Don't insult my writing or not I'm going to write bad comments on so just read no criticizing my work.

Chapter 1

Clary P.O.V

It's been almost 5 years since Jace and I reunited our relationship, and 5 years since my mother got married to Luke Graymark. It's been kind of quiet since the attack in Idris happen, Robert and Maryse are still grieving for there loss of there son max. Jace,Alec, and Izzy are at the consul because of the disappearance and distrustfulness to the clave. They are still waiting to see if Jace has approve on his behavior. In the meantime I'm with Simon playing video games wondering why I haven't talked about Izzy to him. So I got up off the couch and turned the system off. Simon looked at me confusingly, while I went back to the couch.

"Why, did you turned off the x-box?" Simon ask worriedly.

I turned my head towards him and said " I did it because I was starting to realize why haven't you called or talked to izzy about your feelings you have towards her? I'm not trying to brag about this but you have to at least confront her about this," I told Simon in a motherly tone. " look I know i'm pushing to hard but at least talk to her." just then the phone started to vibrate in my pocket, I answer the phone " hi,babe,"

"Hey, babe, I was wondering when I get back home if you want to go and hang with me?" Jace ask waiting for a response from me.

" Uh, sure. That would sounds great," I replied.

As soon as Jace hung up let go my breath and sighed in relief. I just hope that today pass quickly so I can spend some time with my boyfriend.


As soon as I was alone I started to pace and panic at the same time wondering if Jace would change his mind about me. So I started to get panic when I heard the door open and I knew it was Jace because no one was here and he was the only one that goes up to the green house as soon as Jace approach I started to shake.

"Hey, I thought you wanted to take a stroll to the park?" Jace ask. I slowly turn my body towards him and walk up to him until our face was merely close to each other and I exhale.

" So, you probably might want to break up with me because I am a distraction to you and your family," when I said that he raise his brows and wanted to object but I continued, " I know I'm not perfect for you and just a disaster and probably wondering why I'm still with this girl if I could have other girls I could be with and do stuff with and..." Jace press his lips onto my and started to kiss me and I responded I felt his hands go up my shirt and I moan a little. When we broke apart we stared Into each other eyes.

" why would I break up with you? You are the only girl I would rather be with than any other, I love you Clary." and with that I kiss him hard on his lips.

" I love you too," I said in between kisses. Soon we were in bed wrapped in each other making out.

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