A/N: New chapter! This took an unreasonably long time to write but it's my GCSE year and I have my first exam in about three weeks so that's my priority, Sorry guys. Hopefully if you're still there I'll try to get something out but I have a load of revision to do so I dunno, we'll see.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this, favourite and review :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Ethan.

Chapter Fourteen

Harry sat in the chair placed opposite his professor's desk; Ethan was snuggled on his lap, still sound asleep. Surveying the office while he waited, he saw that, unlike Dumbledore's, it was sparsely decorated. It was a medium sized room with a large window on one wall, the desk facing it, with one chair behind and the chair that Harry currently occupied. There was a fireplace on the adjacent wall and a bookcase in the corner. Although altogether unremarkable, Harry felt it fit her no-nonsense attitude more than the Headmaster's office full of objects and trinkets.

The hand of the clock on the wall moved gradually around as he sat waiting and in the silence Harry began to fidget nervously with Ethan's clothes. What would he say? How would he make his case? Could she just tell him to give Ethan away?

These thoughts circled his head as he got increasingly anxious thinking about all that could go wrong. It wasn't as if he even had any legal right over Ethan, she could just get social services involved. Was there even a Wizard version of that? If there was, there was no way they'd give custody of a child to an underage Wizard. Oh Merlin what would he do?

Before his thoughts could spiral any further he heard the collective noise of the students moving through the corridors, then a few minutes later his head of house entered the room.

She walked over and sat in the chair opposite him, then fixed him with an expectant look. He clutched Ethan tighter.

"Mr Potter can you please explain to me why you thought it appropriate to bring an infant to Hogwarts? Especially with the circumstances that have arisen" She questioned with a note of disbelief. Harry gathered up his courage and answered as best he could.

"I'm going to tell you the same thing that I'll tell everyone else; I love him, he's my son now, he's my responsibility and he's got no one else. I couldn't leave him; he had nowhere to go… so I brought him here" He said this firmly, glad his professor hadn't interrupted. She was now looking down at Ethan and the way that Harry held him and he saw her face soften ever so slightly.

"Can I ask where he came from?"

"My cousin Dudley is his biological father, but honestly as soon as he arrived at the house I was the one who took care of him, my aunt and uncle hardly gave him a second look and Dudley… he means well I guess and he helped me get out when things turned bad but Dudley doesn't want Ethan and he wouldn't have a clue how to look after him anyway"

"And do you?" She questioned, honest and serious. The look on her face was urging Harry to stop and think about his answer instead of simply blurting something out. So that's what he did, he paused and looked down at Ethan. Did he have what it took to raise him? When he was older, would Ethan thank him for this or hate him?

Minerva waited patiently as her student thought about the question. She was honestly curious about how he would answer her. Though his actions had been very reckless, she could acknowledge that there was love behind them and for that she couldn't fault him. As Harry began to answer, her thoughts trailed off to focus on what her student had to say.

"I think I do… I mean I know I'm not perfect and I won't be able to do everything that I probably should but I've been doing well so far" She could hear the insecurity in his voice as he said the last thought, but he then continued with more confidence, as if assuring himself as he spoke "I mean, he's walking and he's doing alright with his speech I think, and he's happy. I love him to bits and I'm sure he does me and it'll take a little more time but I know I can get this right"

"That is all well and good Mr Potter, I admire your determination, but there are other circumstances to take into consideration" He visibly sagged at her words, expression portraying his disappointment at his little speech not working.

"I know that professor, to be honest that's kind of what I came to talk about but I just want to let you know that if Ethan has to leave then I'm going with him" He spoke with conviction, no hint in his voice or face to the fact that he may be bluffing. McGonagall had expected something along those lines, but was both saddened and proud to hear she was right. This matter would have to be handled carefully; she knew that after the events of last year it would be unwise to let Harry leave the safety of the castle, especially with a child.

"Very well, you have made your position clear and I respect that, however If it seems at all like you are neglecting or unable to care for Ethan any longer, I'll have no hesitation in reporting you to the appropriate services and taking the child to be raised properly" The warning was clear and Harry acknowledged it with a slight gulp and a nod.

"Good, now that we have cleared things up we have many other things to discuss, it would seem"

"Yes, one of my main concerns right now is where we'll sleep, because I don't think the lads are going to appreciate an eighteen-month baby staying in the same dorm, especially at four in the morning when he's feeling hungry"

"Yes that will be a problem, there's a guest room near my office that should be sufficient for tonight and we will work out proper arrangements in the morning, but I'm sure there is a room next or within the Gryffindor house that will suit you and Ethan" She explained, deciding that giving them their own room would be the only way to go that would keep everyone happy. Harry himself was pleased, glad that he wouldn't spend his time constantly apologising or keeping Ethan out of the other guys' stuff. Plus he'll be able to decorate or arrange things in a way that will suit the two of them, maybe he could even get something that will play the well used video of Jungle Book (Unlikely though, as much as it would make Ethan happy).

