I must note that the following contains explicit yaoi. If you do not wish to read it, please skip to the line break and continue from there. On another note, if you have any comments or questions for Shuhei and Ichigo, leave them in your reviews.

EDIT: You guys are really fast. Sorry for the confusion, but I had to change the ending for this chapter.

No later than when they arrived at the apartment, Shuhei and Ichigo had already resumed their passionate frenzy. They had blocked out everything else; they only desired pleasure. It was a struggle to reach the bedroom, for they were too focused on each other. Their eyes shut, they would ram into walls and fall onto the floor. However, they did not dare take a moment of rest. They worried they would wake up from their dream, back to where they started. The two could not bear being apart any longer; if this were indeed mere hallucination, then they would make the most of it.

Hands explored skin and teeth left marks. They had practically become animals, yearning to consume their prey. Shuhei forced his tongue into Ichigo's mouth, wanting to know all that the other man was. Oddly enough, Shuhei could taste strawberries and found it greatly alluring. He pulled his head back, looking into Ichigo's eyes once more. The sparkle had returned, highlighted by a fiery determination. Shuhei caressed Ichigo's face, smiling warmly in adoration.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to do this for the whole night?" He slithered his way into the bedroom, beckoning for Shuhei to join him. Shuhei's heart swooned, absolutely melting from Ichigo's charms. He was nothing more than a puppet, drawn by a force to the object of desire.

Shuhei walked into the bedroom, but was surprised to see Ichigo had disappeared. In a matter of seconds, he was grabbed from behind, quickly spun around, and tossed onto the mattress. Ichigo stood over him, licking his lips. He dove onto Shuhei's neck, nipping and sucking at it.

"Ichigo, I—" Shuhei groaned, cut off by a sharp bite. With every move Ichigo made, Shuhei's erection would grow harder. He squirmed from Ichigo's bold advances, his body burning from the intense heat.

"What was that?" Ichigo asked before resuming his attack on Shuhei's jugular.

"I feel so hot," Shuhei finished. He had reached his limit, the bulge in his trunks beginning to hurt. Ichigo's constant teasing was outright torture, but Shuhei admitted that it was undeniably sexy.

"Let me help you with that," Ichigo replied. He slid his hands under Shuhei's tank top, slowly taking it off. Fingers traced grooves and curves, admiring the hard muscle obtained through years of training. Throwing the article of clothing aside, Ichigo played with one of Shuhei's nipples.

"Goddamn," Shuhei gasped. Who knew a man would be able to give him this much delight? Of course, he could not simply let Ichigo have all the fun; using his knee, he created friction against the other man's groin.

"S-stop that," Ichigo stammered, his member throbbing with need.

"Don't you like it?" Shuhei sat up, pulling Ichigo further onto the bed. It was his turn to be leader. He grabbed a fistful of Ichigo's hair, kissing him roughly as he took off the rest of their clothes. After long last, the two were naked. Shuhei hungrily examined Ichigo's physique, finally setting his sights upon Ichigo's cock.

"What are you waiting for?" Ichigo demanded.

Without saying a word, Shuhei carefully grabbed the base of Ichigo's member and guided his thumb to its tip. Hearing Ichigo let out a soft whine, he continued to stroke even faster. He greatly wished to maintain eye contact, but was too captivated by Ichigo's cock. He jokingly bragged that his was of commendable size; however, what stood before him was truly a spectacle to behold. He hummed in sweet anticipation, then took the member into his mouth.

"Fuck!" Ichigo cursed. His breaths had become ragged, and it took much strength to avoid bucking his hips. For Shuhei to have put him in this situation so quickly was quite impressive. "You are a natural."

Shuhei secretly smirked to himself, but truthfully it was not the first time he had given head. Though the memories were unclear, he remembered making a stupid bet during one of his drunken episodes. If he was able to get a man off in less than three minutes, he would be given a huge sum of money. Needless to say, he had won, but the experience ultimately came to haunt him.

Nevertheless, Shuhei ran his tongue over Ichigo's dick, gradually taking in more and releasing with a satisfying pop. Ichigo could only watch as the other man did his work. He did his best to fight back another groan, but he was powerless against Shuhei's unbelievable expertise.

