This is not related to my other Scooby story, this is the regular universe that the original series and What's New Scooby Doo took place in.

The guards strode purposefully down the cellblock. The prisoner between them struggled futilely against his bonds. Robert Oakley, one of St. Hannah's most colorful inmates. He was a notorious conman and thief who liked to pull his jobs in colorful disguises. He had been in prison for eight years. His last major crime, the one that had finally gotten him caught, was impersonating a who's who of movie monsters to scare people away from a secret treasure. It had been a group of kids and their dog, just highschoolers, that caught him. The fact was that those same kids had captured most of the inmates in St. Hannah, all master criminals who thought of adding a little dramatic flair. That was why they were sent here.

St. Hannah was a state of the art prison complex. It was a massive two story building with five more floors in subbasements. The walls of the prison were three feet thick; outside of those was thirty feet of electric fence. The only ways in or out were the main gate and the delivery dock. Even if prisoners could get out, they would be greeted with the harsh waters of the Atlantic. Everything was controlled from a central control room at the very top of the building. Every guard was well trained and every inmate was tagged with a tracker that monitored their position within the complex twenty four hours a day. Cameras were everywhere and each camera was monitored by a staff of guards and the most advanced computer system that the combined money and ingenuity of the Blake Foundation and Ostwald Innovations could produce. It was a commonly held belief that the prison was inescapable.

Each and every guard was confident in this. Including the two currently escorting Robert Oakley to the interview rooms for his meeting with his lawyer. They rounded the corner and opened the door where the short stocky lawyer that had been paid to represent Oakley was waiting.

"Sit down Oakley" the guard growled as he shoved the man into his chair.

"Gentlemen please" The lawyer pleaded. "There's no need to be rough with my client."

A smirk glanced across Oakley's face.

"You can leave now" The lawyer said to the guards.

"Mister White, this man is dangerous."

"Nonsense, you can leave, he's cuffed."

The two guards waited for a moment. Then the PA system on the wall crackled to life.

"Leave them"

"Yes sir" the guards said into their ear pieces.

"Finally" Mr. White said sitting down as the guards left. "How have you been Robert?"

"Am a getting out?" Oakley asked sharply.

"Now, the review board is ready to hear your case, the prosecution is coming tomorrow with two lawyers.


"Yes, the lawyer that the original prosecution hired, Richard Fitzpatrick, and…" White stopped nervously.

"Who?" Oakley snarled.

"Fredrick Jones, now Robert…"


"Mister Oakley, I expect you to remain on your best behavior."

"Jones" Oakley repeated; his voice filled with hatred. "Jones put me in here, him and the others."

"I know Robert, but you have served your time well, and they are ready to offer you parole."

"Do you know who my cellmate is?" Oakley asked with a smirk.

"Yes, Barry Stone."

"Do you know what he was called?"

"Blue… Blue Stone the Great" White stuttered nervously. "He was a magician."

"He taught me some tricks, wanna see one?"

"Robert?" The lawyer asked uncertainly.

Oakley leaned close across the table until he was face to face with White.

"Abracadabra" Oakley said as he swung his hand out from behind his back and struck the dumbfounded lawyer to the floor.

The guards burst through the door, tasers raised. Oakley kicked out and knocked the first guard to the floor. The second fired his taser and Oakley ducked under the sparking wires. He grabbed the man's arm and pulled him forward, slamming his head into the table. Oakley pulled the radio off of the guard's belt and clicked it on.

"Hello Saint Hannah, this is the Actor, Salvation. Is. At. Hand. Revenge will be ours!"

That was the last thing that he was able to say, a third guards taser struck him in the back and reduced him to a convulsing heap on the floor.

"Everything's all clear here. How're the other inmates reacting to Oakley's little announcement?"

"It's weird" The radio crackled back. "They're all just staring at us, smiling, like they know something that we don't."