A/N Hello once again internet! This is a story I am going to be working on, on the side. Chapters are going to be uploaded sparsely and this story will not in any way impede updates on my other story. Please review the story once you're done.

Chapter one: I'm eccentric


insanity |inˈsanitē|


the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness: he suffered from bouts of insanity | [ as complement ] : he attempted to plead insanity.

• extreme foolishness or irrationality: it might be pure insanity to take this loan | the insanities of our time.

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Latin insanitas, from insanus (see insane) .

That's the definition of what the ponies who occasionally come in say I am. They think I don't hear them they think I don't hear them talking about me behind closed doors. But I do. I hear everything. This is not opinion or a boast, this is a fact. A fact the other ponies don't seem to comprehend. They say it's just, "The ravings of a lunatic," when somebody asks about it. Maybe I am a bit eccentric. But when you hear everything, every cricket chirping, every hoof stepping, every heart beating, every molecule shifting about, then maybe you would end up a bit like me. They treat me like a child, they keep me in a padded room with a straight jacket holding down my wings and a ring on my horn that prevents me from doing magic. I may be a little eccentric, but I am not by any means stupid. A very long time ago, the ponies keeping me confined hear, they- they did something un-forgivable. They said," I have no hope that I will always be that loon at the end of the hallway"

That was the final straw for me. I decided to escape that day, but it's hard. These ponies are not fools. So I have waited. I have waited so, so long, but now I am going to escape. A pony came into my room. He had with him a cart of food to distribute to the patients here. He came into the room and picked up a trey with his magic and set down in front of me.

I se my plan into action. When his back was turned I immediately got up and ran towards the young pony silent as a whisper (Which to me was not silent at all), this was a feat made easy by the padded floor of my room. I stabbed him with my horn. I pierced his heart and heard it slowly stop beating. I had covered his mouth with my hoof so he wouldn't scream. I gave the pony a quick pat down and found as I had expected a pocket knife. I had heard it jangling in his pocket many times when he came into my room. Using it I cut the bindings off of my wings and stretched them. My wings had atrophied a bit from lack of use, but were not too bad. I did get to exercise them occasionally. I tried to pry the ring off of my horn with my new knife, but was unsuccessful. This was the hard part of my plan. I listened and heard exactly 1,574 ponies hearts beating. A few more people had been added since I last checked. This didn't effect my plans in any way however. I ran down the hallway that my former room had been in as fast as I could. I was not trying to be stealthy now. I knew that when the pony I had killed failed to report to an officer in the next five minutes that this entire facility would be put into lockdown. There were some very strict rules in this place. I got into the courtyard with a mere 67 seconds to go. I hesitated for 5 seconds. I wanted to get the ring off of my horn, but I didn't know if I would be able to escape if I made the time for it. I decided I could remove it later and flapping my wings flew over the forty foot walls surrounding my former area of confinement. Once I was over the walls sirens started to blare and a steel dome started to emerge from the ground to surround the entire area, but it was too late, I was free now and I was ready to... what do I do now? I had never thought about what I would do after I escaped. I thought on this and decided that the best course of action was to find a town or village of some sort to live in... or destroy. I laughed when that thought crossed my mind, I would never do anything bad without reason. That had been instilled into my mind and I would never break it, "Do not harm without reason," I just had to find a reason if I wanted to.

I listened and heard all the hoof beats of ponies running around trying to find me and the frantic heartbeat of the warden of my old prison as he worried about having the only alicorn in his establishment escape, but I filtered that all out. Twenty five miles, three hundered feet, 8 inches, 1 and one-half centimeters away there were several heartbeats. A few hundred at least, all in one main area. If that wasn't a village then I didn't know what was. I started walking to the assumed town I had located. Flying would've been faster, but I was in no rush and my wings were not quite fit.

Some odd number of hours I didn't bother keeping track of and I was just outside the town entrance. It was at least one in the morning judging from Luna's beautiful moon. The of Luna saddened me, but I shoved it aside. Best not to dwell on bad memories. I heard a burp ring out across the relative silence followed by the sound of a crackling fire. This sound was familiar, I had heard it before, but it must've been a long time ago.

I heard a voice clear it's throat and said in a young male voice, "Dear Twilight Sparkle my faithful student, a crazy alicorn has escaped from the facility he was being held in that is close to your location. It is unlikely that he will come to Ponyville, but if he does treat him carefully. Be warned he IS dangerous! I am sorry I cannot tell you more, but I must get back to royal duties now, but whatever you do, do not give him reason to wrong!

Your loving teacher,

Princess Celestia."

Celly had been informed rather quickly, but it still made no real difference to me. I heard a gasp and some exclamations from a female voice, but now I just let it fall into the background noise of the universe. I walked into town and noticed that there were two houses with lights on. One had music coming from it and the other the frantic ravings of a female voice. I decided to go to the music house since whoever lived there was much less likely to condemn me as a loony. Now it must be said that I truly love music, when you can hear everything you learn to appreciate nice noises and music definitely sounds nice. When I arrived at the house I heard to distinct brands of music, one a fast paced rock and roll tune with many instruments and the other a slow and beautiful cello. I knocked on the door to the house making sure it was loud enough to be heard over the wonderful music being played. The beautiful sounds stopped and I heard a tomboyish voice mumble under her (and I know it's a her) breath, "What kind of pony is out at this time of night?"

The door opened to reveal a white unicorn with an electric blue and green mane that mainly was on one side of her head. The feature that really struck me though was that she had on a pare of violet reflective goggles on.

She looked at me questioningly and I answered her mumbled question by saying, "This kind of pony does."

