Chapter 1:

Hey guys! I had this idea for a while now, I finally decided to give it a go and write it. As far as I know, there's nothing on here, too similar. Hope you guys enjoy it, I don't think it'll be any longer then 15 chapters maybe… We'll see how we go! I'm really nervous, but excited to know what you guys think of it! (This chapter isn't very long sorry, I'll try and make the others longer) Please review and let me know what you think! :)


I stood there, looking at the water on the cliff, as tears fell quickly from my eyes. My clothes I wore to Dad's funeral were all wet, from the water splashing onto them. My mind was consumed with thoughts of Dad, amongst a million other things. All the times, we'd hung out together and had the best and funnest father daughter times. They were gone. Never to return and I'd never get to see his smiling face, or tell him that I loved him. My father was now ash, nothing more.

I had previously been able to take life head on. Every challenge it through at me, I took and tried my hardest to succeed and have fun with. Well where's the fun in life, when you have no family left, bar a daughter that refuses to acknowledge your existence at your father's funeral, because she was lied to by me, for 16 years? Literally no one. Moving around Sydney so often, when things got tough, allowed me to have no friends, who I could rely on and trust to talk too.

My mind always racing at a hundred miles an hour. All the different messed up, depressing situations I now found myself in. I used all my effort and strength to stand up and walk to the local place that sold alcohol.

My dad, daughter Ruby and I had moved to Summer Bay, less than a week ago. It was out chance at a fresh start. Dad thought it would be a good idea, so that I could try and sort things out with Ruby. Dad, suffered a heart attack, and died on the way to hospital, 3 days ago.

Walking along the beach, and into the restaurant, I received stares and raised eye brows. I looked like a complete mess, like a walking ugly zombie that had just drowned, but why should I care though? I cared about nothing right now, my life was in tatters. I sat down on a stool, directly in front of the bar attendant. "I'll have whatever you strongest is" I told him. He was looked at me a little, before pouring me a drink. I skulled it down as the man that gave it to me, whose name on the badge was Brax, watched on.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"No, but I'll have another thanks."

"Are you just going to keep on going for round, after round, I don't think that's such a good idea."

"I don't really care. It eases pain. Forget all the crap that's happening"

"Maybe you should go home and try to get some sleep."

"Maybe your right, but I don't want too. Home at the moment, is not where I want to be."

"Drinking yourself into the ground, is not the way to deal with whatever's going on. I'll call you a taxi." He told me, walking towards what appeared to be his office.

"No thanks. I just want to stay here, and forget everything."

I felt as another tear, escaped from my eye. I quickly wiped it away, but not before he noticed. I felt thankful that the place was pretty much dead, besides a couple and a family that were sitting over in the corner. I was sitting by myself, not a customer close.

"Wanna talk about anything? I'm no councillor or whatever, but I'm happy to listen."

"Why would you care? I'm sure you have a million better things to do."

"Not really. It's all part of the service, I think." He grinned.

"I don't really feel like company. I might just go home… Can I get a bottle of whatever this is please?" I asked, blankly. He gave me a disapproving look before, handing it over to me. I paid and left not saying another word. I didn't want to go home and have to face Ruby again. She was refusing to even let me explain, why I didn't tell her that I was her mother. I had my reasons, if she'd just listen. We both needed a lot of space to digest everything even though I don't think she will ever properly forgive me.

I found a park bench in the parking lot, and sat there, unscrewing the bottle lid and taking a sip and swallowing before coughing at the strongness.

After taking 4 or 5 sips, my vision started going scattery, as I noticed a black shadow walking towards me. I didn't really register what was happening, as i felt my body being lifted from the bench and carried to what I think is a car. I must have fallen asleep, because I can't remember what happened after that.

I woke up, in the morning, with a spitting head ache, having not a clue where I was. I looked around at the small space I was in. It appeared to be a caravan. There was a piece of paper sitting on the seat across from the bed I woke up in. I moved slowly and picked it up, before returning and sitting down.

I found you almost passed out last night. Thought it was best that I bring you here, don't worry about paying or anything- I've sorted that. Hope things get better for you soon, if you wanna chat you know where to find me

I smiled a little, at his kindness and consideration. I don't think he even knows my name. To think a stranger, wasted their time trying to help me is nice… I got up and called a taxi to take me home, to face the daughter that can't stand to look at me.

I still had my clothes on from yesterday's funeral, and I felt particularly dirty. The distance wasn't to far. I wandered down about 2 streets, before seeing the house, that only 2 weeks ago, was full of a postitive and happy family.

I walked in side and was confronted by Ruby who was on the lounge. After getting some panadol and a glass of water for the head ache, I walked over to the lounge.

"Ruby, can we please talk? After everything that happened yesterday, we have to sort this out. We can't keep living like this."

"Sort what out? You're going to sit here and try to justify to me, why you refused the secret from me that you're my mother, my entire life? It only came out, because you were in hospital. You're nothing but a pack of lies." She got off the couch and walked towards her lounge.

"Ruby, come back here." I yelled a little louder, then what was probably nessacery.

I watched as she stopped, for a second then turned back around. "What Charlie? Are you going to force me too? Dad's gone, so you're going to finally step into the parenting role, you should have been in from the start? Well let me tell you, it DOES NOT work that way. I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU." She screamed, emphasising the last part, then walking into her room and slamming the door.

'I want nothing to do with you' Those words, hurt more than I thought could ever be possible.

There we go, hope you guys liked it. It might be a bit confusing, but it'll all be explained in coming chapters.. Please review and let me know what you think!