A Good Deed

Disclaimer: Danny Phantom was created by Butch Hartman.

"Hey Fenton!"

I looked up from my locker to see Dash walking in my direction; his teeth bared, eyes blazing, and fists clenched in the recognizable 'I need to beat someone up and Danny Fenton is the one' pose.

"Oh no..."

The locker next to mine slammed closed, making me flinch, but I didn't blame the locker's owner for his hasty action. I went back to digging through my backpack for my English book as quick footsteps made their retreat down the hall. Dash stomped past me a second later, determined to catch Danny Fenton even though the raven-haired boy obviously had done nothing to him.

I felt guilty that I hadn't done anything to stop Dash, but... What could I do? I couldn't stand up to a physically strong guy like him. I sighed as I gathered my things for Mr. Lancer's class and gently closed my locker.

It was then that I realized; there was something I could do.

I stepped into the mostly-empty classroom - it was still a few minutes before class would start - and was relieved to see that Mr. Lancer was at his desk.

"Mr. Lancer?"

Mr. Lancer looked up from grading papers and smiled. "Yes, what is it?"

"I wanted you to know that Dash is bullying Danny..."

"The Great Gatsby, not again." Mr. Lancer sighed and stood up, walking quickly out of the classroom.

I watched him leave before I made my way to the back of the room to my desk, hoping that Mr. Lancer would make it to Danny before he was hurt.

A few minutes later, just before the final bell, I was happy to see Danny walk in completely unscathed. He smiled at his friends, Sam and Tucker, and took his seat near them. Dash wasn't far behind, though he looked decidedly less than happy. In fact, he was seething. He slammed his book down on his desk and fell into his chair, crossing his arms in a huff. Mr. Lancer came in right after Dash, acting as if nothing had happened. The final bell rang, and class went on as normal.

After class, I was back at my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and was surprised to see Danny smiling at me.

"Mr. Lancer told me. Thanks."

He waved goodbye and went to join his friends, who were waiting for him down the hall. The three of them walked away, smiling and laughing together.
