Author's note: I'm sorry if this is absolutely terrible. I'm just trying it out to see how it goes. I will continue it even if everyone hates it but I promise it will get better. I hopeā€¦

Kendall's mom took hold of his shoulders and shoved him through the doorway. He stumbled into the foyer while the room spun before him. He heard a low grunt come from down the hallway leading into the kitchen. Turning back he stared at his mother with wide eyes. "You didn't..." he pleaded, on the verge of tears.

"It was for your own good honey." His mother simply said, grabbing Kendall by his wrists and leading him down the hall. The bright florescent lights above stung Kendall's eyes, his head pounding in his thick skull. There, sitting before him in the dining chair was his father with a stern look on his face.

"Kendall Donald Knight!" his father shouted in his face, standing up to take a good hard look at his son. "What in the hell were you thinking? You could've been killed. You could've killed someone else. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Kendall hung his head low, staring at his feet, but his father reached his grubby hand under his chin, forcing him to look up. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. How fucking stupid could you be?" In Kendall's peripheral vision he noticed a small figure appear in the corner, as his little sister peeked behind the door to watch the scene unfold.

"Katie go to bed. Now." Mrs. Knight demanded, pointing her finger towards her bedroom.

"Wait! I'm glad you're okay Kendall!" Katie ran up to her big brother and wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Ugh you reek!" Katie scrunched up her face and left down the hall, walking as slowly as she could to try and catch any more of the argument.

"Damn daughter." Mr. Knight muttered under his breath, inaudible for anyone to hear. "Kendall..." he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"Dad I couldn't give a fuck what you have to say to me. I'm going to bed." Kendall tried to walk away, but his father took a tight grip on his arm, whipping him back around.

"What did you just say to me? Listen here boy-"

"NO! I haven't seen in you in 6 years, and suddenly you're back trying to act all high and mighty. Glad to know it takes me doing something ridiculously stupid for you to notice me. What a father you are." Kendall spat, glaring down his father, who he hated for tearing their family apart all those years ago.

Before Kendall could grasp what was coming, a loud smack filled the room, his dad's hand coming into contact with the side of his face. His cheek seared with pain, but Kendall refused to show weakness.

"Steve..." Mrs. Knight mumbled, eyes wide with disgust, her ears still ringing from the smack against her son's head. "I think you should go."

"Don't tell me what to do. Someone's gotta teach this deadbeat son of ours a lesson, and it sure as hell ain't gonna be you Jen." Taking this moment to regain himself, Kendall pulled his arm back, launching his fist against his father's jaw, watching as he stumbled backwards into the table. Anger flared behind his dad's green eyes, the one feature Kendall inherited from the man. "Whatever. I don't give a fuck what happens to you any of you. I'm out." Mr. Knight growled, pushing roughly past Kendall down the hall, slamming the front door behind him as he left.

"Kendall are you okay?" Mrs. Knight scrambled over to her son, lightly stroking the handprint still visible on his cheek.

"Yeah Mom, I'm good." Kendall winced at the slight pressure, leaning back against the wall and sliding down it, slumping down onto the floor.

"You're still not off the hook Kendall. How could you do that? What were you thinking? Putting everyone, especially yourself in danger like that!" Mrs. Knight cried, silent tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I know I know. I'll never do it again I promise." Kendall mumbled, staring straight ahead in front of him, avoiding eye contact.

"I know it won't. I'm sorry Kendall but there's nothing else I can do besides...besides..."

"Besides what?" Kendall shook, afraid of what was to come next. He knew it couldn't be good.

"Your father...Steve enrolled you in military school."

"WHAT?" Kendall yelled, standing up to quickly as the room began to spin again. "How could you...why? Mom why?"

"I didn't know what else to do Kendall. You leave tomorrow." Mrs. Knight whispered.

"Fucking perfect. Just ship me away. No one cares anyway." Kendall groaned, turning away from his mom before heading to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Flopping down onto this bed, Kendall held his pillow close to his chest, finally letting the tears fall. "Nobody cares."

The tires screeched to a halt on the dirt road. Standing up, Kendall slung his bag over his shoulder and ducked his head as he made his way off the bus. He scrutinized the surrounding buildings ahead of him, watching as other boys and girls his age walked around the campus in uniforms, all staring down the new kid. Grabbing a tighter hold onto his bag, Kendall followed the path leading to the "Sergeant's" Office. Around him he could hear whispers shadowing him with every step he took.

Sauntering past the double doors, Kendall glanced behind the secretary's desk, his breath catching in his chest at the sight of the brunette boy sitting there. He gave the boy a friendly smile, only to be returned with a look of pure loathing. "Knight?" the boy asked, tapping his foot harshly against the linoleum floor as he awaited a response.

Kendall gulped, swallowing hard as he replied with a cool, "What?"

"Just making sure." He muttered, rolling his eyes and pointing towards the door down at the end of the hall. "He's waiting for you. I suggest you don't keep him waiting."

"Really? Maybe I will then." Kendall smirked, dropping his bag to the floor at his side, giving the boy a smug look. "So how long have you been here?"

"How about you don't talk to me and just go do what you're supposed to do. Idiot. " The boy cursed under his breath.

Taking the hint, Kendall retrieved his bag from the floor, taking two cautious steps closer towards the Sergeant's office. "Jackass," Kendall sneered, leaving the guy there with his jaw dropped, chuckling to himself.

"Aww Mr. Knight I've been expecting you. Please take a seat." The Sergeant, Doctor Mitchell, waved a hand towards the chair in front of him. Kendall sat, grimacing at the pale room before him. "Now we just have a few things to...discuss before I show you to your dorm."

