Ouch, this took too long to get out. If everyone who reads this and half likes could review that would be great!

"Yo mate, that is definitely the right shirt for you!"

Nate dropped his head onto the car seat in front of him. Elena sat beside him, happily munching on the extra large pack of Doritos he'd brought her.

Flynn filed his nails in the corner and Charlie drove up front.

Now it hadn't been Nate who had given Charlie the driving job. Charlie had insisted and when he had been denied again he'd started crying. Nate wasn't even sure why Elena had called him. She could have called Sully, but no, she had to go to Charlie who was only too happy to join in with the 'fun'. And here he was, driving up front towards the sewer grate that Flynn and Nate were going to drop into.

Nate shook his head. Who on God's good earth wanted a damn crisp packet? I mean, come on! He and Flynn could just buy one from a Tesco and call it a day. But no, they were going to steal one from a park inside a stupid amusement park. In broad daylight. And they couldn't even just walk in by buying tickets because Flynn 'didn't have the money'.

AND Charlie was going to be Intel. And let's face it, that would just suck.

The car pulled up on a street, and Flynn dove out with their bag of 'stuff'.

Nate looked at Elena, expecting a goodbye, but she was asleep. Typical.

Nate kissed her on the cheek and put a hand on her stomach, feeling a small kick before he pulled away.

He stepped out of the car and followed Flynn to the bench he was 'casually' sitting on.

"Good luck you two! Hope you steal what you wanted!" Charlie yelled before driving off. Nate gritted his teeth.

Flynn looked up. "Whoa, hold on! What did he just say?"

"It's nothing Flynn. No-one would think we're thieves."

Flynn looked at himself, dressed in black, with a toolbag and lockpicks attached to his belt. He looked up again. "Listen guy, I'm not sure about that!"

Nate shook his head. "Just keep your cool Flynn."

Flynn flicked his wrists. "I'm cool, really cool."

Nate nodded. "Yep, keep that and let's go traitor."

Flynn stood up, sighing. "Are you still going to hold that over me? That was over 2 years ago!"

Nate opened up the sewer grate, looking around. "You see anyone Flynn?"

Flynn looked quickly. "See, I don't know. Maybe because my vision is too one sighted, y'know, being a traitor after all."

Nate threw the sewer grate away before resting his hands on his knees. "What a shame."

He started to climb down. Flynn followed after him. "No, that wasn't serious. I'm not a traitor, not any more."

Nate hit the ground, water reaching his ankles. Flynn dropped next to him.

"Right- Ah, stupid water."

Nate looked at him, complaining, trying to lift his trousers out of the water.

"Buck up Flynn. Don't you like your jeans all squishy?"

Flynn looked at him seriously. "Oh yeah, just great."

Nate rose an eyebrow before walking forward. "You got the map?"

Flynn reached into his pocket, pulling out a map of the theme park. "Yep, right here."

Nate looked at it. "No, I meant of the sewer."

Flynn tipped his head. "Sorry mate, I don't have that map."

Nate turned. "Flynn! What the fuck? We don't know where to go!"

Flynn nodded. "Yeah, but our maps got Epic Mickey on it." He pointed at the ride on the map. "See?"

Nate hit the map into the water. "Fuck Mickey! We need to get out."

Flynn pointed at the ladder. "There you go."

Nate shook his head. "Whatever, we go blind."

Flynn caught up with him. "You know, I don't appreciate you hitting my map in the water and not apologising."

Nate waved a hand. "I'll get you a new one when we get to the park."

"It won't be the Epic Mickey Edition, will it?"

Nate groaned. "I'll buy you Epic Mickey if it makes you feel better."

Flynn perked up. "Oh, that's great!"

Nate rolled his eyes. "Great…" he muttered.

They walked in silence for a while, before Flynn decided to speak again.

"Hey mate."

Nate looked at him. "What happened to that nice silence we had?"

Flynn ignored him. "See, we have a small problem. It's not big, but I thought I'd mention it, just in case."

Nate scowled. "What, when we're already stuck in the sewer?"

