Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Stargate: SG-1 or Stargate: Atlantis. Any and all recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM Studios and their affiliates. Any original characters and locations are purely the imagination of the author and do not represent any person or place, either living or dead. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and not the intention of the author.

Author's Note: When I write a story, I usually write the first few chapters and then think, "Now what am I going to call this thing?" This story was quiet different. The title came to me first, and then the rest of the story. I've placed this in the SGA fanfic listing though there is a character from SG-1 featured prominently in this story. It is not AU, but rather my opinion on how SGA could have continued. I did not care for SGU, so I have not included those events in my version of canon. For the purposes of this story, SGU never happened. I am issuing a general spoiler alert for all ten season of SG-1 and all five seasons of SGA. While I have classified this as Adventure/Drama, there is also some Angst, Suspense and Romance involved. I'm not telling any characters because I hope to surprise all of you. A very special thanks to theicemenace and Ani-maniac494 for the beta, and to Lithane (best husband in the world!) who helped me come up with a twist I'm not sure I would have thought of otherwise. All of that said, enjoy! ~lg


"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,
while the evil days come not,
nor the years draw night. . .
Or ever the silver cord be loosed. . . ."

Ecclesiastes 12:1, 6a


In the cold of space, a spark of consciousness remained. It turned, waiting as the end drew ever closer. The consciousness had no identity now. That had long ago faded to the recesses in an attempt to preserve itself. Now, it focused merely on surviving one more rotation. Time had passed in this state, unknown to the consciousness and becoming more and more unimportant.

Then, everything changed. Warmth returned. Life had been given when all hope had faded. As the consciousness again unfurled herself, she remembered her true identity. And, as she became aware of her new predicament, she knew that she would never again see her home.


Dr. Daniel Jackson stood in the doorway of the empty office. He let his gaze linger on the desk and bookcases. The corners of the desk were scuffed and marred, the surface worn smooth from years of usage. He remembered when that desk was new and his determination to free Sha're was bright in his mind. The bookcases also showed the passage of the years, their metal shelves bent under the perpetual weight of mission journals, reference materials, and various artifacts. The walls behind them had permanent divots where he'd pulled a book from the shelf or bumped it a bit too harshly. But the office was bare now, just another concrete room in the SGC. Not one thing remained to show the thirteen years he'd spent there.

A slender hand touched his shoulder, and he turned to smile at the woman next to him. "Hey, Sam."

Colonel Samantha Carter gave him a long hug. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just. . .saying goodbye." Daniel couldn't admit just how close he was to tears. This was turning out to be harder than he'd thought.

"I understand." She offered a sympathetic smile. "I felt the same way when I left my lab here to go to Atlantis."

"Did you regret it?"

"Not in the least." She faced him. "Daniel, you are about to do something you've wanted to do for years. I know you're excited. But a lot happened during your time at the SGC. You changed and grew. Give yourself the chance to feel those emotions before moving on."

Nodding at the wisdom of his former teammate and close friend, he let out the breath he'd been holding. "Except for that year I was ascended, I did almost everything in this room. I even lived here at times. It won't be the same."

Rather than replying, Sam touched his shoulder and left him alone. Daniel drew in another deep breath, this one shaky, and let it out slowly. He had not expected to feel this sadness as his time here came to a close. Deciding to take Sam's advice, he stepped inside the office, closed the door, and let the memories surround him. He'd mourned for Sha're in this room. Had set up her picture on his desk with tears in his eyes as he hoped and prayed for her safety while under the influence of the Goa'uld. He'd never expected to be at the SGC for more than a year, planning his return to Abyos to happily live out the rest of his life with his wife at his side. Of course, his life took a different turn, shocking him when he found Sha're already on Abydos after a year. The biggest shock, however, was her very pregnant condition. Daniel had delivered her child and had, after turning the boy over to Kasuf, come back to this office to strengthen his resolve to free his wife from the control of her demon. A bit over another year later, he'd stared at that picture on his desk as he cried for the loss of the woman who had meant more to him than anything in the universe. Sha're's death was nothing short of tragic to many people, but it had shaken Daniel Jackson to the core. Only the drive to find the boy had kept him at the SGC.

