Chapter 4

"Erm… Pogue, baby, what are you talking about?" Kate looked around nervously.

"It was a ghost. She said her name was Goody Pope and she looked rather… old fashioned."

Chase seemed skeptical about it. He watched Pogue attentively.

"So what?"

"So what? What do you mean?" Pogue was momentarily getting angry. "The ghost appearing in the hallway is not so great!"

"Did she say something or what?" Chase raised his eyebrow.

"Collins, you're so…"

"Pogue, stop it! Just tell what the hell happened."

Pogue was irritated and even angry with Chase. He hated the fifth Son from the day one. Well, honestly, there was reason for that.

"Pogue, baby…" Kate called him.

"She just said we should be careful and… and 'to take care of her boy'."

Last words made Chase look up and meet Pogue's eyes. The air between them seemed to freeze.

"Erm, guys," Tyler interfered their speechless battle.

"Never mind it, Tyler," said Chase. "I'm not going to freak out and start Using uncontrollably." With these words Chase stood up, took his books and left the hall.

"Baby, I know you're angry," Kate started once again but was stopped by Pogue's gloomy look.

"So, what was that all about?" Everybody looked at Reid as he's said it. "I mean, the visiting ghost. Why would she come and why couldn't she be more precise?"

"It all sounds like a warning to me," Tyler looked at his friends. "Something is going to happen soon. And we were asked to look after Chase."

Meanwhile, somewhere in Ipswich, in one of its numerous cafes, Lydia had a very nteresting conversation with her Aunt.

Aunt Esther lived in New York and she always was in touch with her numerous relatives: brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. Esther knew a lot of her family's history and was always eager to share it with others.

Several months ago Lydia called her and asked to find some information about Ipswich and the local coven of warlocks. Aunt Esther was unpleasantly surprised with that question, because her family has a long history of rather complicated relationship with Ipswich coven. So she asked Lydia to stay away. Of course, her stubborn niece wouldn't give it up. So now, three month later Lydia was on the phone with her aunt, sharing the latest news.

"The coven is complete now, they finally have five warlocks in it. And all of them ascended," Lydia was slowly stirring her cappuccino. It was a sunny day; she had conversation with Aunt who she loved greatly. Life was easy and nice.

"I see, darling, well I'm glad that they are safe now. Five strong boys, ascended warlocks, can take care of themselves."

"What are you implying, aunt?" Lydia frowned.

"I'm just saying that situation stabilized, now you can let it go and come back home…"

"Aunt, we've already discussed it! I'm not back not because I'm engaged in business of the coven. I'm not back because of all that family legacy madness."

"Oh, darling…"

"That's not what we're talking about now. Remember, I told you that local coven was attacked? Well, I suspect that was no the last occasion."

"And what are you going to do about it, Lydia? Go and say 'Hi, I'm a witch from an old bloodline of witches and I'm here to warn you that there are some other witches who want to kill you and steal your powers'? Seriously?"

"Erm, probably I wouldn't do that," Lydia said hesitantly.

"Darling, please, don't forget what I've told you!" Aunt Esther's voice sounded desperate. "Your aunt Emily loved that man from Ipswich coven and she paid a heavy price for this love. Don't risk you life."

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much," with that words the conversation died away. Still, the thought of what happened many years ago with her relative in Ipswich worried Lydia. She never knew Aunt Emily but heard stories of her short but bright and fabulous life. She was killed in crossfire during one of fights between warlocks. She was in relationship with Liam Garwin then. And she left a daughter – Emma, who might quite easily be his child. Emma lived in Ipswich her whole life. Lydia had an appointment with her in the café. Her cousin had to come fifteen minutes ago. Well, punctuality wasn't in their bloodline.


"Oh, hi, you're finally here!" Lydia turned to face her cousin and froze the next second. Behind a tiny dark haired Emma there was pale and covered in blood ghost. That ghost had a unbelievable resemblance with Aunt Esther. Live wasn't nice and easy anymore.

AN: hey, guys. i hope you enjoyed new chapter. There are a lot of talking so i'll add some action in the next chapter!

How do you like Lydia so far? She's actually nice but a little bit arrogant.

Reviews and criticism are appreciated.

btw, i've found couple of logical mistakes in previous chapters, i will correct them as soon as get some more time.

that's it for now.