"Thank you so much professor, I was afraid we'd have to share"

"Nonsense Mr Potter, it's the only sensible decision"

Between his smiling Harry let out a large yawn, causing McGonagall to tut at him as he uselessly attempted to smother it.

"As you're obviously tired we'll move on to other pressing matters, such as babysitting…"

The conversation carried on for nearly another hour, with both people negotiating solutions and presenting ideas that were either jumped at or quickly discarded, and by the end of it Harry was dead on his feet, seeing this McGonagall chuckled quietly.

"I think it's time you headed to bed Mr Potter, you've had a long day"

"Yeah that's probably best" Harry agreed, his eyes dropping slightly already.

"Anything we've missed we'll discuss tomorrow when you're feeling more alert, off you go now"

Harry rose from his chair, making sure Ethan was comfortable and headed towards the door.

"Goodnight Professor and thank you"

"Goodnight Harry and take this" She walked over and handed him a piece of parchment with her signature and a note on it. "If any professors give you trouble for breaking curfew"
He smiled gratefully at her and tucked the parchment into his pocket

"Thanks, the last thing I want right now is a detention"

"Yes you have a lot more pressing things to deal with, have a nice evening Mr Potter" She nodded at her student, then reached over and stroked Ethan soft brown hair, a gentle smile ghosting her lips. "He is a very sweet child" She commented absently

"Yeah he's the best" Then nodding back at his head of house, Harry left the office and headed towards his room.

He entered the guest room after a quiet walk through the corridors, luckily staying out of trouble. The room was nice enough for a guest room, with no sorts of personal touches. There was a medium sized wooden desk, similar to those in most teacher's offices but less ornate; a large wardrobe with a set of drawers next to it took up most of the left hand wall and on the right was a wooden cot, decorated with carved unicorns and other magical creatures. In the middle of the room was a double bed, similar to that in his dorm but wider and covered with plain blue sheets. To Harry, exhausted as he was, it looked like the comfiest thing in the world. At the bottom of his bed lay his trunk and other luggage, that hopefully he'd have Ron's help carrying up to his new room the next day.

Shuffling over to the cot he laid Ethan inside, placing his stuffed dragon next to him, and then he closed the sheer curtains that hung above it.

Harry pulled off his cloak, toed off his shoes and collapsed into bed, asleep before his head hit the pillow.

Three in the morning. It was three in the bloody morning and he pacing up and down the room with Ethan. It was inevitable he supposed, given how much the child had slept the previous day. Yes he was exhausted but it was Sunday and Ethan wasn't crying anymore, just very restless, so Harry couldn't complain. Ethan just simply wasn't tired.

Harry set Ethan down on the floor and began to rifle through the rucksack he'd brought along for something to occupy the child with. He took a step back when Ethan toddled over towards him and shoved him away with all the strength a child that age possesses and began to root through himself.

"Oh I see how it is" Harry said in amusement as he sat back on his heels and watched the child rummage. Not long after he emerged with soft stuffed ball clutched between both hands. He turned back towards Harry and threw it at him; the ball was air born briefly before it landed with a gentle thud and rolled the rest of the way.

"Play daddy" Ethan insisted, pointing towards the blue fabric ball next to him.

"Fine, but only for a little while and then you need to sleep again"


"Okay alright, here we go"

Harry shuffled backwards on his bum until he was resting with his back against the bed frame. Ethan had plonked himself down opposite him and was making grabby hands at the ball that Harry was holding. Seeing his son's impatience, Harry rolled the ball towards him son, smiling when he grabbed it and laughed delightedly. After shaking it in joy Ethan threw the ball back at Harry, and the process repeated again. This continued for a while, with the repetitive motion causing Harry to lose focus and doze against the wooden frame behind him. Ethan on the other hand, had gotten bored with playing with the ball and had returned to the luggage to find something more interesting. He eventually planted himself next to Harry's napping form with a small book and the body of a plastic doll sticking out of his mouth.

"Daddy" he whined around the doll, tugging insistently on Harry's arm "Daddy, book"

Harry sluggishly opened his eyes and turned his head towards Ethan, then pulled the boy close to be situated on his lap.

"No books… sleep now kiddo" He mumbled into the child's hair, eye lids already drooping again. Ethan huffed and squirmed for a few moments but then finally settled against his father's chest, the doll now clutched in his hands and the book discarded onto the teen's legs. While Harry slumbered Ethan babbled to the doll, describing the journey, the train and the castle in a way only a child can. It wasn't long until he joined his dad in sleep.

Harry groaned as a persistent knocking on the door roused him.

