Hey guys...

So i was nominated for the first annual Rebel Awards. My story is up so yea(: you guys can vote if you want to. You can get there by going to the link below by adding in the main domain (www. fanfiction ) and then pasting the link in


Or you can click on Unbelievable and go to commu nities and it should be under the rebel awards.

and on another note...

I will be making a sequel but it will end up being a really long one shot. So basically a lot of chapters mashed up into one. I feel like if i comitted myself to a whole new story, as a lot of people poointed out, it owuldnt get finished. So i'll just do a really long one shot. So that should be up in a couple weeks(: thanks for all the uspport guys. i love you all(:

Remember to vote if you can!

Love Mandy

Oh and P.S. dont forget to check out my story Cliche for more Kato action by me(: