Ok, Still haven't found my Jena, but I found a Jason. Cory Monteith from Glee. I was watching the show and I saw him look a little frightened and all I could think was, he would be a great Jason.

"What the Hell did they do to you?" I asked shaking my head, I had taken Jason outside so he could clear his head. Mr. Foreman wasn't there grilling or anything so we could just talk. "You were fine when I left you."

"They threatened me." He said with a tiny gaspy laugh.

Jason Story Start

"So man." Your brother said to me, patting me on the back after Jackie and Donna had left. "Jen told me how you two got together. Sounded really heartwarming." He said with a sarcasm hint in his voice.

"Oh, heartwarming." The foreign kid turned his head back and forth. "Sounds like what happens in my pants, but not so much with my heart." He laughed. "No, no, I am just kidding. It sounds nice that you are being sweet with Je-yi-na. She deserves some fun."

Eric said with a laugh raising his eyebrows. "I bet you two have loads of fun."

I just sat there and nodded. "Sure, I guess so."

"Good, because she seems happy." Your brother said with a small smile. "She had better stay that way. If I have to go through another Summer where she ends up sad and depressed, I will literally kill you."

I laughed. "Man you don't have to worry about it. I really do care about J."

"Good, because I was serious. I will kill you if you hurt her." He lost his smile. "I will hunt you down and kill you."

"If you hurt her I will send you to my country where you will be stuck forever." Fez said looking up a little.

"Yeah, what they said." Eric must have been trying to look frightening, but all he looked like was constipated."Jen gets hurt, and you will have to answer to all of us."

I nodded rather frightened. "Ok."

"When we say answer to us," Your brother said. "We mean throw you off the water tower while Red puts his foot up your ass."

Jason Story End

"Oh my gawd." I said feeling rather embarrassed. "I am so sorry."

"Don't apologies." Jason put his hands on my shoulders. "They just love you that's all."

"I know." I smiled. "They know how bad I was last time I got hurt." I then proceeded to tell Jason all about Carl and what had happened. He took me into his arms and just held me.

"No wonder they worry about you." He kissed the top of my head.

I smiled. "Thanks for understanding. I will still tell them to lay off on the whole threatening thing." I began to walk away towards the basement steps. I noticed he was following me. "I'll just go tell them myself."

He suddenly sighed in relief. "Oh thank God, they scared me."

I turned around and kissed him. To think the big guy who had once beat up a kid who attacked me, was scared of the gang.

Flashback Start

"Hey little Orphan Annie!" Gil, the scariest and meanest trumpet player at this school said with a smirk yelling to me as I waited outside my dorm for Jason to pick me up for band practice on the last warm night in October.

I didn't know if Gil actually knew I was an orphan growing up, but he knew I was curly haired and they had forced me to sing a song from the play in musical theater class.

I ignored him and rolled my eyes. Zen, think Zen. If I kept just having Zen in my mind I could do this. He would leave me alone. I felt his eyes following me as I looked around the courtyard.

"Hey, Hyde and Seek. I'm talking to you." He said and I turned around and looked at him.

"Whatever." I crossed my arms and pulled my bag back over my shoulder.

"Close enough." He said looking down at me. "Now Hyde, I want to propose something to you."

"Sure." I shrugged.

"I was thinking tonight you and I could get together." He said rather forcibly. "Skip your little band practice and you and I hook up."

I really didn't like him. He scared me. "Nah." I said without any emotion. I knew I was tickling a sleeping bear.

"No?" He laughed a little bit scary.

I just lifted my bottom lip.

"Hyde, this is because you like Brooklings, isn't it?" He asked madly.

"No, it's because you have stolen my homework twice, tried breaking my guitar three times, and you have made fun of me so many times that it's not funny." I smiled sarcastically.

"Well Brooklings is never going to do anything for you." He put his hand uncomfortably on my shoulder. "Not like I can do anyway."

"Get your hand off of me Gillson." I said sternly. Zen was running out.

