A/N: Okay so the whole idea of the story is Yukio and Rin get to be parents for the strange little girl that believes that they are her parents.

So… okay then, here we go.

It was about 9 pm and the twins have just finished eating the dinner Rin made, with Ukobach's help of course. Yukio stood up from the table.

"Thanks Nii-san for the meal, it was delicious as always." Yukio said really appreciating the meal, Rin cooked his favorite after all. And rarely did that happen.

The older twin grinned at him pleased at his brother's compliment.

"I'll go up to our room now, you should do the same. I'll be giving an exam tomorrow remember? You should study." Rin groaned a bit at the study part.

"Yeah, I'll go up after I finish cleaning here." He flashed Yukio a bright smile before turning to pick up the plates. He heard his brother's footsteps going up the stairs. He sighed, decided to take a while to clean seeing he doesn't want to study yet, or probably not study at ALL.

He took the dishes to the sink and started to wash. Kuro hopped onto his shoulders.

'ne, Rin, You and Yukio are like a couple.'

Rin almost dropped the plate he was washing.

"Wha! We're not a couple! We're brothers!" He said at the cat with a slightly blushing face, he heard Kuro giggle

'I know I know. It's just that, you do the housework, and Yukio does the working. I've seen that in other human's houses, the mommy does the cooking and cleaning while the daddy does the working right?'

The half demon was quiet for a while, thinking about what his familiar said.

"Well yeah, that's what they do. But that doesn't mean we're a couple!"

'aww, you know if we were actually the typical family setting, I would be really happy! Especially if I have a child to play with' Kuro grinned at Rin with his tails wagging vigorously.

This time Rin's face reddened deeper

"KURO! YUKIO AND I ARE NOT GONNA MAKE A CHILD!" he yelled extremely loud that shook the whole dorm

Upstairs Yukio heard the outburst, and just shook his head. "Oh nii-san, letting the cat play with you when it should be the opposite…"

Next day...

Yukio and Rin are heading towards the cram school when Yukio parted ways since he has to pick up some things from the faculty letting Rin go ahead of him.

Rin arrived in front of the door of their classroom; inside he could hear some faint squeals, huffs, and some talking. He recognized their voices; Kamiki was the one that squealed. Does Kamiki even squeal? Who knows, but she just did. Bon was the one that huffed, and the talking voices were Shiemi, Konekomaru, and Shima…then another voice he's not familiar with.

He opened the door wanting to know who it was.

"Mommy~!" All eyes widened when the little girl threw herself and hugged Rin. But Rin was the most surprised.

"What the! Hey kid, get off me!" He pried off the little girl that was attached to him. And let her down kneeling in front of her with a confused look but she just smiled at him widely

"So, this idiot is your mommy?" Bon asked raising a brow, the little girl nodded yes

Once again faces showed a 'WTF?' look. Rin was feeling faint. How did this happen? When did this happen? Why did this happen? Who made this happen! Oh yes, Rin is feeling woozy. Shiemi put a hand on his shoulder; he looked over to her seeing she was wearing a smile.

"So who's the daddy Rin?" Rin felt a little irritated, how could she ask that? Does she really think it's his?

"Yeah Rin-chan, who's the daddy?" Shima asked with a sly smile along with Bon and Kamiki who was giving him the same look.

Rin was about to retort when a voice came from behind him.

"What are you all standing there for? Go to your seats, we'll start class." Yukio said with a stern voice as he stepped in.

"Daddy~!" The girl jumped onto Yukio and hugged him. By now everyone in the class was going crazy except Yukio who hasn't processed everything yet.

"Excuse me?" He unattached the child off him

"You're my daddy!" She said happily

Shiemi has a deep blush on her face with wide eyes and her hands on her mouth. Kamiki's face was steaming for her blush was more intense, she was feeling weak on the knees and supported herself with her arm by the desk. Bon's face was dark, being a genius this situation never came in to his predictions. Shima was standing there with that smile on his face while nodding to himself as he mumbled things. Konekomaru was just shocked… and Takara was nonchalantly playing with his puppet. Oh yeah… and Rin fainted completely, face flat on the floor.

"Uhm…no little girl… I'm not your dad…" Yukio replied sweating a bit nervously

The child scowled and pouted. "No! You're my daddy! And She's my mommy!" she pointed at the perhaps dead Rin.

Yukio's brow twitched "Okay first of all… that's not a 'she' and that's not your mommy. He's my brother." He explained

She stomped angrily on the ground "No! He's not your brother! He's your wife and I'm your daughter!"

"R-rin…m-my wife… a-and you…our daughter?"

She nodded. The class panicked when there are now two Okumura's sprawled on the floor.

"Does this mean the test is cancelled?" Shima asked Bon smacked him, and by now there are three people lying unconscious on the floor

Bon, Kamiki, Shiemi, Shima, who has awoken first, Konekomaru, Takara, and the mysterious little girl are watching the twins. They brought them to the infirmary out of worry that they may have been half past dead. As if on cue the twins stirred and woke up.

"Ugh… I had THE worst nightmare of the century…" Rin said groggily as he sat up and rubbed his head.

"Me too." Yukio also sat up and took his glasses from the bedside table and put it on.

"I dreamt that a little girl called me her daddy/mommy and that nii-san/Yukio was the mother/father…" The twins said in exact unison. The others found it weird but they are twins… must be telepathy.

Rin blinked several times to clear his vision which was slightly a bit blurry from the unconsciousness. His eyes widened when his brain registered an extra character aside from his classmates.

"Holy sh-! You're real!" He pointed at the little girl that just smiled widely at him.

"Tell me little girl, are you a demon or something?" Yukio asked in a dangerous tone. The others, except Rin, was highly alerted.

"u-uhm no Okumura-sensei, she's real." Bon defended nervously

"Yuki-chan, she might not know about demons and other stuff like that…" Shiemi whispered to Yukio's ear

The little girl huffed and crossed her arms, "Of course I know about demons! My daddy is a great exorcist after all!"

They were downright stunned

"I've had it! If this is some kind of prank from you all for Nii-san and me I swear when I get back at you all none of you will like what I will do!" Yukio yelled at them and glaring daggers and gritting his teeth…he's clearly angry, Rin knows that tone and even he was afraid when Yukio was like that.

Konekomaru, Shima, Shiemi, The little girl, and Kamiki are almost in the verge of crying never did they see that side of Yukio. Bon and Takara gulped not knowing what to do. Now they're not sure if Rin was the son of Satan or everyone did just get it all mixed up, Cause seriously, this Yukio's scary!

Instinctively, Rin sat next to Yukio soothing his brother's shoulders. "Now now Yukio, let's not jump to conclusions and plan their deaths that quickly, ne?" He gave his brother a sweet smile that never fails to calm the other.

As brothers, it's each of their jobs to know what calms the other, while Rin was easier to calm since he was always hyper and would get upset even in the silliest things making his anger more manageable because his emotions were always expressed. It's the opposite for Yukio, who was always so calm and reserved, as they say the person who's always calm and cool when truly angered turns to a monster. And it would seem that Rin was the only person to know how calm him down.

Yukio breathed heavily then sighed. The others were relieved that the dark aura Yukio was emitting subsided.

Rin let go of his brother's shoulder also relieved. He looked at the little girl

"Hey kid, are you sure that we are your parents? I mean, look at us, it's impossible"

She shook her head and pouted at him, "You don't think I know my parents when I see them?"

"As a matter of fact I don't." Rin looking at her with the same childish expression

"How about this, if you really are who you say you are, then as their child you should know a lot about them, Right?" Bon asked the kid

She nodded