This story essentially spawned from watching the movies and thinking that man.. I would have written that differently. So I finally just did. The verse should explain itself with little explanation from me, hopefully, and the chapters—segments or scenes if you will—will jump around in the universe and that's an exercise for me to be able to explain the time jump without being too jarring. :D Anyway.

This story is dedicated to Master athenaleigh for encouraging me always, to kajexgrey for dealing with my idea whims LOL and for ibonekoen for being my soundboard.


"I am here because you are here."


"This place feels strong."

"Show some respect, Anakin."

They were in the middle of the woods, hardly the place where Anakin would see fit to remove his boots. Obi-Wan did, though, leaning against a tree to pull his boots off and setting them aside, looking at Anakin to do the same. The younger man sighed, but followed suit, standing bare-foot on the rocky ground.

He wasn't thinking about his bare feet when he followed Obi-Wan into the grove. It was made of stone and wood, trees twisted up through the rocks, and the stone parting to allow the trees to grow—both in alliance.

"This place is strong," Obi-Wan replied at last. He found a place in the middle and knelt down, resting his hands on his thighs. "Master Tholme told me once that the ancients visited from the afterlife. They could be voices, feelings, guidance. Even appearing in spirit."

There were faces, figures in the trees and the rocks. They weren't carved, all of them were smooth. It had taken Obi-Wan countless hours to make the monument because manipulating the molecular structure of an object wasn't one of his strong suits. But he was intent on making it in great detail.

"I don't know how true it is, if at all. It may very well be a legend that's been changed over time." Obi-Wan looked over at Anakin, smiling just a little. "I don't know if their spirits will find this place, but one can hope."

It brought him calm, Anakin could feel it. He hadn't felt Obi-Wan this relaxed in some time, not since they had pushed to take claim of Dantooine. This wasn't their home; they had settled here years ago while they nursed their wounds and decided how they would live on their own while being hunted by the newly born Empire. They still came back here when they could and it was as close to home as they had anymore. Looking at the faces of the Jedi he remembered, Anakin thought this place felt like them.

Obi-Wan had been considerate enough to add in what he remembered of Anakin's clan. It was hard to break a bond between master and student, something the older one knew all too well, but having broken bonds between an entire clan was just as traumatizing. Obi-Wan spent enough time trying to calm scared, hurt and lonely initiate Anakin Skywalker shortly after the purge that when it was Anakin's turn, he didn't let go of his brother until the man was ready. Qui-Gon's passing had been a painful one.

That's why his face had the place of honor. It looked like one of the busts of notable Jedi that lined the great library in the Temple. Anakin used to look up at the faces, imaging his bust being there one day and knowing he would be one of the greatest Jedi. His experiences had humbled him some; instead he wished they had had a chance to honor Qui-Gon Jinn instead. Then Anakin would have the place of honor next to him.

"Do you think we will ever see them again? Like the stories the ancients tell. They wouldn't be passed down if people didn't believe them."

Anakin watched as Obi-Wan opened his eyes again and let out a deep breath, keeping the concentration of meditation. "I don't know. I would hope so. There are many mysterious about the Force we do not know. And now we never will."

"I hope so too," Anakin said quietly. "Thank you for showing me this place."

Obi-Wan nodded slowly. "With everything that's happened, I hoped it would bring you peace."

Peace did not come easily. Both of them had changed. The Empire didn't know who Obi-Wan was, but they knew of Ben Kenobi and how he rallied support in the shadows, underground, and whispers in what used to be the chambers of the Senate on Coruscant. Years ago, they would have just been Separatist supporters, now they were the Rebellion because the Empire hoped the name itself would put citizens off of it. But Kenobi, older now, with his beard of experience and ginger hair that was no longer short, but flopped to one side over his forehead, was very persuasive.

Anakin—taller, broader, stronger, did not have an apprentice's short hair, but wore it longer and tied in the back out of his face. Because he wasn't an apprentice. There were no more apprentices. Instead, Anakin was a trader, smuggler, spy. He shifted in and out of the underworld and grew more accustomed to a life outside of the strict order of the Temple, even if Obi-Wan tried to keep as many of their traditions and teachings as he could.

"No more questions," he said. "Close your eyes, Anakin, meditate. We may not be able to come back here for sometime. Let the Force speak to you and clear your mind."

He tried. He closed his eyes and concentrated, breathing in and out slowly. They were the last of the Jedi and if they died, the teachings would die with them. But there were more ways than just death. Anakin couldn't concentrate, he could feel Qui-Gon's eyes on him. He could feel what Qui-Gon knew to be true, and he could feel his presence in this place. Anakin didn't know how much longer he could keep his secrets.