"How about let's not and say we did?" Kendall uttered, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the man across from him.

"How about no. Now your father is one of my good friends, a respectable man around here. I hope you'll do him justice staying with us for the next few months."

"My dad? Respectable? That's fucking hilarious." Kendall scoffed, wondering just how thick this guy could get.

"Ahh. Already breaking a rule are we? Rule one, profound language is forbidden. Using it will lead you to extra drill sessions, and you don't want that do you? Rule two, no drinking, smoking, or use of illegal substances period. Glancing at your record I realize that may be hard-"

"Shocker. No illegal drugs to be used at school. Please go on enforcing rules that are so blatantly obvious." Kendall spoke, rolling his eyes, already planning to break that rule by the end of the day.

"Do not interrupt me while I'm speaking! You really are a tough one aren't you? Well news flash Knight. We don't put up with that here so I suggest you do as I say."

"Yeah? Or what?"

"Well I'm under strict orders that if you break even one rule, your father says to ship you off to the Juvenile Correctional Facility. He seems to think you belong there, but your mom begged to have you sent here instead. So I suggest you wise up pal."

"Okay. Can I go now?" Kendall asked, his patience testing.

The Sergeant handed Kendall a pamphlet with every regulation listed on it, along with his daily schedule. Grabbing Kendall by the arm, he pulled him out of his chair and accompanied him back to the front door, watching as Kendall left through the doors.

Looking over at the desk the brunette still sat at, Doctor Mitchell called him over, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze. "Keep an eye on him for me, Logan. He's nothing but trouble."

"Don't worry Dad, I will." Logan replied, glaring Kendall's retreating figure down, wanting absolutely nothing to do with him.

After finding his way to his dorm, Kendall set his bag to the side, sitting down on the squeaky mattress of his bed and rubbing his hands over his face. He groaned, leaning back and staring up at the ceiling, wondering why everyone hated him. It was as if he couldn't do anything right anymore. Kendall was beginning to think his dad was right, he was nothing more than a deadbeat son. Hating himself, Kendall unzipped his bag, rifling through the mess of clothes as he searched for the hidden compartment. Opening it up, Kendall grabbed hold of the flask, taking a long swig before twisting the cap closed and setting it back inside. The bitter taste burned down his throat as he swallowed, running a hand through his hair and sighing loudly. After, he reached for the razor, tucking it in his pocket before making his way to the bathroom.

Kendall never cut too deep, only far enough to give him comfort. The pain was his only escape. He slid the sharp edge against his thigh, watching as the crimson erupted from his skin, dripping down his leg and falling to the floor. Kendall took a deep breath, the pain numbing his thoughts as he leaned back against the counter, feeling the need to cut again. But he wouldn't. He would save the next cut for another day, another moment he felt weak.

Kendall wiped away at the blood, covering his wound with a bandage. Checking to make sure the bathroom was clean, he retreated back to his room, a small smile spreading across his face when he noticed the guitar case leaning against his night stand. A note stuck to it saying, I thought you may need this. -Mom.

Not in the mood, Kendall waited out the day in his room, lying on his bed and stared at the ceiling feeling sorry for himself. It wasn't until past midnight when he left, sneaking out the window with his guitar case strapped to his side.

Unsure of where we was going, Kendall followed his feet wherever they took him. When he reached the edge of the lake on campus he smiled, watching as the moonlight reflected off the surface of the water. Kendall strut across the dock, letting his legs hand over the edge before taking his guitar out of it's case, strumming a few chords to get a feel for the music.

"You know if you get caught you're fucked." He heard a familiar voice warn. Looking around, Kendall didn't notice anyone in the darkness. In front of him beneath the water, Logan's head broke the surface, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "Not much for rules are you?"

Kendall held back a scream, shuffling backwards on the dock as he attempted to collect his bearings. After a few deep breaths he said, "Why do you care?"

"I don't." Logan said, watching him closely as he lifted himself out of the water. Kendall exhaled loudly, surveying Logan's body as the water dripped from his pale skin slowly.

"Drool much?" Logan snickered, reaching around him for a towel, wrapping himself in it and sitting down next to him.

Kendall wiped at his chin, embarrassed. "Don't you care about getting in trouble, you prick?"

"I would if it mattered. But it doesn't. I own this place."

"Yeah sure. You're just a secretary and student." Kendall rolled his eyes, packing away his guitar, getting ready to leave. Logan wasn't helping his mood.

"You forgot to mention I'm the Sergeant's son," laughing, Logan watched Kendall's eyes go wide with fear.

"Oh fuck. Umm you didn't see me here." Kendall begged, slowly backing away from him. As much as he hated it there, he didn't want to be sent to Juvy.

"Nope. I didn't see a soul. I'm Logan by the way." He stood up, holding out his hand for Kendall to shake.

Kendall took it cautiously, "I'm Kendall."

"I know. I've heard so much about you from my dad. He's told me to keep watch of you."

"Oh really? And are you going to listen to him?" Kendall smirked, stilling shaking Logan's hand slowly.

"I haven't decided yet." Logan smiled, pushing by him as he felt Kendall's eyes burn into his back, watching as he walked away. "Good night Kendall."

"Night," Kendall mumbled, blowing his bangs out of his face. Gripping tight onto his guitar, Kendall followed Logan back up to campus, keeping a far enough distance behind him, admiring Logan's body as he walked. "This is about to be a long six months." Kendall whispered to himself as he smiled, intending on seeing Logan again soon.