"What? Go away" he mumbled, shifting to find a comfortable position to resume his nap. The knocking only continued with a voice joining it.

"Harry Potter, open this door" Hermione demanded through the wood. Harry remained in his position, all set to ignore it until he became aware of a tugging on his hair.

"Daddy, up, daddy breakfast" Ethan insisted, balancing himself on Harry's thighs in an attempt to stare at him. Reluctantly, the Gryffindor opened his eyes to look at his son who simply stared back at him in the way of those who expect to get what they want.

"Lord knows where you learnt that" Harry said under his breath before addressing the child "Right okay then, breakfast it is even though it's only…" He trailed off to checked the time and groaned in annoyance when he did "Six in the morning, on a Sunday, great"

"Harry, I'm serious, you just disappeared last night, open the door"

"Alright Hermione I'm coming"

He lifted Ethan off his lap and set him down next to him then winced as he worked through the stiffness that had come from sleeping in such an awkward position. Once standing he lifted Ethan into his arms and headed to the door, unwilling to further his friend's wrath.

"Finally Harry, what took so long?" She asked as she entered the small room.

"Good morning to you too"

"Oh I'm sorry, how did you sleep? Was his first night in the castle okay?" She walked over and bent to kiss Ethan on the forehead who giggled at her actions.

"Not very well, he was wide awake from all the sleep he had earlier so I was up half the night, I'd say I've had three hours sleep tops" He admitted, yawning afterwards to emphasise his point. Hermione frowned in disapproval but nodded her head.

"Well hopefully that will change once he has a proper routine"

"Hoping so"

Harry made his way to their luggage and picked out their clothes for the day, then walked back over and handed Ethan to Hermione who readily took him.

"We were just going to head down to breakfast but I need to get dressed and so does he, do you mind getting him ready while I jump in the shower? I promise I'll tell you what Professor McGonagall said at breakfast"

She smiled and hoisted Ethan more securely on her hip while taking the clothes Harry gave her in her other hand.

"Of course Harry, just don't take too long"

"I won't" He gave her a quick hug then entered the adjoining bathroom. He quickly undressed and turned on the shower, relaxing under the warm spray. As he washed his hair he considered the possible outcomes of showing Ethan to the whole school. At best people will be shocked, gossip for a week or two about who the mother is or why he's here, then move on as Ethan becomes a normal sight. At worst he'll be challenged, bullied and mocked for his decision, with the Prophet doing an entire spread on who he could have knocked up and then Voldemort deciding that he'd found a new target. Harry shuddered at the latter but realised it was much more realistic than his first thought. There wasn't much he could do now either way, he'll just have to accept whatever comes and protect Ethan as much as possible. With a new resolve he shut off the shower and changed into fresh clothes while trying miserably to tame his hair before giving up as he did daily.

When he exited the bathroom Hermione was perched on the end of his bed with Ethan, cleaned, dressed and freshly changed, comfortable in her lap. She brightened upon seeing him and handed Ethan over as they exited out of the room.

At the early hour there weren't many around, most choosing to lie in on the Sunday, which Harry was grateful for. He chatted to Ethan as they made their way down, describing and explaining all the things they passed while the toddler stared, wide eyed in wonder, gasping every time a painting spoke to him or a suit of armour moved.

They soon arrived at the Great Hall, and though it was sparsely populated whispers erupted between those who were there as soon as they entered. Trying not to pay attention, the trio sat at Gryffindor table in the place least likely to draw attention though their effort was practically futile.

Ethan had shrunk into his side at the sight of so many unfamiliar people and barely glanced at the array of breakfast foods in front of him, choosing instead to bury his face and the soft fabric of Harry's jumper.

"Come on love, don't be shy, what do you want for breakfast? Hmm?"

Ethan only shook his head and tightened his grip on the bunch of wool between his fingers. With a sigh Harry began to point at each option.

"We have fruit, apples or oranges and even banana, there's some delicious warm porridge that you can put whatever you want in, jam, fruit, syrup-"

"Porridge" Ethan spoke quietly, having turned slightly to stare at the large lightly steaming bowl before them. Harry beamed at his answer and grabbed a bowl to dish the food out for him.

"Good boy, porridge it is then. You want anything on it?"

Ethan pointed and the glass dish filled with bright red jam.

"Good choice"

Hermione watched this with a fond grin while searching for a spoon small enough for Ethan's hands.

"Don't worry Hermione I got it covered" Harry stated as he pulled Ethan's bright blue plastic kid's spoon out of his pocket, wiped it with a napkin and then handed it to him.

"Oh but Harry, he has no bib it'll go everywhere"

"We'll use napkins I guess" He said as he tucked one down the front of Ethan's shirt. He then grabbed a spoon of his own and dipped it into the bowl, taking a small amount of Ethan's porridge onto it and placing it into his mouth.

