Time to be together

Our first meeting was strange, I found him strange. His strength was odorless, with the animal instinct I got from Alex, I can tell whether someone was strong or weak. His first way of playing basketball was as a mere support, a shadow as he calls it. I found it weird from the start. The need to sacrifice yourself so your team can score, I thought it was stupid. Wouldn't you want a chance to be able to be the one to score? Get the audiences cheering for you and feel that part of the victory? But I was wrong, it wasn't stupid. We viewed it as a sacrifice; you proclaimed it was better than losing that no matter what, you wanted to be helping the team, help everyone with their dreams. In the end, how could we have scored if it weren't for your passes? We thought that your passes were strong, fast and accurate. You gave us your trust, you gave us your power, giving us a chance to win, giving me a chance to meet strong people and help me win against them, and I trusted… no I trust you, even now.

Your strong… you believe in everyone. You never learn to give up, even if the chances of winning were down or minus to zero, you don't give up. You'd stubbornly keep playing till the last whistle, not until the timer was a double zero. Your attitude was always convenient to have at times we wanted to give up, you've given us strength. To think a little guy like you could affect us so much, I'm really glad I came to Japan, that I came to meet you.

Who would've thought you had more in you. That time you proclaimed that you'd definitely get stronger and make a new way of playing basketball for you. You're so earnest in practicing enough to surprise me. Growing bit by bit to the Kuroko you are now, you've definitely gotten stronger but still the same soft spoken, stubborn guy that hates to lose, I first met. You became the Kuroko of Seiren and abandoned the Kuroko of Teikou, had higher dreams other than defeating the Generation of the Miracles, enjoyed every last minute you spent in Seiren.

After all you've shown me, it doesn't surprise me that I've honestly been taken by you.

"Hey Kuroko, remember that thing you said before?" Kagami recalls, making Kuroko switch his attention to him and stop thinking. "About… where a person is unbelievably a genius in one part but is really bad at another?"

"…yes" the sky eyed teen also recalls, his said that before. "Are you saying that I'm really awful at… this?" Kuroko asks, seems a little bit offended. "Isn't that obvious? You barely know what you're saying anymore. All you've got in that head of yours is basketball…" Kagami dictates, coming closer to the smaller teen.

"I love basketball…"

"I know that… I do too…" the red head continues, now very close to Kuroko.

"It's just… " kagami's eyes soften, reflecting Kuroko's ocean eyes, closely staring at him and anticipating what he had to say.

Slowly the ball on Kuroko's hands slip, falling and bouncing on the court. Said ball rolled away freely, uncared by the two teens. Kuroko was apparently too shocked at the situation to care. Kagami gently pulls back, eyeing Kuroko for any further reaction aside from pure shock. After a few seconds to collect himself, Kuroko finally turns away from Kagami his ears a dark shade of red, making the tiger's lips form a very weird smile. He had to stop himself from laughing. He was too happy.

"Kagami-kun…" Kuroko tries to ask.

"Think about it by yourself!" was the taller teens reply, now forming a stern face he picks up the ball. "Let's go home…" he begins to walk, also grabbing the drink he had and taking a sip.

"…yeah" following the teen's back now, with a distance. He stares at the red hair on top of broad shoulders, unconsciously lifting up his hand to touch his lips. That was… a greeting, right?

Author: thank you very much for reading this~! Hope you all enjoyed~