Happy Canada day.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling is a british author and I wrote Happy Canada day, so assuming that I'm canadian, I'm probably not J.K. Rowling. Ah shucks, that meaning I don't own Harry Potter :(

May 30, 1973.

"She's coming to, get the healer."

"Her hand flexed slightly."

"Her eyelids have been fluttering for the past hour; if it keeps going we could have serious damage on our hands."

"They're getting wider."

"Here she comes."

Hermione couldn't exactly say when she woke up, all she could remember was going from void to healers rushing around her, forcing her to drink some potion and casting spells over her.

It took over two hours to finish everything they wanted to check then they let in her mum who fussed over her for over an hour before having to get back to work. Next professor Dumbledore came in, looking slightly troubled.

Good afternoon my dear, how are you?" he asked as he sat in the visitor's chair.

"I'm fine," Hermione spoke, looking at him, trying to figure out why he came.

"Do you know exactly what happened to you miss Grant?" he asked politely.

Hermione stopped looking into his eyes at this. She didn't, the healers were too busy to ask and her mother didn't know the complete injury.

"I shall take the silence as a no, what do you remember last?" Professor Dumbledore inquired.

"I'm not entirely sure to be honest. I remember leaving the library. It was empty except for me and Madame Pince; I think it was a Quidditch game that day. I pushed open the doors of the library and was doing something as I walked down the hallway. I think I saw a flash of yellow, and yet it wasn't there. Like, like a memory of something, either way I've seen it before, once before but after the flash I don't remember anything except dizziness." Hermione spoke everything that came through her mind of what had happened.

"Well the healers believe you were petrified somehow, of course no spell would display the illness or any possible ways it happened. Exactly like how Poppy, Madame Pomfrey, said had happened after Christmas. Do you have any idea what is happening, anything that could help the healers?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"I have absolutely no idea what is happening. I have no enemy's that would do such a thing if someone is doing it, perhaps someone was trying to make me miss the end of year exams, but no one would do something to this extent. Nothing makes sense," she babbled, leaping from one possibility to another before facing the dead end right in front of her.

Professor Dumbledore looked slightly disappointed that she didn't have an idea as to what was happening, "none of the students have anything in their possession to do such a thing and I would like to believe that none knew a spell to do such a thing, but I shall look further into it to figure out what has been happening." And with that he stood up, said a good-bye and left St. Mungo's to go back to Hogwarts, leaving Hermione to stare at the ceiling until a healer came by and did a final check before sending her back to Hogwarts in time to get to bed.

August 18, 1973.

"No Sirius," spoke an annoyed Hermione.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, irritated.

"Are you positive?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm positive," she said rolling her eyes.

"I thought you were Hermione not positive, but if that's your name," Sirius trailed off, shrugging his shoulders and grinning like an idiot.

Hermione's palm met her forehead once again. What ever happened to 'out of sight, out of mind'? Sirius had been pestering her nonstop all summer asking about the petrification incident. The day after she arrived she was informed that she would be taking her end of year exams in two weeks. For those two weeks she spent every waking moment either studying or in class. After the last exam she spent all her time with Lily and Severus and Sirius was busy with his group. Then when the summer started Sirius started his continuous questions and now, mid-August, he was still asking for every single detail.

"Just go bother someone else already," she said, dropping her face and arms down and relaxing on the grass.

They were sitting in the empty lot, lying on the grass stomach down with their arms keeping their heads up. Regulus was probably watching from his bedroom window that faced the street. You couldn't tell of course as it was hidden from view but he was slightly predictable, well and Sirius said he spent most of his time in his room and that it faced the street. He had come out a few times, in the evening when she came after dinner to the park even though Sirius never came out. She had signaled him over from his general direction and guessing where his window would be.

He come out and sit quietly beside her on the swings before slowly starting to talk, telling her about everything being shoved down his throat throughout his first year and by his mother and father. Then about how Sirius shunned him and the only person in his house that was genuinely nice to him was a house elf, and how that didn't even count as a person.

Then he had put his mask back on, not accept a goodbye hug and hurry back to his house, not looking back once.

She pitied him, privately of course. How he had to be anything but his true nature to stay in his parents good books, look down at anything without pure blood in public, and deal with his own blood and flesh shunning him day and night every day for the rest of the summer.

"Are you even listening to me?" asked Sirius, making her raise her head and give him a 'what do you think' look, "that's a no."

September 1st, 1973

Hermione watched, surprised, as when Remus arrived in the compartment, James stood up and took a seat on the floor underneath the window.

The full moon was two days ago and Remus looked a slight bit paler then average and seemed to still be catching up on sleep judging by the darkness under his eyes.

