Disclaimer: I do not own Peterpan books, 2003 movie or the miniseries neverland.

"We are going to be late!" Came the cry of thirteen year old John Darling as he and his siblings crossed the busy streets of London.

There were three Darling children. The eldest was a girl, hardly fifteen, with golden brown hair that tousled down her back. She had a habit of keeping her head in the clouds when her feet should be planted firmly on the ground. Her parents wanted her to grow into a fine proper young lady of society. Her name echoed in the wind; funny, as her name was Wendy.

The middle child, and elder boy, was John. His name cried with the rain. The boy stood up to his sister's shoulders, with lightly brown hair on his head, and round glasses around his eyes. He had a knack for knowledge, and wanted to desperately learn more of the world he lived in. He longed for magic, but only if it could be explained in a logical sense. His parents had raised him to an English gentleman, and that's exactly what he intended to be.

The third, and youngest was a seven year old boy. He held soft golden hair with a tint of red seeping through it. His name was whispered in the sun's rays, Michael. Being the baby of the family he was often watched and fussed over by his older siblings. He didn't mind that well, still being young in the world, there were many things that frightened him.

Scampering, or rather closely watching the children, was there saint Bernard, Nana. She was good dog, who always seemed to have the kid's best intentions at heart. Though, Nana did have one or two "Disagreements" with Mr. Darling about upbringing children.

"Slow down, John" Wendy exclaimed. She held Michael's hand firmly in her grasp. She ran as fast as she could to keep up with her brother.

"Hurry, then" John called back to them. Michael's eyes lingered over across the street, something that sparkled in the light of the sun caught his eye.

"John, stop running through people. It isn't polite" Wendy scolded at her brother.

"Do you expect to walk around them, it'll take forever" John told her. "If we're late, Mother and Father will have our heads."

"Still, it is impolite to barge right through people" Wendy responded. She pondered for a moment; there she was being all proper again. It wasn't her fault that is how she was taught to be. Sometimes she would imagine life where there was no "proper" way of doing things. But here in London, in her life, there was no time for such nonsense.

Nana barked to catch the attention of the bickering siblings. Wendy felt the weight in her left hand. There was no weight; Michael had slipped out of her grasps when her mind had been distracted.

"Where's Michael?" Wendy asked. John shrugged his shoulders. They ran through the crowded streets in search of their brother, forgetting all about their parent's dinner party for the evening, or how they were supposed to be home in less than an hour.

Wendy and John were desperate. They kept calling out their brother's name, in hopes he would pipe up and say "Here, I am".

They glanced over their shoulder; Luckily, the young boy came running towards them.

"Michael, Where were you" Wendy wrapped her arms around the boy. "You had us frightened. Imagine what mother and father would think!"

John, though concerned with his brother's safety, was more curious about the glass ball in his hands.

"What have you got there?" John asked. Michael held it up.

"I don't know" He said. "But, Wendy, doesn't it look like something that would be in one of your stories." Wendy's eyes fell on the thing. It was enchanting; it did in fact remind her of the magic which was a main theme in the bedtime stories she always told her brothers.

Full of adventures, that secretly, all three wanted to gone. Unfortunately as their society wanted, kids of their class were to be proper young gentlemen and ladies. They were to put away such foolishness and devout time for socializing, contacts within the business world, and choose good matches for their spouses.

Wendy, for once forgetting the young lady she was and more focused on the adventurer that lurked inside her, took the thing from Michael's hands.

"It's beautiful" Wendy whispered.

"Can I have it back?" Michael asked.

"No, I want to hold it" John said as he reached for it. Michael and John reached for it at the same time, but Wendy was not ready to let go of it. Within a blink of an eye, the thing tumbled out of their hands and crashed into the side walk.

Nana watched as the three kids disappeared inside a golden glow. No one else had seen it, in their busy life, only her. Sensing something may have been wrong, she ran in the direction of the Darling house.

This is the first chapter, please let me know what you thing.