I'll move on baby just like you. When the desert floods and the grass turns blue. When a sailing ship don't need her moon, it will break my heart but I'll get through.
Someday when I stop loving you. I bet all I had on a thing called love, I guess in the end it wasn't enough. And it's hard to watch you leave right now
I'm gonna have to learn to let you go somehow

(Someday When I stop loving you, Carrie Underwood)

Billionaire Back from dead! Infamous Bruce

Wayne Returns!

Viviane had read the Gothom Times headline over and over again.

It just wouldn't register in her head. Memories came flooding back, memories pushed into the darkest crevices of her mind.

"I don't know what to say to you right now its not going to be what you want to hear, what you should hear but, I love her" Bruce said.

"You l-l-l-ove her?" a shaky voice screamed "Viv, I'm sorry I never knew it would go this far, I didn't know Rachael felt the same way." he said. "

So what was I a distraction? Your consolation prize?"Viv cried. "I'm so sorry Viv." Bruce said with a hint of remorse.

"Y-Y-You just chewed me up and spit me out like I was poison in your mouth" Viviane sobbed.

She took off trying to find a reason why she couldn't make herself hate him.

She had ran into her pent house, she didn't even stop when Dorda pestered her to find out what was wrong.

She finally was in her bed wrapped up in a tight cocoon of bed sheets praying tonight was all a nightmare.

Suddenly a thick Russian accent made her snap back into reality it belonged to her maid/best friend Dorda; she was middle aged pudgy woman with amiable smile

, "Miss Viviane, you better hurry your going to be late."

"Oh, Dorda, Thank you. Can you please bring me my coat and bag" Viviane asked.

"Here you go Miss Viviane; Miss Viviane hold your head up and look like the extraordinary women I know you are." Dorda said

"Oh! Dorda what would I do without you?" Viviane asked

"Oh, you would probably go insane Mrs. Viviane." Dorda laughed.

Viviane took a deep breath and dodged the paparazzi when she left her pent house who through out some heart wrenching questions.

One asked "Viviane!" "Viviane how do you feel about the mysterious reappearance of your ex-fiancé Bruce Wayne?"

Another said, "Viviane! Over here! Do you still love Wayne?"

She shuddered and she could see Bruce brooding in a chair, Alfred turning on the T.V. to the local news channel to see her being hounded by the press asking her questions about their past, with have a cowl on his face.

She quickly brushed that out of her mind. She had other things to worry about then Bruce Wayne's feelings he certainly never worried about hers before, why should she worry about his?

She was the heiress to Hart Steel. She was Gothom's sweetheart. She was chewed up and spit out by Bruce Wayne. She was hopelessly in love with a man who loved her, but loved someone else more. She was Viviane Hart.