I don't own Kingdom Hearts.


Chapter One

Heartless Attack

Sora stood on the shores of Destiny Islands, the midnight wind tugging his spiky chestnut brown hair away from his moon dusted face, eyes that could rival even the most perfect sapphires stared out over the rolling sea as golden sand twisted over his bare feet. A sight to behold within the mind, black and silver twisted together in a swirling storm, the silver moon rising up over a darkened horizon, diamond stars flickering like eyes upon the fifteen-year-old Keyblade Master.

Although despite the blissful peace of the night, he was wide awake, he couldn't sleep, not when his thoughts were troubled, and confused by the letter King Mickey had sent that sunset.

"Dear Sora, Riku and Kairi

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, especially so soon after your return home a few days ago, but I'm afraid that an evil power is at work. It's not Maleficent, or Xenmas. But it's strangely familiar, I just can't put my finger on it. However, I have a strong feeling that gathering the seven Princesses of Heart can somehow put an end to this evil. But, sadly, we will need more than just the Princesses. We will also need their leader. I would like you all to come to Disney Castle first thing tomorrow. I will explain everything then.

Again, I apologise


King Mickey"

But that wasn't the only thing keeping him awake. Slowly Sora pulled something out of his trouser pocket, a small stone barely the size of the palm of his hand, as blue as an ocean of sapphires. He ran his fingers over the satin texture, watching the pale light of the moon make it sparkle beneath its touch. It was shaped like half of a crown, identical in shape to the silver one around his neck, where it should have been whole a faint glow erupted through its casing, a tiny heart waiting to be whole again, returned to the side of its twin.

All his life he had carried the little stone, a secret from all, he could never part with it, he'd had it ever since he was a small infant, along with his necklace. He had asked his mother time and again what it was, but she never gave an answer and would just gaze up at the sky, as though she wanted to avoid the whole thing. Sora figured that the other half was probably buried somewhere on the island, he vowed that one day he would find it.

He was immediately brought out of his thoughts when he heard a pair of soft, padding footsteps coming towards him. Quickly he tucked the stone back into his pocket. A girl's voice broke through the silence around him.

"Sora, what are you doing out here? It's really late!"

Sora turned around and was greeted with a familiar face.

"Oh, hey Kairi."

Kairi's dark red hair swung around her shoulders in the ocean breeze, eyes matching shining as clearly as blue gemstones stared back into him, alit with stars. She didn't have her pyjamas on either.

"Couldn't sleep. You?"

Sora nodded silently, his eyes cast back over to the horizon, his hand absently stroked over his pendant.

"I just can't believe there's a new evil out there already. I mean, we just took out Maleficent and Xenmas! Who else is out there?"

The fifteen-year-old girl shrugged her shoulders, a smile graced her lips as she stepped slightly closer to the boy.

"Who knows?" She stepped in front of him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her face snuggled into his chest, causing him to blush from the sudden closeness. "King Mickey says that it's a familiar darkness, maybe it's someone we've encountered before."

Sora nodded his head.

"Maybe, but who could it be?" he asked. "That's what I'm wondering."

Kairi withdrew her embrace and threaded her hand through his.

"Riku's at the Secret Place. He couldn't sleep either. He sent me to come get you," she explained.

With those words the two of them made their way off the beach.


Sora pushed the rock door to the Secret Place over the entrance as he and Kairi entered. Leaning against the chalk-scrawled wall was their sixteen, silver-haired friend, pale green eyes hidden beneath his bangs. They made their way over to him and Sora smiled.

"So you couldn't sleep either, Riku?" he asked.

Riku shook his head.

"No. But it's not the letter that's bothering me. It's something else, something here on the island. The scent of darkness is really strong."

The three of them fell silent for a few moments before Kairi spoke up.

"I feel it too. A dark presence...like it's watching us..." her voice trailed off. Her blood ran cold, a shiver shook her spine. She didn't know what the presence was, but all that could be said was it was something bad.

Sora stepped back towards the entrance and looked at them over his shoulder.

"Whatever it is, it's here on the island," he stated. "We have to check it out."


