Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia and the songs featured in this.

Past meets present IV

Later that afternoon, after Denmark decided to start a fight with Scotland -of course, losing-, Sweden and Finland take the three young vikings to see the town. Iceland was gone for some reasons so he hadn't got a panic attack over his younger self. Meanwhile, Scotland and Wales moved in the guest room, looking through books carefully.

The magic club sits in Norway's room, each one of them with different stuff to do. England sits at the desk and throws away all the book he finds useless, forming a pile behind his chair. Romania is half drunk; Finland offered him some vodka a while go and of cooourse, the ex-victim of the communism couldn't refuse. Norway plays with the child Island, smiling dearling when the child calls him "storebror".

England lets out an annoyed groan. "Put your bloody asses on work." he demands and Romania rolls his eyes. "Sure, after finishing this bottle." the Romanian says, opening the vodka bottle. England grabs it and hides under the desk. "No more vodka until you find the spell!" the blonde with stuffy eyebrows threatens.

Romania whines and rolls on the ground, grabbing some books and starting to flick the pages. Norway watches the scene amused, letting the small Icelandic sleep. He takes a book and wipes the dust away from it. "Can't you remember at least the name of the book?" Norways asks England and the Briton looks at him speechless.

"I..." the Briton shifts awkwardly. "No. I remember just that I learned it from my mother..." Romania gasps. "Bai!" he shouts, making the two blondes look at him curiously. "You should look for your mother's books then!" the Romanian says and England slaps his forehead.

"Of course! It must probably be in her personal diary or something..." England mumbles, looking through the pile of books. "Bullocks! Help me find it, guys!" he demands and they start looking for the diary. Norway picks up a small brown book with a silver lock on its side. "This one?" he asks, raising and eyebrow and England smiles widely. "Yes! How did you know?" Norway points the diary. "It has your mother's name on it...?"

Romania laughs and England shoves him away. He takes the diary from Norway and tries to open it. "Ooooopen!" he shouts at the small locker. Romania laughs again. "Dude, use one of your spells, like Demon summoning song." the strawberry blonde laughs, starting to hum softly England's spell. England covers his mouth.

"Shut the hell up! Maybe it works and you summon Dracula!" Romania bites his finger. "Dracula doesn't exist." the Romanian glares darkly at him and England points to him. "How do I know? Maybe it's Vlad the Impaler just like how Alfred says!" England accuses him and Romania grins, showing his fang. "Maybe I am Vlad the Impaler, therefore...Dracula." the boy with red eyes smirks.

England shivers slightly. "Stop it, Ro. I'm just folling around with you." he says softly and Romania giggles childishly. "Me too~! That's what friends do!" he says excitedly, making Norway close a book and look to him. "Friends?"

Romania nods. "Yes! You guys are my closest friends~" he says, smiling widely and England chuckles. Norway blushes embarassed and England turns to him. "What? Aren't we your friends?" the Briton aks smiling and Norway looks at him in the eyes. "You know...I think you two really are my best-friends." the Norwegian smiles slightly and Romania tackles him, hugging him tightly.

"Te iubiiiiim, Norvy~" Romania chirpes sweetly and England joins the hug. "Yup~!" he adds and Norway blushes more. "Shut up or I'll put my trolls beat you." Norway says, trying to act cool. Romania laughs and pats his head. "Sure~ Anyway, England, to that spell from Happy Potter."

England growls. "It's HARRY POTTER, you bloody eastern country." Romania grins. "I may be a eastern country, but bloody? Nu, Artie, that's beyond me." England huffs. "It's very bloody, no wondering you have so many whores there." Romania gives him a dark glare. "Oh, yeah? And who's banging my whores? Oh, wait, I know the answer! It's you, westearn countries!" Romania replies back, a bit harshly and Norway facepalms.

"Fuck friends."

"Isn't that illegal if we're not fuck buddies?"

"Shut up, dum romansk."

"Ok, now we really need to do that spell." England says and takes the diary. He pulls out of his pocket his wand and Romania starts singing.