"We'll have to wait for it to cool a little but it tastes fine, if not a little bland"

"Yes, well I'm sure Ethan doesn't like to dump an entire pot of sugar into his food the way you and Ron do, if he did I'm sure he'd lose his teeth to rot rather than adult ones"

"I'm sure he would" Harry chuckled back, making Hermione sniff in disapproval.

A few minutes later Ethan was eating with gusto, swallowing most of it and getting the rest smeared around his face and on Harry as his substitute booster seat.

"Do you think I'll be allowed to get him a high chair? This will be difficult to do every meal"

"I don't see why you wouldn't, we'll have to ask"

The conversation carried on in this way until Ron plonked himself down opposite them and got to work on the eggs and bacon.

"Morning everyone" He greeted between mouthfuls. Ethan, seemingly finished with his breakfast, a significant portion of which had ended up on him (Thanks for nothing napkins), stretched out his arms towards the redhead and made grabbing motions with his sticky fingers.


"Hey Ethan, you look like you enjoyed that" Ron answered, nodding towards the mess of oats and jam around the toddlers mouth.

"He sure did" Harry answered dryly as he tried to clean him up with the useless napkins.

"Give him here" Ron said reaching over the table to take hold of the squirming child. "Thought you might need these" He produced a small packet of baby wipes from his pocket and proceeded to clean all the parts covered in quickly drying goo.

"So what did McGonagall say? Is Ethan allowed to stay here?" Ron asked while he continued his task. Hermione turned to face Harry and gave him her full attention as he answered.

"Yeah, she was surprisingly understanding, said we can have a room to ourselves in the tower so we don't disturb everyone and she's even helping to sort of some kind of babysitting schedule"

"That's brilliant Harry. Did she say anything else?"

"Nah, I was practically asleep by the time we were finished, she said we'll carry on today"

"Be sure to talk about any sort of safety precautions, what you will and won't be allowed to do that sort of thing"

"Will do Hermione" Harry replied, most of his attention on the pancakes he was demolishing.

"Oh and has she informed the other professors? I hope Professor Umbridge won't become a problem"

"Professor who?"

"Umbridge, she's our new Defence against the Dark arts teacher, looks about as useless as the rest of them if you ask me, and the Ministry sent her, she interrupted Dumbledore to make some big speech about it last night"

"How come they've got someone from the Ministry?"

Hermione leaned towards him and lowered her voice slightly before she spoke.

"It wasn't by choice Harry, she was placed her because they're suspicious after what happened last year. It seems she'll be overseeing things, making sure everything is appropriate. I guess they're trying to do some damage control after what you and the headmaster said about You-Know-Who"

"Well it's not as if we've done much damage, everyone thinks we're liars anyway, the prophet can't get enough of it"

"Even so you should be careful around her Harry, keep Ethan away as much as possible"

"Don't worry Hermione, we'll be careful"

The group continued eating as the Hall gradually filled with yawning chattering students, they stared at each other and steadfastly ignored the multitude of whispers circling around them.

"What on earth is he doing?"

"…believe what he says?"

"Who's the kid?"

"…totally adorable!"

"…bloody nerve showing up after last year"

"What's Potter playing at now?"

"Hope he's okay"

Snippets of conversations, angry or curious, negative or positive, drifted into their little circle and Harry became tenser as the minutes ticked by, his relaxed smile now pulled into a grimace.

Ethan noticed the now serious atmosphere and looked towards Harry in confusion.

"Daddy?" He quietly inquired, returning to his initial shy state and squirming to be closer to his dad. The word produced a new wave of whispering from those near them and Harry directed some fleeting glares as he reached and plucked Ethan from Ron's arms and tucked him into his chest.

"I think it's time we went" He stated, already rising from the bench with Ron and Hermione following "Shall we go see our new room love?"

The nod he received was small but still felt and Harry smiled down at him. As they began to leave, Ron and Hermione huddled protectively around them, a low voice with the near constant undertone of derision stopped them.

"Where do you think you are going Potter?"

Harry blew out an irritated breath, squeezed Ethan tighter and turned to face his most hated professor. The man stared at him, one eyebrow raised as he took in their little group. Finally after a few moments he continued.

"Unless I'm mistaken, Hogwarts is a school, not a nursery Mr Potter, so please enlighten me as to why you're currently holding a child"

"His name is Ethan, he's my son"

The majority of the hall was openly staring at the confrontation and were open-mouthed at his declaration.

"Don't be ridiculous Potter, nobody in their right mind would allow you to raise a child"

"Honestly sir it's not any of your business how or why he's here, but I've been given permission and if you don't like it talk to Professor McGonagall"

With that Harry turned and exited, leaving Snape to glare after him and the students now loudly trading opinions on the matter.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed that, favourite and review!
