hey. i'm new to fanfiction. this story takes place sometime during 'Shadow Kiss' and is intended for a mature audience only so please, if you don't want to read about explicit sex, i'd advise you to not read this. but for those of you that do, this is going to be a rough s&m fanfic so you're forewarned, the lemons will be in no way 'fluffy'. i hope you enjoy this as much as i did while writing it.




It had been a long day at the academy. Various students were caught abusing feeders, novices were starting fights with their guardian instructors, three Moroi were sent to administration for using offensive magic and saving the best for last, a human was found tampering with one of the wards. Ergh... such a long day... but I knew how to fix that.

I left my room with a medium-sized duffle bag in hand, and briskly made my way across campus near the woods. The sun was just beginning to rise against the horizon with light spilling through the branches of trees. I lengthened my strides keeping a watchful eye of my surroundings. Not that I really need to. I'm off duty and with the curfew in full effect, everyone - aside from a few select guardians - were fast asleep or at least safely holed up in their rooms. I guess it was just a force of habit. They come first.

Soft wet grass and small fallen branches crunched beneath my boots as I trekked my way to the outskirts of the school. Far away from any distracting activity, I drifted closer to the ring of magic-infused wards that kept the academy protected. Out here it was peaceful and quiet, where one could be left alone with their thoughts. Well, for the time being. No one would be patrolling near here anytime soon. I had planned everything out for this exact reason, and I'm determined to enjoy this rare seclusion to my fullest advantage.

I breathed in a deep breath, letting the rich piney scent of the trees to fill up my lungs as I gazed ahead and caught sight of a small abandoned cabin nestled between a pond and weeping willow tree. Mmm... our cabin, I thought, gripping the handles of the duffle tighter.

A mixture of unresolved anger, raging lust and undeniable love swelled up inside me as my steps grew farther apart until my legs picked up a light jog towards that little cabin. My pulse began to quicken as memories of what happened in there previously, flickered in my mind. A broad grin etched across my face from the wonderful images but more importantly, it was the person waiting for me in the cabin right now that made me so excited.

I licked my lips and forced myself to stop once I was a mere yard from it. I flexed my back and slipped on my usual stoic mask. Despite my upbeat mood, there was a sense of control and order I had to embody before going inside the cabin. A strong feeling of impatience rolled down my spine before I gritted my teeth and focused on my earlier plan. I took a moment to get my bearings and filter my thoughts before alas, I gripped the rusted knob on the cabin's front door and slipped inside.

Immediately, I saw a figure flinch in my peripheral as I tossed the duffle onto the cabin's creaky old floorboards. I ignored it, and made sure the front door was completely shut and efficiently locked before I shucked my shirt off. Once the offensive item was tossed aside, I kicked off my boots and sauntered my way towards the frozen figure.

I knew she'd been waiting for at least an hour, but I made sure my movements were deliberate and slow. I continued to look elsewhere as I neared her silhouette. When I was at an arm's reach, I paused to undo my belt buckle before finally deciding to look down. And when I did, my breath caught in my throat.

A beautiful dhampir woman, wearing not a stitch of clothing, sat perched on the dusky cabin floor. Her long dark brown, almost black, hair hung freely from her bared shoulders in soft billowing waves. A thin film of sweat was coated on her smooth tan skin, the same creamy color as the inside of an almond. My eyes roamed over her generous curves, pleasantly taking in her perfect posture. I stepped a bit closer until the bulge in my tightening jeans was barely touching her forehead.

She shivered from the anticipation and I smiled knowing what was to come.

I unzipped my jeans and allowed her sweet scent to waft up my nose as I continued to make her wait. Her round delicious ass lied comfortably against her lean, slender calves as she repositioned herself on her knees with her head bent down to me concealing the view of her breasts and face. I suppressed the need to groan as I watched her body twitch when I ripped my leather belt out of my jean loops and whipped the air above her head with it.

"You may look at me now." I spoke in a calm, calculating voice.

Gently, almost in a timid manner, she lifted her head back. Large, innocent chocolate orbs locked onto mine as the most sultry voice mewed, "Yes Master."