"Nah." He shook his head.

"One last time, get your hand off of me Gillson." I said giving my last warning.

He just clenched his hand tighter. "Nah."

I kicked him in the gnats. He squealed like a little girl and started to fall forward. He grabbed me before I ran though, grabbing me around my waist. He turned me around and kissed me on the lips. He was high, I could smell it off him. I bit his mouth.

I suddenly fell to the ground as he let go of me. I closed my eyes knowing I was going to get hit. What I had ever learned from Kelso, is if your getting beat up, protect your eyes.

Then, Gil squealed."Get off me." I listened to the screaming and opened my eyes to see Jason punching Gil so hard he was almost crying. Jason stopped and let him get up.

"Gill, If I hear you ever so much as look at Hyde, I will kill you." Jason said to him with a very loud forceful expression.

Gil ran off as fast as he could.

Jason helped me up. I kept my arms around his neck. For the first time since coming to school, I let my guard down. He just held my back. I was shaking. I had never been attacked like that before. I let go realizing how awkward it was.

"Thanks Brooklings." I took a breathe looking up at him.

He didn't let go of my back. "No problem."

Flashback End

I walked into the basement, where the gang had cleaned up the circle and were just sitting around. They all stared at me as I slammed the door. "Thanks everyone for frightening the hell out of my boyfriend." I smiled.

"No problem," My brother said with a laugh. He took a swig of beer. "I actually kind of like him. Good choice."

"Yeah, he is a good match for you." Fez said looking up from his plate. "When you have kids can I be their Godparent?"

"Hey, I need a turn on being a Godfather." Kelso said with a gawky mouth.

"Kelso, you have a real kid." Donna said looking at Kelso with her mouth wide open.

"Whatever, sorry Kelso, but Fez is first choice." I said with a stern tone. "That is if that ever happens."

"It's not happening soon!" My brother said sternly.

"Du. Guys I am not letting him hurt me." I crossed my arms. "So will you all lay off?" I asked.

They all groaned.


"Sure." Everyone sounded back.

"Good." I smiled. "I am going to go and get him back."

We stayed for another two hours. Catching up, enjoying some TV, eating Kitty's food. It was wonderful. How much had changed in me over the course of a weekend. Now everything was almost back to the way it used to be. Except me, I was confident. I could do anything. There was even one thing I really wanted to do.

On Monday morning. After a call to Ruby and a night of talking myself into it. I stumbled on the school's stage. Literally, I fell, almost onto my face. I ran over to the amp awkwardly and plugged in my guitar. I practically tripped as I walked to the microphone. I heard a chuckle from off stage.

"Hello, as they said, I am J." I stopped. "I mean, Jenifer Hyde. I would like to dedicate this song to my family."

I took in a deep breathe. There I was, standing on stage. By myself, just my guitar and I. I had done this in front of thousands, even those at the school had talked about it. Chelsea couldn't help but say something to me.

I looked down in the audience, there was Ruby, Jason, The Floors, and at the very back, was my big brother smiling from ear to ear. Jackie holding H. J. in her arms beside him. It wasn't everyone in my entire family, but it was a good representative. He was at least my blood family.

My whole family was much larger.

I smirked and played the opening chords. It was fast paced, and if anyone in the audience was asleep, they were awake now.

"I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation
You're living in the past it's a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that's
What I'm gonna do
An' I don't give a damn ' bout my bad reputation"

Fade out

Well, that's it...for now anyway's. There's An Angel On My Shoulder story is over. I sort of imagined the ending if it was an actual part of the show or something. The credits start to come in while everyone is clapping and Jen is playing Bad Reputation through to the end. Gash...this is so sad it's over.

Although, I am making it a series. I do have a lot of free time till September.

Anyway's, leaving on another good note, my husband and I decided on names for the baby. If It's a boy we are naming it after his father who passed last year Martin (Marty) James, and if it is a girl, we are naming it Sonshine Marie. Strange I know, but I love it.