She looked at me surprised at what I had said, but I ignored it and asked her, "Miss, do you mind if I come into your house and listen to your music?"

She stared at me, but after a couple of moments she said, "Yeah sure."

She then said in a more threatening tone, "But if you try to steal anything or hurt me or Octavia then I will beat you."

She had moved her face in front of mine in an effort to intimidate me, I responded in an even tone, "As long as you do not give me reason to do wrong then I shall not."

She looked at me appraisingly and answered, "Yeah I can respect that. So whats your name?"

"My name?" I asked confusedly. I could barely remember my name and the ponies where I used to contain me always called me patient B-34.

She sighed exasperatedly, "Yes if you're coming into my house then I would like to know your name."

"Let me think for a second."

She looked at me like seriously? But I just ignored her.

"Ah yes, my name is Ehos Thorivos."

"Weird name." was her simple response.

A little offended I asked, "Oh yes? And what is your name pray tell?"

"Geez calm down I didn't mean anything by it and my name is Vinyl Scratch, maybe you've heard of me?" she sounded a little hopeful at the end of her sentence.

"Although your music sounded good from down the street, I have not heard your name because I have been stuck in a facility that was supposed to keep me contained up until I escaped recently. Otherwise I am sure I would have recognized your name," an overly large sentence perhaps, but I did not want to hurt this mare's feelings by not recognizing her name so I figured giving an explanation as to why not would help. After all she has given me no reason to do wrong.

She looked a little surprised, "One: how did you hear us from down the street? Me and Tavi sound proofed the house and not even our neighbors can hear us and two: I didn't take you as the type of pony to make jokes like that."

I answered her first question by calmly answering, "I hear everything," and I answered her second implied with a confused look on my face as I said, "And who said I was joking?"

She looked a little disturbed by this, but before she could say anything I heard hoof beats coming from outside to her door rather fast. Before I could tell Ms. Scratch about her visitor there was a knock at the door. Vinyl sighed and said under her breath, "What is with all these ponies coming in the dead of night?" then louder and speaking to me said, "Just head on down the hall and go left into the music room. Tell Tavi I let you in."

I nodded and was in the music room when Ms. Scratch opened the door. Although I would've loved to listen to what she was saying I figured I should probably address the scared Earth Pony in front of me. She was really rather pretty with a grey coat and black mane, but the effect was lost when I saw her horrified face.

Clearing my throat I told the pony I assumed to be Tavi, "Assuming you are the, Tavi, Ms. Scratch told me about then I was told to inform you that Ms. Scratch let me in and told me to come down here."

She calmed down a bit at this and surprised me by the first thing that came out of her mouth was, "I shall inform you once since you don't seem to know any better," her voice switched to that of a low threatening one, "You are not going to call me Tavi ever again. Only Vinyl can do that and she barely gets away with that and if you ever try again I shall cause you pain that goes beyond that of physical boundaries."

I was impressed, there were no tremors in her voice or increase in heart rate or anything that signified that she was stating a fact. It seems I am not the only "eccentric" pony in this household.

She then straightened herself and said in a pleasant voice that sounded like she was brought up in a higher class family, "You may call me Ms. Octavia in the meantime. Now what in the world are you doing with a suppressant ring on your horn and OH MY CELESTIA YOU'RE AN ALICORN!" she almost yelled the last bit.

"Well Ms. Octavia if you are referring to the ring that is keeping me from performing magic I got it from the containment facility that I recently escaped from and yes I'm an alicorn. Although I may as well be a normal pegasus with this thrice damned ring on my horn."

Ms. Octavia seeing my annoyance about the ring said, "Huh, you escaped from one of those too huh? Cool, you'll have to tell me the story some time and I can get that suppressant ring off of you."

I looked at her mildly surprised and told her, "That would be lovely. I would like to ask you something though."

She walked over to a cabinet at the back of the room and started rummaging through it when she said, "Fire away."

"Your previous sentence implies that you escaped from a similar, if not the same, facility."

"Yeah I did." was her rather simple response as she left the cabinet she was rifling through and went to a different one.

"Good to know. Anyone else in this town do similar?"

"Yeah a few," was her response as she left the bin and came over to me with a weird looking pincer like device in one hoof. With a practiced ease she clamped the pincer like devise down on the ring on my horn and ripped out a small chunk of it.

"There you can use your magic to get it off the rest of the way now," she explained to me.

A little doubtful I tried a basic telekinesis spell to pull it off the rest of the way and to my great surprise the ring easily lifted off.

"Thank you very much Ms. Octavia."

"No prob."

There was a pause and I heard Ms. Scratch close the door to her house and start walking over to us. She walked in and Ms. Octavia immediately walked over to Ms. Vinyl and said in a hushed voice, "Vinyl you do realize that you have a let an alicorn escapee in right?"

She simply nodded in response and went over to a DJ station on one side of the room. Ms. Octavia followed her and asked, "Do you think he'll be OK with the stuff that really happens here?"

Vinyl nodded in response again and seemed to remember something as she said, "Oh yeah, Ehos Twilight walked by and said that if we saw an alicorn of your description to immediately tell her because, and I quote, "He is a very dangerous and crazy pony."

"I learned from Ms. Octavia that there are more escapee ponies here than would expect. I take it this, Twilight, is not aware of this?"

Vinyl let out a small laugh and said, "No she ain't, but I swear she acts like one sometime. Now I am going to start playing music and stop caring about the rest of you for a little while," and she then, promptly put on her headphones and started playing a record. Ms. Octavia walked over to a cello lying on the floor I had not noticed before and started to play it herself. I simply sat down and listened to the wonderful sounds. The wonderful sounds of insanity to put to instruments.