Summary: The viking scandinavians get in the modern era, causing the nordics only problems.

Warning: Faroe and Greenland are my ocs but they aren't very different from the other ocs like this...just that Greenland is usually a includes DenNor/SuFin/SuDen(?) but is not lemon, smut or anything romantically. It just says that they were together and stuff.
The next chapters will probably be a bit of ScottNor/UkxScandinavia/HonkIce/DenNeth, but it won't pass the border (I hope.)
Anyway, enjoy!

Past meets present

This morning, Norway woke up with a quest.

Someone he haven't seen for centuries.

The viking norwegian is straddling him on his bed and the modern Norway yelps slightly.
His younger self is for some reasons in his room, looking very angry at him.

"Who are you and why do you look like me?" his viking self asks bluntly, holding a knife to his cheek. Norway holds his hands up in retreatment.

"I..."the modern Norway tries to find an explanation. "Look, you are not in your real era." he says calmly. This is the modern era, my era." he explains to the angry viking, not quiet sure of himself either.

The viking listens carefully. "I see..." It seems that the viking Norway was much louder than the normal; still, they shared the same smartness. "Could it be...that damn England?" the viking yells, spitting the name England like it would burn his tongue.

Norway nods slowly. "Maybe." Then a thought hits him. "Weren't you with Sweden and Denmark?"

The blonde viking nods. "They went on checking this strange house." he says,
examining Norway's king-sized bed like it was some strange creation.

Norway gets up of his bed worried. "No! There are Faroe and Greenland in the house-" he starts, but at the name of his daughters, the viking runs to the door and Norway tries his best to stop him.
"Norge, stop!" Norway fells weird calling himself, like he would talk with his own reflection in the mirror. "Faroe and Greenland are big girls now, they can take care of eachother but I'm afraid your era's Denmark might try to stick his monarchy again!"

Norway was very protective over his two daughters and small brother, Iceland, in the viking era. But, the kids never got along with Denmark, so when Norway left with Sweden to form a dinastic union, the three islands were very sad because they came under the danish control.
Greenland, although, got used to it better than the others.

The viking nods slowly, understanding his older self. "Denmark said something about going to check the nice smell's source." he says, licking his lips, hungry.

"Ah, yes, this era's Sweden makes breakfeast every morning" the modern Norway says, making the viking laugh loudly. Norway starts laughing as well, remembering how bad Sweden used to be at cooking.

Of course, he got so much better since then.

They hear the sound of broken plates and dash downstairs only to find a confused Sweden with his head slammed on the fridge by viking Danemark. The viking Dane looks back at the two Norwegians.

"Imposters! Black magic! Norge, they are everywhere!" he yells, throwing his waist knife towards Norway. Viking Norway knocks it off with his armor.

"Danmark, is England's fault." he hisses the name with same disgust as earlier.
"We are in a modern era and those are our future selves." the nordic man explains.

"Is that so...?" viking Denmark lets go of Sweden who is still confused.
The tall Swede wants answers from Norway.
And soon.

At that moment, a young girl, somewhere at her fourteens, enters in the kitchen. Her long and very pale blonde hair falls curly on her shoulders, her left bangs being tied with a ribbon, resembling a lot with Norway's cross in his hair.

She tugs on Norway's sleeves, making the blonde yelp.

"Papa, I heard strange noises and decided to check out what was going on..."
the girl stops talking, noticing the other Norway and Denmark. She tugs on Norway's sleeve even more, starting to get scared.

Norway hugs her gently, kissing her forehead.
"Faroe, it's okay. They somehow ended in the present time." he tries explaining his frightened daughter.

Faroe had the reasons to be scared. She lived with Scottland and Ireland since somwhere close to 500, but then, in 850, the nordics took control over her islands, coming under the Norwegian control, the danish monarhy sticking in as Norway and Denmark had a personal union at the moment.

Faroe never liked Denmark and she still doesn't likes him. She always stood around uncle Iceland and Papa Norge. Her eyes resembled Norway's:
a very beautiful shade of purple, if just a bit lighter than Norway's.

Now, the viking Denmark is standing in front of her, smiling sweetly to her.
"Oh my! Look what a beautiful girl you became!"
The viking Norway smiles lovingly too, but Faroe didn't let go of his real father's sleeve.

Norway sighs and pats her head gently when he realizes something.
"Where is the other Sweden?"

The modern Sweden, who has put ice on his head where the Dane hit him, was confused. The viking Danemark responds. "He said he is going to check upstairs."

Sweden's face gets pale.

His "wife" is still sleeping upstairs. He runs to Finland's bedroom, ignoring Norway's calling back. He brutally opens the door and finds a viking Sweden looking hypnotized at the sleeping Finn. He turned his eyes to the modern Sweden.
"He is the most beautiful person I saw in my whole life." he says, smiling widely. "How long do I have to wait until I'll meet him?"

Sweden doesn't knows how to respond to this.
He takes his younger self's arm and pulls him downstairs in the living room where everyone already settled.
But someone was still missing.

"We need Denmark." he says, brushing Faroe's hair gently, as she starts falling asleep in his arms. God, she is still a baby, he thought to himself, smiling.
"Not you, Danmark. Denmark." Norway decided that it would be easier for everyone to call the vikings by their original names and the real one by english names.

There was a loud bang and a group of laughs.

Denmark comes into the living room on a skateboard dragged by Hanatamago, Finland's small dog. Behind him, Sealand and Greenland are tugging on the Dane's shirt, each one on their own skateboards, being pulled by Denmark and Hanatamago.

Sweden almost screams when he sees his son, Sealand, in such dangerous situation. The viking Sweden didn't got scared though because Sealand wasn't his son yet.
The danish viking gets up the sofa and runs to Denmark.

Denmark and Greenland both stops to look at the viking.
"Oh, my God...Norway, what have you done..."
Denmark whispered, not believeing his eyes that his young self was right in front of him.

Greenland, on a side note, was quite happy.
She was a tall girl of fifteen years old, as blonde as her father, Denmark,
and with mesmerizing blue eyes. Her eyes was short and coated in hair gel, imitating her danish dad. She didn't really liked Denmark, especially because lately he would abuse of her country's resources and money, but he was an awesome dad.

She grew up with Iceland and Faroe under the Norwegian control. She knew Norway was her real father but she didn't really feel the relation between them.
In 1814, when her so-true-father left with Sweden, she came closer to Denmark.

Denmark and Norway were anyway their parents, no matter how weird that sounds, having two fathers, for Greenland and Faroe, that wasn't a problem: Faroe considered Norway her father and Greenland Denmark so they stopped calling eachothers sisters a long time ago especially because the relation between Norway and Denmark got very cold after the Second World War.

So, now, the young viking was staring at Greenland in amazement. "Oh, my God, look what beautiful daughter I have!" he says,
pulling his "daughter" into his arms, snuggling.

Denmark is confused, so Norway sighs and starts telling him the actions again.

Thanks for reading!:3 In the next chapters I will add also Arthur, Scottland, Romania and HK~