Then, came the years leading up to his ascension. Daniel remembered the frustration he'd felt at the distance between himself and his friends. He and Jack argued often, as only the best of friends do. But, during those days, Daniel had found himself wondering if he should leave the SGC and return to Abydos. Right as he'd made the decision to do so, that fateful mission to Kelowna had changed everything. For a year, he'd lived among the Ancients and had learned so many things that were, ultimately, taken from him when he was returned to human form.

Since that return, life had given him a variety of challenges. This room had helped him regain his memories, and he grieved even more deeply for the loss of Abydos, the one place in the universe where he had been truly accepted. A lot had changed since his year there, but he would miss the occasional visits with Kasuf and Skaara. Defeating Anubis and the Replicators on Dakara had been a major victory in Daniel's life, and he'd begun to pack up the office when Vala arrived with her "ceremonial marriage bracelets." Years later, Daniel could smile at the events of that time, though he'd been more than frustrated with Vala for her duplicity.

Then, they discovered Ori. Daniel touched the edges of the bookshelves and ran his fingers along the corner of the desk, finding the familiar nick caused by Vala dropping a very old, very heavy stone tablet from another planet. The Ori had nearly wiped them all out, and Daniel had almost lost hope that they could be beaten. But, in true SG-1 form, Earth had triumphed again.

Now, it was time to move on. Mitchell had been given command of a new class of battleship, one he'd named the Lionel Pendergast in memory of the fallen commander of the Prometheus. He planned to make the occasional supply run to Pegasus once Atlantis returned to the galaxy, ultimately staying there to be a support vessel in whatever fights they faced. Teal'c had decided to return to the Jaffa, rekindling his relationship with Ishta and marrying her. Daniel smiled as he recalled his close friend's wedding. After it was all said and done, Bra'tac had sagely announced, "It is about time, old friend!" And Vala. . . .Well, Vala had surprised Daniel. After Ba'al had been removed from his host, Keret, Vala had stayed behind to help the poor man cope with his new-found freedom. In the process, she'd well and truly fallen in love with him, having learned from Daniel that playing games when she truly cared only pushed men away from her. She hinted that she and Keret would soon marry, but Daniel knew they lived as if the vows had already been spoken. She had left Earth, though she often returned to harass Daniel or go on the occasional adventure. She and Keret lived a quiet life in the Land of Light, helping the people there and discovering the joy of freedom.

That left Daniel. He had considered remaining at the SGC, but seeing the legendary members of SG-1 move on to their new lives had given him the impetus he needed to fulfill a lifelong dream. With his goodbyes said to the memories he had from his years as part of that team, he left the office and headed for the elevator that would take him to the surface and his new life. He was not surprised at the four people who waited for him.

General Landry stuck out a hand. "Dr. Jackson. It's been an honor."

"Yes, Sir, it has." Daniel gave the man a firm handshake. "Thank you."

"No, thank you." Landry stepped aside as Daniel turned to Mitchell.

Cameron smirked. "I knew you'd stick around for more fun and adventure on SG-1."

"Yeah, it's been a wild ride." Daniel grinned and hugged the man. "Thanks."

"Yep." Mitchell shrugged. "It's not like we'll never see each other again."

"Yeah, but it won't be the same."

"No, it won't," Mitchell agreed.

Daniel finally faced Vala. She held back her emotions for a moment and then threw herself in his arms. Daniel hugged her fiercely, having come to love her as a sister in spite of her absolutely annoying tendencies. "Take care of yourself. And Keret."

"Of course!" She pulled back and tried to give him that impulsive grin he hated. It fell a bit flat. "Be careful, Daniel."

"I will."

Finally, he turned to the member of the group he'd known the longest. Teal'c held out his hand and grasped his arm in the traditional Jaffa greeting. "Tek'ma'te, Daniel Jackson."

Daniel blinked, recognizing the honor that Teal'c had just given him. "Tek'ma'te, Teal'c." The two men stared at one another for a long moment before Daniel pulled the Jaffa into a manly, back-slapping hug. Teal'c returned it, having become accustomed to Tau'ri traditions long ago.

The Jaffa pulled back a moment later. "You will do well in your new endeavor. Of that I have no doubt."

