A/N: So… I know that some of you fell in love with Daroline from my last story. SO, I finally decided to get my lazy ass back into action and write a Daroline story. This is for all my readers, enjoy! :3

P.S.: Listen to the piano version of Forever And Always, it really fits with this first chapter.

Gone. Without a note, a voicemail, a text. Not even one last 'I love you.' Nothing. All Caroline knew was that Tyler was gone, it was like he had never been in Mystic Falls to began with. Worry crossed over into her features, along with hurt and anger. He had just left her, and when she needed him the most? Her father had only just been turned into a vampire and had chosen not to go through with the transition. She was alone while she watched her own father die, and she was alone now. When she needed someone, someone to cry with, talk to, love, to be loved. Anything. Something. She needed him. She needed Tyler, and he was gone.

"Care,.." Came Elena's soft voice from outside her bedroom door.

No response.

"Caroline?" now Bonnie and Elena's voice chimed together.

Getting up, she swung open her bedroom to face her friends. Her upper lip quivered slightly and she was engulfed into a hug. "He's gone!" she began to sob into their shoulders, letting the tears fall relentlessly now. "HE'S GONE." She shouted. Not only was Tyler now gone but she had also lost her father. "He's gone.." she finally mumbled, the rest of her words being choked up by sobs.

"Sh…it's okay. Caroline, it's okay." Elena whispered, rubbing soothing circles on her friend's back in comfort.

"Caroline, you'll be alright. You'll be alright." Bonnie added.

After several minutes, Caroline pulled back from the hug, her face red and blotchy, her eyes puffy and red from the tears. She sniffled, "Their gone. The two most important men in my life are gone." She said hoarsely.

"We know." Elena said, "We're so sorry, Caroline."

"There's nothing you could've done." She hissed at Elena, clenching her fists at her sides. "It was his choice not to complete the transition. And it was his choice to get up and leave town. Without a goodbye." She said, feeling a pain run through her body. Her heart was breaking, and she'd never felt a pain like this before.

"If there's something we could do, we would. Don't you know that?" Bonnie asked, watching her intently.

"Get out. Both of you, just go." Caroline growled, pointing towards the door.

"But Caro-"

"Out." She hissed, shooting them both glares.

The two sighed heavily, they wanted to help their friend, be there for her, comfort her. They did as told, respecting her wishes to be alone, and left. The door shut behind them, and Caroline listened closely hearing the car's engine fade off into the distance as they drove on. From her spot leaned against the wall, she sank to her knees, hugging them to her chest and cried.

The next morning Caroline awoke bright and early by thundering knocks on her front door. Groaning she rolled over in bed to look at her clock. 8:30. "Ugh, what now?" she mumbled to herself as she pulled herself out of bed and headed to the door. Her hand rest on the doorknob and she yanked it open.

"Damon?" she asked, a brow raised in suspicion.

" Barbie." He smirked.

"What do you want?"

"Here," he said handing her a cell phone. "Your mom left this last night. After she interrogated my brother and I about Tyler's disappearance." He said.

She took the phone in her hands, and at the mention of Tyler squeezed it tightly to keep the tears back. "Oh. Thank you."

"Well, don't be expecting this all the time. Stefan said if I didn't bring this back he'd let Sheriff Forbes know that I had something to do with Tyler's disappearance."

"Wait, you had something to do with it?" she asked, her eyes aglow with curiosity.

"What? No. He would've lied, and said that I did. No one knows why he left Caroline."

She blinked a few times, fighting back the tears. "Exactly, no one knows."

"Are you..alright?" he asked, watching her. She seemed to have paled in that instant.

"No." she said, her eyes burning into his. "Tyler's gone, and my dad died. Their both gone." She said, her anger and depression beginning to show. " He just left me here, all alone to watch my dad die. Just left me." She began to ramble.

"Caroline, I'm sorry about Tyler. Though, if he left you all alone, then he's a dick. If he really loved you he wouldn't have left you here, to deal with your dad and everything on your own." Damon said.

By then, tears had slipped down her cheeks, and her face had become flushed and red. "Their gone." She whispered, dropping the phone as the full realization hit her again, hard. "Their….gone." she said, beginning to shake and sob.

Damon couldn't stand by and watch this any longer, his eyes softening from the cocky gaze he had on before to those of someone that care. Stepping over the threshold, he shut the door behind him and wrapped his arms around her. "THEIR GONE." She sobbed loudly, burying her head in his chest.

Damon said nothing, just let her cry. And when she fell to the floor, he went with her, holding her. They sat there on the floor, Caroline crying, Damon holding her, like that for a while. He rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Their gone…" she whispered again.

"I know, I know." Damon finally whispered, smoothing her hair with his hand.

"Why…are you here?" she asked, looking up at him. Her face and eyes red and blotchy.

"Because, I know that if I was in a situation quite like yours, I wouldn't want to be alone."

" You can leave, you know. I…being alone is something I can cope with."

"No one deserves to be alone, Caroline."

"But I-"

"No," he whispered, tilting her chin up with the tips of her fingers so she looked him right in the eyes. " I'm not leaving you."

"I…Damon, really, you can go."

"I'm never leaving you." He repeated, and brought his lips down to hers, kissing her softly.