Yes the sequel is here! I am actually going to apoligize first that it's shorter than I expected and that there isn't really any dialouge yet. Sorry! I need everyone to spread the word about Brittanysue98's story New Allies. For more info just read it! Please, everyone, leave reviews. I don't care if it's signed or not I just want to know what you're thinking and they actually help me to improve.

Enjoy! : )

Danny Phantom and Melissa Ghost: ~Melissa's Return~

Chapter One

The Storm

The wind was pounding against the small worn down home. The peeling paint and chips of wood were taken into the growing storm. The hail pierced the roof and allowed debris to enter, even though the gaping hole in the roof allowed tumbleweeds to be brought in. The twister moved faster than any other like it. It couldn't even be called a natural disaster. The cyclone hit the house sending what remained of it up into the sky just to rain back down onto the beautiful plains. It continued for a few feet then vanished leaving a floating figure in a white suit over the destruction. She looked at her hands before balling them into fists. Her blond-white hair with brown tips went a little past her shoulders. Her gloves and boots were black as was the symbol on her chest of a capital M over a lower case g.

As she twisted her head her hair snapped around to follow, glowing in the sunlight. Two boys came over and yelled up to her. She carefully but quickly joined them on the ground. They began to talk about some things. They noticed the storm clouds were parting and the sun had already set. They headed off in their separate ways. The girl flew just above the brush bringing in the grass scent of the plains. Her home is a few feet away so she touches down and begins to walk toward it. She opens the door to a worn down looking shed with peeling paint and rotting wood but there is more to be told beneath its floor. She continues to walk to the back of the shed to a door on the dusty floor. She did not take the time to make the top floor look good. If anyone discovered her she would hide downstairs.

She opens the basement door. It seems dark but after a few steps it is well lit. The room is a laboratory with home furnishings. The girl's name is Melissa. She changes back into her human form. She is a halfa, someone who is a ghost and a human. Her human name is Melissa Gomes. Her spirit name is Melissa Ghost. There are few halfas in existence but she has met all of them. They won't remember her though. For one thing it's been two years since she saw them last. Second, she wiped all of the memories of her away. She deeply missed one of them. You may know him. His name is Danny Phantom. Any way her life continues without them.

Melissa walked over to her bed in the corner of the room layed down and fell asleep. She had amazing powers that no other halfa had. They were powers she controlled with her mind and one of them she could only use in her sleep and it could only be used on one person.


Danny Fenton woke with a start and checked his clock. It read 3:14am. He plopped his head back on his pillow and started rubbing his hands over his eyes and face. He kept having these weird nightmares. There was a girl he didn't know in all of them. She was a halfa like him. He was trapped in multiple different scenarios. Once it was in an ecto sphere held by Vlad. Another by a strange ghost with multiple costumes. He was actually chained on the wall with the girl before they escaped. Then he had another strange dream when he asked this girl to go out with him. He hadn't talked to a girl in two years. It was his ex-girlfriend Sam. He doesn't really remember why or when they broke up, but they did and had hated each other since. He didn't mind. Danny looked at the clock again. Six minutes had passed and Danny was feeling really tired. He pulled his covers back over himself before falling back asleep.


Melissa was pushed out of Danny's dream. She was sending him memories, her memories, for the past year. She fell asleep one night and found herself talking and sharing memories with Danny. She practiced and investigated her power before perfecting it. Melissa knew there were more powers that hadn't been unlocked yet but she was patient. She would wait as long as she had too before correcting all of the mistakes in Amity Park.

Melissa walked around her shiny lab before stepping upstairs and outside into the cold night. She changed forms before taking to the sky. Flying cleared her mind. The air was crisp and calm. The moon lit up the prairie and she could see her shadow passing over the ground and brush below. She thought about her newest power. She could create all kinds of natural disasters. She discovered it a week ago. She was stepping outside when a large shaking occurred and it never left her. When she took to the sky a tornado formed. She worked the power to protect herself and she could work it to her advantage after it had worn down. She reappeared at her home to fall asleep again but only to get some actual rest. So many powers with unknown responsibilities.

What did you all think? I just want to let you all know this is going to be a little more focused as a love story but is still going to have the same sort of elements that everyone likes. PLEASE REVIEW!