A/N: Hello World! Geez, I can honestly not remember the last time I updated this fic, mainly cause I find it a bit awkward to do pony stuff and I didn't think anyone really cared about it. However, after getting a lot of new story followers for this fic in the past few weeks, I decided to get down and write out another chapter for those who care. I can't really say if it's any good or not, that's for you guys to decide. And if you decide it's bad, then you should leave a review telling me what to fix so the next one is better. I can't really think of an overly cliche statement to make right now to end this AN so just start reading the actual fic.

God, what happens in this town at night? Because from what I've seen it's, it looks like a whole lot of absolutely nothing. God, didn't these ponies ever do anything interesting? I continued on for a while using some very creative language that basically was just repeating the same message as earlier. Eventually after walking aimlessly for like, 33 minutes, I came across a building that still had lights on in it. In fact, there appeared to be some very bright multi-colored lights flashing inside of it accompanied by a muffed thumping. I could hear music coming from inside of the building as well, so I decided to try and enter. Walking up to the place found a very tough looking earth pony standing next to the main entrance. Deciding he was unimportant I ignored him and walked inside. My way to the building was promptly blocked by the large pony standing next to it. I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

He spoke in a low gruff voice, "What's your name?"

Hm, if he recognizes my name it could become problematic, but even if problems did occur, it would be more fun than doing nothing so I answered, "Ehos Thorivos, now would you mind stepping aside? I desire to enter the building."

The earth pony grunted and pulled out a clipboard. After briefly going through it he said, "You name isn't on the list bub, get lost."

I sighed, he didn't recognize me, which is good, but he decided to continue to block my way. Just how rude are the ponies in this era? I doubted arguing with the fool was going to work either. I decided to try anyway, but he was persistent in barring my entry. I just about to cast a spell that would tear the ponies psyche in half, leaving him nothing more than a mumbling vegetable when a pony opened the door behind him. It was none other than my acquaintance from the other night, Ms. Scratch.

"God, I am absolutely smashed. Thori? Dat you?" Ms. Scratch was obviously thoroughly inebriated.

"Hello Ms. Scratch. How are you doing tonight?" the destruction of the earth pony's mind would have to wait, manners are very important.

Ms. Scratch grinned and said, "Fan-fucking-tastic. Here, come inside, I'll show you around. The party tonight is great!" I started to walk in with Ms. Scratch when that god-awful earth pony spoke up.

"Vinyl, this pony isn't on the list."

Vinyl just waved her hoof and said, "Don't worry about it, if he ever comes by again let 'im in."

"Yes Vinyl."

Walking past the earth pony, Ms. Scratch and I entered the building. My ears were instantly hit with a blast of music so loud it almost made me cringe. Despite being incredibly loud I did my best to enjoy it and listen to what Ms. Scratch was saying. I couldn't really hear her to well, and didn't overly want to put in the effort to make it so I could hear her. Eventually we came upon a large group of ponies that were surrounding a single corner of the 'club' as I heard Ms. Scratch call it. Ms. Scratch sighed and said, "Ugh, not again, hey, Thori, would you mind helping me for a moment?"

Ever ready to be of use to make up for the kindness she had shown me, I nodded and said, "Of course."

"Great, could you help me get these ponies? They always harass this one pony, despite me telling them to leave 'er alone."

Get rid of some ponies? That's quite literally my job. Well, was. I calmly walked over to the group, the group was mostly mares, but there some mares mixed in there. I frowned, the stallions messed up my original plan. Hmm. I mean, I could just teleport them all to some third dimension, but that didn't really hold any class. After a very short moment of thinking, I decided I had a very fun way to get rid of all of these ponies. I tapped the mare nearest to me on the shoulder to gain her attention. She looked at me irately obviously not wanting to be disturbed. Ignoring the look she gave me, I said, "Excuse me Miss, but can you hear that sound?

She glared at me, annoyed and slightly confused as she said, "What in the world are you talking about? Do you mean the music?"

I shook my head, "No no no Miss, I mean the sound of the laughter," at this point, I started casting my spell, being very careful not to allow my horn to light up as I did so.

She looked at me less annoyed, and more curious, "What do you mean laughter? I can't hear any laughter."

I had to suppress a a laugh of my own, this was too easy, "You can't hear it Miss? The sound of all the ponies around you laughing at you?"

The spell was starting to work its magic as she started to speak louder and more frantically, "What are you talking about? Nopony's laughing at me!"

"Aren't they though Miss? Aren't they all speaking behind your back, secretly bad mouthing you, despising you, making fun of you, ... laughing at you? Can't you hear them?"

Her pupils were starting to shrink as the spell took hold along with my suggestions, "NO! I-I mean, no, I can't hear it, because nopony is l-laughing at me, I am not being laughed at!"

I sighed dramatically, lowering my head before I raised to stare her in the eyes, "Please Miss, I'm trying to help you here, I really am trying to help you, all the other ponies are laughing at you. Just try and, Listen to the Laughter."

Her pupils shrank fully and started darting around the room, at the various ponies dancing and raving, but more importantly, at the group of ponies in front of her, who were 'laughing at her'. She screamed. I'm going to spare you the fine details of her mental breakdown, but the long and the short of is that she started yelling and screaming a bunch, called all of the ponies traitors and horrible beings for 'laughing' at her. After a short while some pony got the big earth pony from earlier to come in and throw her out. Afterwards the group of ponies who Ms. Scratch wanted gone dispersed.

After the commotion ended I found Ms. Scratch and said, "The group of ponies is gone."

She looked at me incredulously, "You mean you caused all of that?" I nodded. "Bro, that was insane!" My eye twitched and my eyes locked onto her, did she just- "Nononono, not like that I mean like, super cool!"

I calmed down and said, "Sorry, I dislike the use of that word when applied to me. On a different note, why did you have me disband that group of ponies?"

She started walking over to where the ponies had been cueing me to follow her, "Oh, they always bother this one pony who has a bit of a bad rep around here. I don't really know what happened since I wasn't in town when she arrived and never really bothered to get the details. She pays well though, and you're not allowed to discriminate in my clubs, so I try and get them to cut her a break." I nodded, making sure I didn't just tune everything she said out this time. We got over to a bench where a lone light blue unicorn sat with a large purple conjurer's hat by her side, a matching purple cape on her back. She looked at me wearily, a bottle of cheap alcohol in hoof as Ms. Scratch said, "Thori, meet Trixie. Trixie, meet Thori. Make sure to get along you two."