They must have figured it out by now, considering what James did. Perhaps that`s why they seemed especially close at the end of the year. There`s no other reason for James to do such a thing otherwise.

A strong shiver racked through Hermione's body.

"Always have to think the worst of me don't you Evans?" yelled James. Hermione looked up in surprise, since when did lily get here and start a yelling match with James?

"It's not thinking the worst of you potter, its thinking the truth," screeched Lily. Her face was red with fury as she tried to stare down James, who stood up when the yelling started. Her hand extended and oh. She smacked him across the face then stormed out.

All eyes turned to James, having not heard what made her smack him across the face but he was dazed and staring at the compartment door.

His glasses askew, hazel eyes sparkling, tinged red left cheek, eyebrows raised and mouth open lightly.

"James?" Asked Sirius, first to voice his confusion.

"Merlin," whispered James, eyes still fixated on the door.

"Is something wrong?" Asked a timid Peter.

"I think," spoke James before pausing, blinking and looking around at the four people curiously watching him. "I think I'm in love."

The four seated second years stared at him in shock.

"I'm" James spoke again slowly, before confidence filled him up and he started grinning like an idiot. "I'm going to ask her to Hogsmeade."

Then before anyone could tell him how horrible that idea was, he ran out of the compartment screaming 'EVANS' at the top of his lungs.

Needless to say, he came back five minutes later with a frown, a determined glint in his eyes, and his other cheek going red.

19 January, 1974


That was scrawled across the chalkboard with a chalk writing words underneath. It is also the topic they would be talking about for the next two days.

There DADA professor of the year, Madame Stack, could give professor Binns a run for his money. The only difference in their teaching styles was that Madame Stack was as biased as a Malfoy.

She was reading out loud from the textbook she assigned at the beginning of the year and felt the need to change the words and add her opinion.

"They are always shunned from the wizarding society," she spoke from her spot on the left of the classroom, right in front of the Slytherins, then mumbling, "As they should be" before continuing on.

Most of the Gryffindors tuned her out the first five minutes in but she could tell Remus, who never tuned a professor out, was struggling with his temper, pressing deeply into the parchment and griping his quill tightly.

"There is no own cure for a werewolf-"

"Who would take the time to try?"

"Always die within the first two years of life as a werewolf."

"Should just off themselves."

Hermione was pissed. Hopefully she wasn't informed that Remus is a werewolf, unless she is purposely doing this. The sentence was, sometimes die within the first two years of life as a werewolf. Sirius had spilt something on his textbook that hissed whenever his hand went near it so he had to listen to her lies.

Hermione looked over at Remus then noticed the distracted people all around him. They had just learnt about animagus earlier this week from professor McGonagall, couldn't they just listen and think of becoming animagi to help Remus.

She stared at them, Sirius was trying to get a quill to balance on his nose while leaning back on the back to legs of his chair, James was trying to get Lily's attention, and Peter looked like he was trying to do next period's homework. Useless.

Time to meddle, she thought to herself.

She raised her hand.

"Question Miss Grant?" Madame Stack asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Yes, we recently learnt about animagus, could an animagus help a werewolf through his or her time as a werewolf?" she asked boldly. James stopped his resigned staring at Lily to look at her.

"Theoretically," she responded shortly, then snidely said under her breath "but who would actually?"

Hermione turned her head slightly and looked through her peripheral vision, through her hair, and at James. His eyes had widened dramatically and jammed his elbow into a distracted Sirius, who jumped slightly and the two legs underneath him shifted, bringing the chair and him down. The entire class laughed and Severus smiled slightly.

April 2nd, 1974.

The strange trio that didn't belong sat at the ravenclaw seats while continuing their chat about potions that had carried them through the halls and from said topic's class.

Hermione took her seat across from Lily and Severus and started to add food to her plate. Gripping her fork and knife, as usual, as she ate and conversed with the two across from her.

Her forked clanged against the plate as her hand had a spasm. The skin turned red and looked sore.

"What happened?" asked Lily as she looked at the red skin, confused.

"I have no idea," Hermione spoke, staring at the skin as if the answer would come to her. She shrugged that continued to eat, the hand not hurting much.

So, nine chapters so far :)

Happy Canada day (again)

Sorry if the ending sucked, especially considering how awesome the middle was.

I went to the states yesterday and, BOUGHT LEMON DROPS, be jealous ;)

I think this is my favourite so far.

Lastly, uh, hopefully ill be updating faster as ill have more time on my hand.

Oh and, as i feel the need to share, one event that i feel like i need to do this summer is make all my harry potter puzzles :D yes there is a lot, its like a different puzzle of each person :D Can't wait.