Discalimer: Stephenie owns all major characters, I'm just making them my own.

Enjoy Hollywood Heaven & Hell or what I like to call in HX3

Also, check out the clothes from this chapter on my profile. It's all there!

Chapter One

"This one would look amazing on you, Bella." My best friend Rosalie held out a red, skin tight dress. I shook my head at her in disappointment.

"Nice try, Rose. You know I wouldn't be caught dead in an outfit like that. It's more your style." Rosalie was a model and had the figure to show for it. She worked out every day and dragged me along with her. Guys drooled in her presence—literally. She sighed and put the dress back on the rack.

"Well, you know fashion better than I do, Bella-boo!" I hissed at her stupid nickname for me. Honestly, out of all nicknames "Bella-boo" was her favorite. Her close second was "Boo-Bear."

"Too bad all the stores are lacking lately. I mean look at this!" I pull out a tacky, flower print dress and shoved it in her face. "This piece of crap is close to six-thousand dollars. I wouldn't even have Cody sleep on this shit." Cody was our six month old puppy. Rose and I got her as a present when we bought our house in LA after graduation. He was the most adorable puppy in the world. Every time Rose and I leave he whimpers, like he's sad to see us go, even for a little while.

"Maybe you should start selling your own clothes, Bella." I laughed. I sometimes did create my own clothes, but you had to know somebody who knows somebody to make it big in the fashion world. The only "celebrity" I knew was Jacob Black. And he isn't even considered a celebrity, he just signs on hundreds of them to his recording label.

Rose and I continued walking on Rodeo drive when I spotted a new store that was going to open in a few weeks. The sign read "MAC." I wonder what is stood for.

"Check this place out Rose." I said, while looking through the window. The clothes in there were gorgeous. Just the kind of place I would love to buy my clothes from.

"Hey look, they have an opening party tonight." Rose pointed out.

"Too bad it's invite only." I told her pointing at the bottom of the sign.

"Let's crash it." I rolled my eyes at Rosalie. She had spunk and was not afraid of anything. She saved me. Her fearlessness saved not long ago.

"I don't think that's a good idea. What if we get caught?" I warned. I was not one for taking risks.

"We won't get caught! We'll just wear some fuck-awesome clothes and we'll blend in perfectly." I really did want to wear the strapless dress I designed months ago, but hadn't found the right occasion to show it off.

"Fine, fine. Let's go find you a dress, Rose. My treat!" When we walked into Neiman Marcus, I was immediately in my element. I picked out four dresses for Rose to try on and sent her off into the fitting rooms. While I waited for her I picked up a few items for myself as well.

"Bella!" Rose called from the fitting room. I walked over and my jaw dropped when I saw her in the Jason Wu two toned Cascade dress I picked out for her. I was white and pink and hugged her curves perfectly. If I was lesbian, Rose would be my first choice.

"You look amazing, Rose. Maybe we will find you a man at the party." Although men would do anything to date Rose, she was picky. It was not that she thought she was better than them—even though she was—it was because she had a difficult time trusting the douches in the world. Her high school boyfriend was far from perfect. I shuddered when I thought of his name.

"You okay, Bells?" Rosalie always had my back from the beginning of our friendship. We both don't have any siblings to when we met our senior year of high school, so we both took on the role as sister and best friend for each other.

"I'm fine!" I said too quickly. She raised her eyebrow at me, but let it go. "Hurry up and take off that dress, so I can buy it for you. The party starts at 8:00 and it's already 5:00 P.M. We have to do our hair and makeup."

"So eager for me to take of my fucking clothes, Bella?" Rose winked at my and sauntered back into the dressing room. Our relationship had no boundaries and neither did Rosalie's mouth. She looked like an angel, but cursed like a sailor. I laughed and waited for her by the cash register. She came out and handed me the dress. I gave the well-dressed cashier woman Rose's dress, the Roberto Cavalli dress I found, a beautiful, detailed Oscar de la Renta skirt and shirt and an Alice and Olivia dress that would come in handy.

"That will be $12,942.78. Cash, credit or check, ma'am?" I pulled out my Visa MasterCard and handed it over to the woman. Growing up, money was just an object in my household; even after Charlie and Renee divorced. Charlie was head of the CIA and traveled back and forth from Washington D.C. constantly. Renee and I moved from Forks, Washington to Santa Monica, California when she became Chancellor of Berkeley University. It's not that I didn't appreciate the value of money, but it had a constant presence in my life. My grandfather was chancellor of Berkeley before Renee, and my grandma, Marie, owned a famous Italian restaurant chain that spread all across the United States.