"That's it," Ichigo decided. "You've had enough." The two switched places once again, Ichigo now positioned at Shuhei's entrance.

"Are you going to—" Shuhei had barely finished speaking when Ichigo hastily slid inside him. He closed his eyes, fearing the worst. Since he never had sex with another male before, he imagined that being on the receiving end would be excruciatingly uncomfortable. However, it was not like that at all; the invasion was sudden, yet remarkably not painful. It felt right…and very good.

"Did I hurt you?" Ichigo asked, rubbing Shuhei's cheek.

"No," Shuhei responded. "Just move already." At that, Ichigo complied, keeping a slow rhythm. Who was he to deny someone sex?

Shuhei had retreated into silence, his cock starting to leak from ecstasy. He never realized how much he missed out, and he was enjoying himself thoroughly. When he did it with women, there was no bliss, simply release. In the end, he pushed them away, but he longed to meet that special person. With Ichigo, it was different; for once, he had butterflies in his stomach. He still doubted the true nature of his feelings for Ichigo. Nonetheless, maybe it was meant to be.

Almost instantly, a blast of pleasure surged through Shuhei's body. Whatever Ichigo had done, it had made him begging for more. "Faster!" Shuhei yelped, his legs wrapping around Ichigo's waist.

"It seems I've found it," Ichigo chuckled. He adored this submissive part of Shuhei, a hot mess waiting to explode. To be fair, he could sense that his own climax was near. The constriction around his member had driven him crazy, reducing him to a state of pure lust and abandonment. Soon enough, Ichigo began pounding into the other man mercilessly, their voices a cacophony of moans and screams.

"I'm about to cum," Shuhei hissed. For a brief moment, there was merely white, and the entire world was put on mute. It was as if he had transcended into nirvana, unable to return from his high. Then, like a crashing wave, he immediately snapped back to reality. His eyes were fixated on Ichigo, who plowed him with unimaginable force. His ears heard everything: the creaking bed, the deep grunts, the smacking skin.

Both letting out one last predatory growl, the two finally reached orgasm. As Ichigo came into him, Shuhei spilled his seed onto their stomachs. A minute later, Ichigo removed his flaccid cock and laid himself beside Shuhei. Their breaths heavy, they kissed softly before eventually falling into a peaceful sleep.

Light shone through the bedroom window, hitting Shuhei's face. Ichigo had put up the blinds, waiting for the other man to sit up. "Time to eat," he repeated, clapping his hands.

"What the hell?" Shuhei complained. He pulled the sheets over his head, shielding himself from the sun. "Give me five more minutes."

"That's five minutes too many," Ichigo snapped. He grabbed Shuhei's wrist, forcing him to get dressed. After much aggravation, he had seated him at the dining table and placed down a plate of eggs benedict. "Tell me how it is."

Shuhei scrutinized the dish cautiously, taking the smallest bite. The food appeared unappetizing, and he was concerned it would make him hurl. Thankfully, he was glad to realize he was wrong. He savored its scrumptiousness, comparing it to a temporary taste of heaven.

"Looks like you're loving it," Ichigo teased. He kneeled down, arching his arm around Shuhei's neck.

"Where did you learn to cook this well?" Shuhei inquired.

"A roommate in college taught me," Ichigo replied. "Saw cuisine as an art."

"Praise be to him," Shuhei noted. For a while, the two remained quiet. They had reverted to their awkward selves, reluctant to mention what had happened the previous night. We had sex, Shuhei echoed within his head. He gulped loudly, contemplating his next course of action.

"Do you want to pursue this?" Ichigo interjected, a solemnity in his voice.

Instantly, Shuhei's anxiety faded away, relieved that Ichigo had gone first. However, he knew he needed to answer. "I'd like to see where this leads us," he said, his words full of sincerity. He slowly twined his fingers with Ichigo's, a jubilant glow forming on his face. He admitted he was uncertain of their future together, but he could not deny there was something extraordinary between them.

Shuhei smiled at his new lover, ready to take on the world. He simply had to do it step by step.