Daniel nodded. "I know." He stared at his friend, one he'd often had occasion to hate but had come to appreciate almost more than any other. "I'll be seeing you around, Teal'c."

"Indeed you will, Daniel Jackson."

Beginning to feel a bit maudlin, Daniel gave one final look at the hallway behind him. "Well, I hate long goodbyes, so. . . ."

The four people stepped back and let him board the elevator. As the doors closed, Vala waved and Teal'c gave him one final nod. Daniel blinked, surprised at the strength of his emotions, as the elevator rose to the surface. Outside, in the parking lot, he found yet another surprise. Sam waited for him, as he knew she would, but he'd not expected the tall figure clad in dress blues. "Jack!"

"Daniel." General Jack O'Neill, head of Homeworld Security, stared at him. "Finally getting your way after all this time."

Daniel grinned, remembering a time when Jack had told him to "hold his breath" when he'd all but begged to do this. "Yeah, it's been a long time coming, hasn't it?"

Jack just stared at him. "Indeed," he said in a near-perfect imitation of Teal'c.

Sam stepped forward. "I have to get back to the Hammond. I'll be seeing you soon." She gave Daniel another hug, one he happily returned. She backed away and, after speaking into the radio at her ear, was beamed aboard her ship.

Jack turned to Daniel. "Shall we?"

"You're coming too?"

"Just to see you off." Jack waved his hand over his shoulder, and a Puddle Jumper appeared. A pilot waited for them with an impassive expression. "I couldn't miss one last time before you go."

"Oh, of course not." Daniel picked up the duffel bag he'd left in Sam's care and followed Jack onto the cloaked Puddle Jumper. The general walked to the front of the small ship and sat down in the pilot's seat, surprising both Daniel and the pilot. A few moments later, they lifted off and sped over the United States toward their destination. In less time than it took for Daniel to fly from Colorado to El Paso, Texas, they'd arrived, landed, and disembarked.

An older, thin man waited for them, one Daniel knew from years past and had, ultimately, come to respect. Richard Woolsey lifted his chin. "Dr. Jackson. Welcome to Atlantis."


On one of Atlantis's balconies, Teyla Emmagan sat with Torren at her feet. The toddler was feeling a bit ill today, and Teyla was happy that he had not tried to climb into the potted plants or over the railing. At almost two years old, he was walking, chattering, and into everything. She spent half of her time trying to keep track of him in a city that was not designed for young children.

Her distraction was warranted, however. Today, her thoughts were in another galaxy and with her people. When Atlantis left Pegasus a year ago, there had been a viable threat to Earth. Teyla refused to allow a world untouched by the Wraith to ever go through what she and countless others in Pegasus had experienced. But that had left her and her young son trapped in a foreign galaxy and in a place where they could not openly share who or what they were. She had learned many Earth customs in this time, and she had appreciated John's willingness to teach her. But she was ready to go home. She wanted to see Kanaan.

How would he react after all this time? She had been accorded the privilege of contacting New Athos and warning them of Atlantis's departure. After all, she was a leader among her people. In those brief moments, Kanaan had given her his blessing to go and defend Earth against the Wraith. There had been no time to send Torren to be with his father, and Teyla was glad of it now. She could not have spent the last year parted from her son. But what of his father? Kanaan doubtless expected them to return shortly, but they had not. Only the very fortuitous discovery of three ZPMs by the former SG-1 had given Atlantis the freedom to go home. Teyla could not know how life had changed for her people and hated the thought that they might have been wiped out by the Wraith.

The door to the balcony opened, and Dr. Carson Beckett stepped through. "Teyla? Ye wished to see me?" The Scotsman had made a very covert trip to Scotland recently, and his accent had thickened. It was not something many people noticed, but Teyla and Carson were very close. That this version of Carson was a clone no longer entered Teyla's mind. She loved him as much as she had loved the original Carson Beckett, perhaps more so. This Carson had been forced to overcome insurmountable odds in his lifetime, and he had never given up that which made him different from Michael. His will to survive and refusal to submit helped lay the foundation for one of the strongest friendships Teyla had shared with anyone.

She smiled. "Yes. Carson, it is good to see you."

"Aye." He smiled, his dimples making a charming appearance. He moved to where Torren quietly played with some blocks. "I hear this wee lad has a bit of an ear infection."