My one goal in life is to give some of my fortune and good luck to those who aren't as lucky. I mean, I don't just want to hand my money over. I want to make a difference and I wasn't to be the one doing it, not some large corporation. Rose and I have already begun this by creating the Save Hope Foundation. We created the foundation our freshman year of college in Berkeley and it's taken off from there. Our hope is to save the hopes and dreams of the millions of verbally and physically abused women throughout the world. Rosalie and I have traveled to many states speaking to abused women and campaigning for financial donors. Rose and I have cut back on our hours at the non-profit company lately, as we are trying to establish our own careers. Well, I am at least. Being a 21, college graduate gets you nowhere in the fashion world. Rose, on the other hand has been grazing magazine covers since she became 18.

Rose and I walked out of Neiman with our shopping bags in tow. We walked back to Rosalie's bright red Ferrari—her pride and joy. Rosalie's first favorite things in the world, besides modeling, are cars. Guys tend to drool even more when they find our Rosalie can bring a broken car to life again. She's always working on a new car. I don't even take my car to a shop anymore when it's messed up. Rose knows how to fix it and make it run a million times better than before.

We drove home and went up the elevator to the top floor. After moving from Santa Monica to Los Angeles six months ago, Rose and I have already settled into hour home. It feels like we've been living in our place for years. Rose and I work amazingly as roommates and being best friends is just a perk. I tend to be a neat freak and I wouldn't call Rose a slob, but the peanut butter jar has been left open one too many times. She is talkative and outgoing, while I am a bit more reserved than she. The one thing we share in common is our passion for good movies and the LA Lakers. Rose has been drooling over player Emmett Cullen for years and Rosalie is not one to drool. Rose makes sure we watch every game—home or away. If we are out or busy she records the game on our DVR. I just watch for the game. Emmett is a little to intimidating for me. I mean, he's just so big.

As we got off the elevator and unlocked the door into our beautifully decorated home, Cody ran towards us and began barking. Well his bark is more like a high pitched yelp.

"Who's a good boy?" Rose said bending over and rubbing Cody on the head. He immediately turned over onto his back, just begging for either Rose or me to rub him in the belly. Rose did the honors as I took my bags filled with my purchases and took them to my room.

I hung up my new clothes and took out the dress I'd be wearing tonight. I made it a few months ago, but Rose and I haven't had the chance to go out and socialize much since the move. Although it's already been six months, getting acquainted with LA was harder than we thought. As of now I work at a makeover company and the job is alright, but it's not my dream. I want to actually create the clothes that end up in the shelves in major department stores. I want to be throwing my own store opening party, not crashing one.

I sighed, before stripping and getting in the shower. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. I relaxed as the steaming water hit my body and undid the knots in my shoulders and back. After taking an uber-long shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and dried my hair with a blow drier. When it was still a little bit damp I took out the curling iron and began creating waves. I was satisfied when my loose, brown curls cascaded along my shoulders and down my back.

I cleaned up after myself before entering my bedroom once again. I looked at the clock: 6:45 P.M., just enough time to grab a quick meal from the fridge, put on some makeup, and wear my clothes. When I walked into our open kitchen, which connects to our living room, I found Rose heating up some leftover ravioli I made last night.

Cooking was yet another hobby of mine. After Charlie and my mom divorced and I moved in with my mom and I took responsibility of making all the meals. Thank god for that because my mother was far from a chef. One time she tried making eggs for breakfast and ended up burning both the eggs and the toast. Phil, her then new husband, wasn't too satisfied with that meal.

"This is even better the second day! Is that even possible?" Rosalie moaned as she popped another piece of ravioli into her mouth. I laughed as I warmed myself up some ravioli.

"You almost ready?" Rose asked with her mouth full of food. I swear, if Rose didn't look so much like a female, I could have sworn I was living with a bachelor.

"Almost, I just have to throw on some makeup and slip into my dress. Are you sure we won't get caught?"

"Positive. And so what if we do? C'mon, Bells. Live a little. Maybe we can even meet the owner. Maybe you can show her some of your designs." I rolled my eyes at her optimism.

"You're getting a little bit ahead of yourself, Rose. Let's just get through the night first. I'm kind of excited. This is the first adventurous thing we've done since breaking into Mrs. Robinson's backyard and swimming in her pool." Mrs. Robinson was the very married and very slutty wife of an old billionaire. She was Rose's neighbor back in Santa Monica and during our senior year we went for a little swim in her pool. Yes, we had pools of our own, but where's the fun in that? The funniest part was, although we got caught, we also caught her getting a little bit too cozy with one of my classmates—who was also her pool boy. When I say cozy, I mean he was inside of her, with her nipple in his mouth. Rose and I couldn't stop laughing the whole way home. Let's just say Mrs. Robinson didn't object anytime we decided to take a swim in her pool.

I walked back into my room and applied very simple makeup. I laid down a minimal amount of Dior foundation and then applied some eye shadow. I did cat eye-liner and then applied my mascara. Finally, I brushed my high cheek bones with some blush, notably named Orgasm, and smoothed on some neutral toned lipstick. I put away my makeup and went back into my room and slipped on my dress. I looked into my floor length mirror, adjusted the strapless dress over my boobs and climbed into my Louboutin heels. Finally I was ready. I grabbed my Chanel clutch and made my way back into our living room. Rosalie was already standing there looking gorgeous in her new dress.

