Yang: I hope you guys like this story XD
Loki: Yeah ;)
Yin: Why am I letting them do this?

"I am your king." Loki announced, "And you shall treat me as such!"
Every Asgardian bowed in respect. You see Loki had battled Thor, and won, but just as he was about to slay his brother, he instead wiped his memory, banishing him to Midgard. Odin is dead in the Odin's Sleep leaving Loki in charge!
But just as everyone bowed a young lad sprung up and yelled, "You will never be our king! We want Thor!"
Loki looked at him in surprise.
Then a young beautiful woman with raven black hair in a long black dress with slits up to her thighs, a white pendent around her neck, and black leather boots stood beside Loki and backhanded the young boy who back talked Loki, "How dare you, speak to our king...my king that way!" She yelled, "You shall be punished!"
His mother jumped in the way, "Please! He's just a boy! Have mercy, I beg you!" She begged.
The young woman looked at Loki awaiting his approval. "Let him live but remember, next time no one will be this lucky!" Loki said.
The young woman bowed to Loki and whispered, "Your wish is my command, oh king."
"Your name fair maiden?" Loki asked.
"Come with me, Yang." Loki said gesturing to her to follow him.
Yang followed. They walked into the castle. Yang was in complete amazement. The room was of solid gold except the floor, made of glass, and you could see straight down through the clouds and sky or space, well you know what I mean. "Wow" was all she could say.
"I know," Loki sighed, "I use to play here as a boy, thinking how special I was and how important, but everything changes and dreams get crushed."
"Such sorrow, such pain grows inside you." Yang whispered while placing her hand on his heart. "You have everything yet you love nothing."
Loki could felt all the pain inside him, like a monster growing on hate.
"Just let it go, let go of the hurt and pain people have caused you, let go of it all and you will feel free Loki Odinson."
"Who does a god pray to?" Loki begged as tears welded in his eyes.
" You tell me you search for love, yet you feel as if you have none. You have a father, a mother, a brother, and all of Asgard, yet you still search for something."
Loki cringed.
"You feel like a monster because of your bloodline."
Loki held his head low not knowing what to say to her.
"A Father is one who raises you not who sired you. Odin raised you, he is your Father, Frigga raised you, she is your Mother, Thor has been your brother, why must it change?" Yang asked.
Loki opened his mouth then shut it.
"Loki, you are Odinson!"
He looked at her in disbelief.
"You deserve everything you you have plus more, you are king of Asgard but every king needs a Queen, if you want I could help you search for the perfect maiden..." Yang began.
"I think I already found her." Loki said with a crooked smile.

Yang: *giggles* First chapter is done! YaY!
Loki: This better work...
Yin: *sighs*