Flynn looked around as if he had just realised they were in a sewer. "Oh yeah, still…" he put his hands in front of him as if he was planning "this sewer, it connects all the toilets in the city-"

"So you're telling me all the waste comes in here?" Nate interjected.

Flynn nodded. "Yeah, that's it. But, see" he scratched his neck as if it was difficult to say "when they flush it all comes."

Nate stopped. "Wait… upstairs they flush, and all the shit comes down here… to us?"

Flynn nodded. "If you like."

"Wait, are you sure they're not going to flush now…?"

Flynn looked uncomfortable. "You see, that's the problem. It's the Super Bowl upstairs and it could finish at any time…"

"Flynn! Why didn't you… we… look! We're stuck down here, no map, no direction and you're proclaiming that we're racing against the end where everyone will unload the waste they're been saving while watching the match!"

Flynn nodded. "There's worse news."

Nate shook his head. "No, look it must be ages before they get enough scores for that."

"It's the Cookie Rangers playing."

Nate paled. The Cookie Rangers were known to finish games within an hour or so, which meant that flush time would be very soon.

"Run" Nate muttered.

Flynn started moving in one direction before they heard it. The flush.

Flynn and Nate looked at each other.

"We're screwed" Flynn whined.

Nate looked around to see the water building up. "Shit…"

"No mate, it's not just going to be shit, it's going to be piss too and whatever else they want to throw down."

Nate saw the water rising and round the corner… the wall of waste, approaching at speed.

Flynn saw it. He ran to the wall and started banging on it desperately. "Help us!"

Nate took his arm. "RUN!"

Charlie flicked a card up.

"Pick a card."

Elena sighed. She's been playing this game for ages now while Nate and a black-bandaged Flynn made their way through the 'shit-tunnels'.

"Aces." Elena said.

Charlie looked at it. "Err, which ace?"

"Black Spade."

Charlie looked at the card. "Oh, well it wasn't an Ace at all so… let's try again."

Elena looked at Charlie. "You've been trying to pull off this magic trick for ages now. Just give up."

Charlie frowned. "What do you reckon Nate and traitor are doing now?"

Elena sighed as she felt a kick. "Probably wizzing through the sewer, happily making banter…"

"I can't hold on!" Flynn cried.

Nate was holding onto a ladder that lead up to a sewer grate, the one they needed to get through to get out. But the waste had caught up with them and now… now, they were being dragged to their deaths in waste.

"I'm trying to get up the ladder Flynn!"

"Well, don't! Help me!"

"I'm trying!"

Elena looked out of the window.

"Yeah, I'm sure they're fine."

Flynn climbed out of the sewer, completely covered in shit.

Nate climbed out after him, spitting it out as he went.

"Eurgh. That's the last time I'm doing one of your plans Flynn!"

Flynn brushed off his jeans, completely missing the rest of his shit-covered body.

"I think it went well." Flynn said happily.

Nate shook his head. "Only you would say that."

Flynn shook his head. "Okay, enough pissing around. Let's go."

Flynn started running off. Nate was left to contemplate his awful pun.

Flynn made his way to the bin in the middle of the park, reaching in.

"Eww" someone shouted as they passed. Flynn ignored them and kept digging.

"Ha!" He exclaimed, pulling out of the bin a simple Walkers Crisp Packet.

Nate came up. "Great."

Flynn looked at him. "I pick more than my arse my friend."

Nate wasn't sure about that. Flynn turned over the packet. His face fell.

"It's… its empty."

"It's a crisp packet Flynn. What did you think it would have?"

"Hey mates, thought I'd just say security's coming."

Nate held his earpiece. "What was that Charlie?"

"Security mate. Saw them 20 minutes ago. Reckoned I should tell you."

"20 minutes ago! Charlie?"

Guns clicked. Plastic ones.

Flynn held up his arms. "And it was going so well."

Nate looked around to see an army of guards pointing their plastic guns at him.

"Don't get near them" one commanded. "Jesus, they're covered in shit…"

Flynn perked up. "Yeah, you'd better believe it!"

Nate palm faced himself so well everyone flinched.

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