A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys. My life got really…hectic lately. Anyways, to all my Stelena fans out there, HOW MANY MORE TIMES WILL OUR STELENA SEXY TIMES BE RUINED BY SOMETHING INVOLVING DAMON? Like…no. That's not acceptable anymore. xD

Congratulations, Caroline. You're pregnant.

To say that Caroline and Damon were shocked was an understatement. As it was, it took them a few moments to recover from the information that Meredith had just given them. Meredith continued to write a few things down on her clipboard, and once she had finished looked up at the couple. "Caroline? Damon?" she asked, worry crossing over her features. Caroline looked up at Meredith, then at Damon.

"Did I hear you correctly?" she asked.

"Yes. You did." Meredith said, nodding.

"We're…we're really…pregnant?" Caroline asked, tears welling in her eyes. Meredith nodded, and Damon looked at her concerned.

"Caroline, why are you crying?"

"Because. I'm happy, Damon." She said, a tear falling down her cheek as she looked at him. Throwing her arms around him, she hugged him. "We're actually going to be…parents." She said, overjoyed.

"Yeah." Damon said, not showing any expression. "We are." He said, when they pulled away from the hug he quickly put on a smile. Not knowing Meredith had seen the entire thing.

"Just come back in about two months for a check in okay, Caroline?" Meredith said. Caroline nodded, and excused herself to the restroom. Out in the hall, Damon leaned against the wall, when Meredith walked out. "I saw that, you know." She said.

"Saw what?" he asked, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"That face you made back in there. Do you not want this baby or something, Damon?"

"No." he said. "I mean…yes. I mean, I don't know."

"Damon Salvatore not knowing what he wants? That's a first."

"Now, is not the time for joke's, Meredith."

"You know you can talk to me, Damon." She said, her eyes softening some.

"I do want this baby. I'm just..I'm worried about Caroline, I mean, this is completely unheard of, so it's a little scary that she actually is…pregnant."

"Understandable." Meredith nodded. "I'm sure there has to be some research on it though, I'm sure I can look it up, if you'd like?" Damon nodded, at the precise moment Caroline exited the bathroom and walked over towards them. Wrapping his arm around her, he kissed the top of her. "So, I will see you two in about a month or two?" Meredith asked.

"Yes, you most certainly will." Caroline said, before she and Damon left the hospital hand in hand.

The sun peeked through the curtains, and the silence in the room was calming. It was still fairly early, and the birds had just begun to chirp outside. Elena stirred slightly in her bed, blinking her eyes open. Quietly, a yawn escaped her lips as she looked around the room. Finally, her gaze rested on the sleeping and shirtless form of Stefan. She grinned as she remembered last night's events.

"You're staring." He murmured, his eyes still closed.

"I'm gazing." She replied, smirking.

"Are we really going to have this conversation again?"


"Good, I didn't think so." He chuckled. Eventually, he opened his own eyes and looked over at her, smiling.

"What's with the goofy grin?" she asked.

"Nothing. I'm just happy. Seeing you happy, it makes me…happy."

She blushed, smiling to herself, as he gently rubbed her arm. "It'll only last for so long."

"Correction," he said, rolling over so that he hovered over her. He kept all his weight off of her, as he held himself over her. He placed a kiss on her lips, as they parted he whispered, "It can last as long as we'd like it to." He finished, kissing her again.

"No, Stefan, I…I mean," she paused, pulling away from him. He rolled back over and sat up, looking at her as concern etched across her features. "We can't just forget about what happened."

"Right…" he said, gaze cast at the ground. "Where do I start?"

"Don't." Elena said, cutting him off. "I think, I need to speak first. You need to know how I feel." She said, pausing to pull the sheet up closer around herself. "When I first found out about it, Stefan, I felt crushed. Like I said yesterday, I hated you. And I hated that I felt that way. The thing is, hating you, and the rage I felt? It felt…good." She said.

"That's part of the vampire process. All your emotions can fixate and mix into one emotion." He said.

"Besides the point, Stefan. My point is, even though last night was completely amazing, and we both were able to forget about it for a while, we can't just pretend that it never happened. Because it did." He nodded, looking over at her.

"Is that it?" he asked. She nodded, and urged him to go on. "I don't really know where to start, Elena. Except, that I'm sorry." He said, taking her hand in his. "So, sorry. I never meant to intentionally hurt you. That was the last thing on my mind. I know I hurt you, and you had every right to hate me. You still do. So, what boggles me is, why did we do what we did last night?"

"I don't know." Elena said, shrugging. "Maybe it's because, whether we like it or not, our fate is with each other." Suddenly, Elena's phone rang on the dresser next to her. Caroline's called I.D popped up on the screen, and she sighed. "One second." She told Stefan, reaching over and answering the phone. Pressing the green accept button, she answered it. "Hello?" she asked.

"Elena!" Caroline squealed from the other end.

"Hey, Caroline…uhm, now's kind of a bad time."

"Oh. I'm sorry, but I've got some amazing news."

"Can't it wait?"

"No, not really." Elena looked over at Stefan, who only gave her a sign that it was fine, giving her all the time she needed.

"Okay, go ahead, Caroline."

"I'm pregnant!" she squealed.

"What?" Elena asked, the phone falling out of her grasp and onto the floor. She looked over at Stefan, and he looked at her confused and worried.

"What? What is it?"


"Elena. What is it?"

"Caroline's pregnant." Elena said, nearly choking on her own words. Both Stefan and Elena looked at each other, confused and worried more than anything. If things weren't already crazy, they were about to get much more worse.

A/N: Sadly, this is the end of the road for this story. Don't worry. A sequel will be coming out soon. ^_^ Make sure to look out for that. I've had so much fun with this story, and I cannot thank everyone enough for the lovely reviews. They were what encouraged me to keep writing. :3


~ Trisha.