Summary: When Beck tries to charm Jade, he gets devastating news.

"Wait. What do you mean?" Beck Oliver's usually smiling features were twisted into a frown and his eyebrows were furrowed. His girl…ex-girlfriend was staring at him with a smug grin and he knew she was loving his confusing right now. "I have a date. I can't hang with you and…the other guys tonight.", Jade responded. Beck didn't have the right. He knew he didn't. He couldn't be jealous. And yet here he was shifting from side to side with his hand wrapped around the strap of his backpack. Instead of demanding she cancel, he simply shrugged and glanced away. "Oh. I didn't expect you to want to come anyway."

He could tell by her quirked brow that she wanted an explanation but Beck knew he couldn't give her. "Okay. See you later." When he moved to walk past her, Jade blocked his path and scowled. "What's that supposed to mean? You don't think I'm able to go out in public? Huh? Or-Or hang out with those idiots you call friends? And Andre?" There she was. She was the same old Jade and Beck would be lying if he said he didn't miss her. Rolling his eyes and sighing, he quickly fell into their old pattern. "That's not what I'm saying, Jade."

"Then what are you saying, Beck?" She wasn't letting up and Beck just shrugged and dragged his fingers through his hair. "Why are we fighting? Come on. Just come out with us. We'll go have some fun. You can make fun or Tori and she'll say something back and it'll be like it used to be." The day he didn't make the effort to talk to Jade was the day he'd always regret. Their fight was stupid and he felt he had a right to be happy and comfortable. Right then, he wasn't. But the way it happened…never sat right with Beck.

He could tell she was going to say yes. She was smiling and he just wanted to kiss her. She looked beautiful. Then she said two words and they nearly crushed him. "I can't." Charm usually got him the things he wanted so he stepped forward and smiled, completely prepared to charm and surprise her. "I have a boyfriend." Those words. Those were even worse than before. His voice came out weakly and almost as a whisper. "B-boyfriend?" Jade wasn't smirking anymore. She didn't find pleasure in this. Beck could only blink at her and stutter softly. Jade ducked her head and muttered something of an apology before bypassing Beck. She was leaving him.

She had a boyfriend. There was someone else brushing her hair from her eyes. Someone else bantering words with her. There was some other guy taking her words and ignoring the sting behind him. Someone else who saw the sweet, kind girl lurking behind the dark hair and dark clothes. Someone else had her love and affection. Turning to follow Jade, Beck was only steps behind her before he called her name and waited for her to look at him. "Is that how it is now? Just…moving on?"

Jade frowned slightly and for once, she didn't have a snarky comment. She didn't have a glare or a yell to throw at him. "How else is it supposed to be, Beck?" He didn't have an answer and Jade definitely didn't have one. Beck saw the pain and the confusion in her eyes so he simply nodded and turned to leave her alone in the hall. He saw the emotions under the surface but somehow…somehow he managed to missed the fact that she was lying.

A/N: This was a prompt for a challenge on Tumblr and I decided to publish it here. Enjoy it!