"We look hot!" Rosalie smiled and handed me a card that she pulled out of her clutch.

"What's this?" I said looking at a neatly designed invitation too MAC's opening. "How did you get this?"

"I swiped it from the plant outside the store. I figured the owner would hide some there for some of her guests." And this is why Rosalie was my best friend. I laughed and shook my head at her.

"You're a genius." I told her.

"No, I'm just street-smart. You ready to go?" I quickly grabbed my keys before she could grab hers.

"I'm driving tonight. My baby needs some loving. I haven't driven her in days. She misses me!" Rose rolls her eyes and shrugged.

"Fine, you're car goes better with our outfits anyways." Unfortunately, as we said goodbye to Cody and walked out of our apartment, we didn't make it to the elevator before the infamous Mike Newton stopped us.

"You ladies look smokin'! Looking for some company tonight? I wouldn't mine joining you guys for some fun." I couldn't help but blanch at the double meaning behind his words. Ever since moving in, Mike has been nothing less of persistent. The man doesn't take a hint. He is cute in that sort of blond-haired, blue eyed, boy band feel. He's nice too, except when he gets too close for comfort.

"No thank you, Mike. It's ladies night." I said, wishing the elevator would hurry up.

"You sure, baby?" This is not happening. He did not just call me baby.

"Mike, back off. She doesn't like you that way. Maybe if you got the message we would invite you to some of our parties. Let's face it, you're a creep." And there went off Rose's big mouth. I could handle my own battles—sometimes. Mike's face fell.

"Mike, it's not that you're not a nice guy. I'm sure there are plenty of girls that will date you, but I'm not one of them." I gave him a quick handshake before entering the elevator with Rose. She started laughing once the elevator closed.

"You know he's not going to stop, right?" A girl could only dream.

"I need to find him a girl, and soon. I don't think I can handle him calling me baby one more time!" We made it to my car, an amazing, silver Porsche Carrera. She was a beauty, at only three months old. I smiled when the ignition purred. I drove to the store and saw that it was already packed with people. We gave the car to the valet man and tipped him generously.

I took a deep breath before handing the door man my stolen invitation. He looked at it for a moment before giving access to both Rosalie and me. The store looked beautiful both inside and out. It was spacious and open and surrounded by windows. You could see the full moon shining through the windows. It was just fabulous.

I was caught up with the view, before I noticed Rosalie walking forward with drinks in her hand. I hadn't even noticed that she left. I took a sip of the martini she handed me. Alcohol. Just what I needed. I sipped on my martini again before walking around the store, admiring the clothes the owner chose to exhibit for the party. He/She is one talented designer. I could only dream to be in his/her position one day.

"Pretty amazing stuff, right?" I turned around to find a petite women, with beautifully styled black hair. She was wearing such a gorgeous dress. A gorgeous dress for a gorgeous woman. I bet she was actually invited to the party and not crashing.

"Honestly, the details of this gown are exquisite. The designer is a genius." I admired every element of the floor length gown. It was a deep blue, with a plunging neckline. The waist of the dress was tailored to perfection and the back had crossing straps. It must cost a fortune.

"I think it took her over 100 hours to make it." Whoa. That's a lot of time for one gown.

"I'd love to meet her." I said taking another look at the gown. The beautiful, young woman stuck out her and to mine.

"I'm Alice. Everyone calls me Alice. I am the designer you are talking so highly about. I'm honored that you like my work." She giggled.

"I was not expecting that." I laughed and shook her hand. I wanted to ask her a million questions. How did you get to be a famous designer? How did you start? Where can I sign up?

"Well, you look like a girl who knows fashion. Your dress is to die for. You look amazing in it! Where did you get it?" I turned bright red. My blush never seized to exist.

"I actually made it." I couldn't fathom that someone like Alice could like my design.

"You honestly have some major talent. What's your name? We must go out for lunch sometime!" This girl made friends quick. I could tell that we would become fast friends.

"Isabella Swan, but everyone calls me Bella. I'm here with my friend Rosalie Hale"

"The model?" She asked. I nodded my head before pointed towards Rose mingling with some man who, of course, was hanging onto her every word. She knew how to work a room.

Alice gave me a bright smile before taking out her phone. "Well, Bella, what's your number? We are going out for lunch next week. It's final." She was bossy too. Rose would like her. We switched phones and I entered my number into her iPhone. Alice handed me back my phone and gave me a big hug.

"It's been nice meeting you, Bella. I'll see you soon for lunch. Make sure to bring Rosalie!" She walked away and shook hands with an older female. I looked down at my phone and laughed when I saw Alice's full name.

Alice Cullen.

Rose was going to flip.

Don't forget to check out the clothes that go along with this chapter on my profile!