After nearly an hour of searching, there was not a single trace of Heartless.

"We've searched the entire island but there's nothing, maybe we're just imagining things." Kairi suggested, although she wasn't convinced, nor were the boys.

"We might as well turn in for the night." Riku said. "We're gonna need our rest for the new quest."

But as soon as he closed his mouth an ominous wind blew across the island, nearly knocking them over from its sheer force. Sora managed to stand against the force of the wind and set himself in a fighting stance.

"What's going on?" he yelled over the gusts.

As if answering his question, dozens of Heartless came into view, amber eyes glowing in endless depths of black shadows. Many of them gripped some kind of weapon in their claws.

"Heartless!" Kairi shouted.

"We have to get rid of them!" Sora commanded.

In a flash of light the Ultima Weapon appeared in his hand, by far his most powerful of the key chains he had collected over the course of his travels. He quickly leapt forward and started his strike upon the invaders. Riku quickly followed, Way of Dawn in hand, and lunged at his attackers. Kairi followed their example and summoned her own Keyblade. During their battle against Organisation XIII and training upon their return to the island, she had learned how to defend herself, along with a few basic spells.

Almost immediately the Keybladers could tell there was something different about the Heartless, they were stronger, faster, far more vicious than any other they had faced. Never before had any kind of Heartless or non-human Nobody exhibited that level of strength.

Riku crouched down on one knee, gasping for breath as he watched the swarm of darkness edge closer and closer; he was exhausted, but his opponents weren't planning on backing down. In one last ditch attempt he released his power.

"Dark Firaga!" he shouted as an enormous blast of white engulfed his opponents, as well as Sora and Kairi's.

Only one Heartless remained, battling Sora as though its life depended on it, it wielded a great sword and wore a red bandana around its head, empty eye sockets bulging beneath it. Sora set himself in a defensive stance, sweat ran down his forehead and his breathing heavy, he didn't know how much more he could take.

Come on...! Just a little bit longer...! He shouted mentally.


Suddenly more Heartless emerged from black pools, surrounding the trio, their claws scratched the sand beneath them and their eyes glinted like amber, a malicious smirk on their lips as vicious snarls hungered for their prize. Riku threw a look over his shoulder, his eyes widened at the sight.

"You have gotta be kidding me!" he cried.

Quickly he dashed off and lashed out at them.

So many of them...and they're so strong! Why are they here? Sora thought anxiously, looking around him as he fought off every attacker that came his way. Fatigue was beginning to set in, his eyes drooped but he continued to fight on, though he clearly was getting exhausted, it wouldn't be much longer before he would have to stop.

"Sora, look out!" he heard Riku shout, desperation laced into his voice, along with something he wouldn't associate with his older friend, fear.

He only had time to look up as the sword-wielding Heartless he was battling before slashed him across the chest with immense force. Sora cried out in pain as he fell backwards, clutching his wound in agony. His heart raced and his head thudded, but that only made the scarlet blood that slid through his fingers come faster and faster. Through his torn shirt a long deep gash ran from his right shoulder down to his left hip. Sora began to feel lightheaded, feeling the crimson liquid leave his body in a bloody waterfall, staining him without remorse in his own life.

Another flash of light entered his eyes, Riku had used another Dark Firaga to wipe out the remaining Heartless. The next thing he knew his friends were kneeling over him.

"Sora? Sora, can you hear me? Hang in there!" Riku asked.

Sora closed his eyes, his breathing slowed. A faint crack rippled in his ears before he became still, unheard by the others.

The sixteen-year-old gently shook him, attempting to wake him and bring him back to the world of the living. When Sora didn't stir, Riku felt a sense of fear fill him, he was unconscious.

"We have to take him to Disney Castle!" Kairi cried out, her hand resting against his cheek.

She watched as Riku picked him up in strong arms and nodded his head.

"Contact King Mickey right now. Tell him it's an emergency!" he ordered.

Kairi quickly obeyed, using her magic as a Princess of Heart to send out a message for help. Right now, King Mickey was Sora's only hope.


What do you think? I hope I've done your story justice Dark Maiden85.

Please R&R