Teyla tipped her head. "He has not been sleeping well these last few nights."

Carson looked at her, his blue eyes serious as he assessed her appearance. "Teyla, love, are ye okay?"

"I am well, Carson." She gave him a smile. "I am merely thinking of my people."

His face sobered. "Aye, I know what ye mean. I've been thinkin' o' them as well."

She reached out and put a hand on his arm. "Carson, you left Pegasus out of necessity, as did I. We cannot regret the decisions we made."

"I know that. I really do." He sighed. "I jus' can't help thinkin' about the survivors o' the Hoffan plague an' wonderin' if they're doin' well."

"Just as I cannot leave off thinking of my people." She shared an understanding smile with him. Her eyes turned to where the Golden Gate Bridge was visible in the distance. "We will be returning soon."

"Aye," Carson said again. He also looked at the bridge. "I've loved bein' on Earth, but I've learned it's no' where I belong." A shrug was sent her way. "I belong in Pegasus, helpin' those caught in Michael's power trip."

"And you will return." Teyla injected a note of confidence into her voice.

"That I will." He turned to her. "I can watch this wee lad for ye if ye'd like a few moments to yourself."

A true smile covered her face. "I would love a few moments, Carson."

"Take all the time ye need." He smiled as she rose. "If he gets a wee bit fussy, I'll take 'im where he can rest."

"Thank you." She saw his nod and left the balcony. Her son was her world right now, but she had also kept her fighting skills in top form. She and Ronon sparred daily, usually when Amelia or Jennifer was able to watch Torren. But there was one person with whom she rarely got the chance to train anymore, and she now went in search of him. She found him just leaving the Jumper bay after greeting some new arrivals on Atlantis. "John!"

He turned, surprised, as Mr. Woolsey and a tall man disappeared around the corner. Teyla thought she recognized the stranger, but she had only caught a glimpse of him. Turning to her team leader, she smiled. "Dr. Beckett has kindly offered to watch Torren for the afternoon. Would you care to spar?"

That familiar crooked grin crossed John's face, the one that told Teyla she had just made his day. "I hope you're ready to get taken down, 'cause I've been sparring with Ronon."

Teyla raised an eyebrow, her own playfulness coming to the surface. "We shall see."

An hour later, a very soundly beaten John Sheppard followed Teyla from the sparring room as they laughed with one another. It felt good to know they would soon be headed home.


A week later, unseen numbers lined the balconies on Atlantis. The city had remained cloaked for its time on Earth, and now those who called Earth home wanted to see their world lift away from beneath them. Many more lined the hallways, looking out the windows though Atlantis's shields maintained the atmosphere once the city entered space. Daniel stood with them, taking the time to bid a final farewell to his home planet. He would return one day, he knew. Middle age was upon him, something that even his great health and training couldn't stall. He knew that, eventually, he would come to the point where he retired and let younger, stronger men fill his shoes. But, like all the other members of SG-1, he wasn't ready to give up just yet. He hoped to live to be a very active old man, one who worked right up until the end and then went out like his grandfather, Nicholas Ballard.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Daniel focused on the adventure set before him. He had a lot of years left, ones that he intended to use to the best of his ability. The SG-1 he'd known might have disbanded and moved on to greater things, and he was no exception. He had a life spread before him in Pegasus, one where he was unknown and his life's work to understand various cultures and histories could flourish. He roughly shoved his emotions to the side, forcing himself to stop the thought of friends he would miss. As Mitchell had said, it wasn't like he'd never see them again. Jack, Sam, Teal'c, Cam, and Vala were his family, and he would return to Earth on a regular basis just to visit with them.

The deck beneath his feet began to tremble, and exclamations of excitement rippled through the group around him. Daniel pulled his hands from his pockets and laid them on the railing. He wore his new uniform, an outfit much more tailored than what he'd worn at the SGC. But it identified him with these people, and he quite liked the acceptance he'd already received. He could have done without the women adoring him with their eyes, however. That side of his nature had never changed and likely never would.

With a great deal of trembling, the City of the Ancients gathered her strength and lifted off the ocean. As Earth fell away beneath him, Daniel grinned in genuine anticipation. Atlantis was going home, and he could not wait to get there.