.

"Franky, raise anchor. Then do everything you can to make this ship go faster," I ordered.

"Yeah, yeah," said Franky, grinning as he left.

"Robin, secure the rigging."

"Roger, captain," said Robin.

"Don't call me that!" I shouted after her departing back.

"Usopp, you'll take lookout duty for now. While you're there, try searching Nami's books for something about this island that we can use."

Usopp nodded, a look of determination back on his face.

"Alright," I said, stepping out onto the deck where the rest of the crew was busy carrying out my orders. "Good job everyone!"

They all looked at me except for Sanji, who was steering the boat. I should probably say some sort of motivational speech. Talking really isn't my strong point. Heck, I'm not even the captain. I don't know how to issue orders and lead groups of people. That's Luffy's job.

A memory of the day I met Luffy surfaced in my mind.

I've already decided you'll join my crew, said the boy with the straw hat, holding my swords under his arm.

Well, it looks like I can either become a pirate with you, or be executed. I'll join your pirate crew. But remember this, I will become the world's greatest swordsman. If you get in the way of my goal, I will kill you, I threatened.

He grinned, slicing the ropes that bound me to that damned wooden cross.

I wouldn't have it any other way! If I'm going to be the King of the Pirates, I expect you to become the best swordsman in the world.

I put one sword in my mouth and one sword in each hand, preparing to attack Marine Captain Axe-Hand Morgan. Then you've got yourself a deal, Monkey D. Luffy

Still Zoro's POV

Being captain may not be my job, but protecting my captain is my job. The best way to do that now is to keep the rest of the crew from breaking down.

"Luffy may be annoying sometimes, but he's our captain. He's the reason we're all here. Every single person here joined this crew to pursue his or her own dreams. But none of those dreams would have been possible without Luffy. He's been helping us to make our dreams a reality; I'd say it's about time we make his dream a reality. We will save our captain! And we will make Luffy the Pirate King!"

"YAH!" cheered the rest of the crew, returning to their stations with renewed vigor.

"Well said, Captain," said Sanji, never taking his eyes off the horizon.

"Tch," I smirked, turning around to go help Robin with the rigging on the main sail. "Don't call me that."

Willoffire123: Well? What'd you guys think? You can expect another chapter very soon. I'm having a blast writing this!

Sanji: But why does the Mosshead get to be in charge?

Willoffire123: NAMI CHOP! Because he's the first mate! Weren't you paying attention earlier? Now be gone! You useless idiot!


Willoffire123: Until next time!