"There was once a boy named Arthur, destined to be a star. His parents were killed by Norway, who gave him a flying bunny." England and Norway look at him in a combination of amusement and confuse. "Yo, Artie, yo' wizard." Romania ends, smiling.

"You're on drugs." Norway says.

"No more Harry Potter for you." England adds, waving his wand in the air. "Alohomora." he says softly but determined and the lock falls with a small bang on the floor. "Splendid." he says, opening the diary. He flicks the pages until he finds a page full of spells. "Bingo anyone? Because I got the money~" he announces and both Romania and Norway look over his shoulder.

"Which one is?" Norway asks him and England rubs his chin. 'I don't know. The names don't make any sense to me." he adds, looking overt the spells carefully.

Denmark enters the room with Netherlands behind him. "GUYS, DID YOU FIND THE SPELL?" he yells and Netherlands hits him in the hip. "Oooooow, Neddy, why?"

Norway twitches. "Did you listen all this long on the door, anko uzai?" he asks and Netherlands nods. "He's drunk, sorry." the Dutch says and Norway shrugs. Denmark runs to England and grabs both of his dairy and wand. "IS THIS THE SPELL?" the Dane yells and England tries to take his objects back. "Idiot, don't!"

Denmark waves the wand in the air and mutters something. "Shit." Norway cusses and jumps on Denmark's back, making him lose control and he moves the wand to face Romania. "Nei!"

A bright light fills the room and all of them closes their eyes, Romania holding his hands over his head. In the next second, Romania is on his knees and England runs to him. "Kiddo, are you alright? Fuck you, Denmark!" he shouts, pulling on Romania's arm.

Romania looks up at him. "I-I'm not a frog or something...?" he asks, smiling. "Woooh, it's good then. Seems like Denmark doesn't have any magic." England lets out a sigh of relief and turns to Norway, slamming Denmark's head to a wall. "Anko uzai. if you don't lock yourself in your room tonight, I'll stick a salmon up your ass." Norway growls and Denmark laughs. "What kind of salmon~?" His head hits the wall again.

Netherlands sighs and pulls on Norway's arm. "Don't worry, I'll be sure he won't disturb you." he says and Norway nods, letting the Dutch carry the passed out Dane out of the room.

The magic club sighs and throws themselves either on the floor or bed. England sits on the bed and looks over to Island. "How comes this little angel is that expresionless Icelandic angler?" he asks and Norway chuckles a bit, sitting on the floor while Romania rolls on the rug. "I guess the time he spent with Denmark spoiled him."

England and Romania start laughing. "Guys, lets stop fooling and find the spell." Romania says, smiling and the other two look at him surprised. "Oh my God, you are serios for once!" they notice and Romania laughs, sitting up and grabbing one of Norway's deodorants. He takes a black marker and draws two bushy eyebrows.

"I'm mad, really bad, but don't tell my mom and dad! Hooker on, kiss my butt, 'cause I'm bloody fucking nuts!" he sings and England starts laughing loudly.

"Dude, you're high or something." Norway joins their fun too.

They make some jokes before going back to work. But this is distrubed again when Iceland enters their room with Hong kong behind him. Iceland notices the child on the bed and gasps shoked.

"You sure are cute, Aisurando." Hong Kong says and Iceland blushes annoyed.


"Oh, hi, brother. That's Island, a very nice child that calls me 'storebror' a lot."

"You're dead."

A/N: This. Is. VERY. Late. I'm terribly sorry, I have exams the whole month.

So, I've read the reviews and some of your ideas and decided to make a nice scene but it just couldn't fit in this chapter, just the first part of it, and that being Den using his wand on Romania. I...will try being faster with the story and take you all for the nice reviews ;w;


Storebror- big brother (Norwegian)

Bai- Hey, an exclamation that demands attention -informal- (Romanian)

Te iubim- We love you (Romanian)

Btw, the songs featured in this are: England's Demon Summoning Song; Harry Potter in 99 seconds and Tik Tok British parody by Midnight Beast