Chapter One


I looked at the lilac ruffled dress on my body. It was made of silk, completely covered in ribbons and frills, and it was the softest piece of clothing I'd ever worn. I wonder if Kyoya's adding this to my debt…

Tamaki-Senpai was dancing around in his shining silver armour over in the far side of the room, twirling gaily with his eyes shut and singing a familiar song I'd heard him play on the piano the other day. Maybe he should be the one wearing this dress? 'Uh… Senpai?' I called. He immediately stopped and rushed over to me at an incredible speed, his eyes still closed.

'Yes, my princess? Oh, sorry! I forgot the hat didn't I?' At that same speed, he dashed in and out of a nearby closet, coming out carrying what looked to be a matching lilac party hat with a silk ribbon trailing off the top. 'Here you go!'

'Uh… Senpai?'

'Yes, Haruhi?'

'What cosplay are we doing today?'

He gestured to my costume and grinned at me mischievously, 'Can't you tell? I'm the prince and you're the princess!'

'Oh.' Great

'Hey, Boss! Why are you and Haruhi always the couple? I want a go!' Hikaru called, jokingly. Or at least, I assumed he was joking. He was one of my best friends and he hadn't mentioned anything to me since our date in Karuizawa.

'Well, Hikaru, that wouldn't be right at all now would it? You and Kaoru have your act to do, remember?' Tamaki called back, still cheerful as ever. But when I looked over I saw Hikaru sulking. Kaoru appeared to try and cheer him up but Hikaru ignored him. Poor Kaoru, he always had to deal with his brother's tantrums.

'Haruhi! I have great news! Kyoya managed to get the tower delivered for tomorrow. So, until then, we must practice!' Tamaki's bright blue eyes were shining at me.

'Practice for what?' I feared the worst.

'Our show, of course! Tomorrow all the lovely young ladies are going to watch our show and clap and cheer and have a great time!' He was clapping himself right there. I wonder what the others made of this… idea? I'd have thought the twins would be in heaven, but Hikaru was still sulking. Honey and Mori were practicing their parts: Honey a rabbit and Mori a tree. Wow, didn't see that one coming. The twins both made up one dragon. Oh I hope we don't use real fire…

'Haruhi! These are your lines, look after them! I can't wait to perform it, can you?'

'Actually, I can wait.'

He didn't take notice of me. 'Just think – tomorrow I'll be talking to rabbits, slaying dragons and rescuing my beautiful princess!' He glanced at me playfully, 'You know that's you, right?'

I didn't know what to say to that, but I didn't have to. As soon as the words left his lips, there was a huge crash from the opposite end of the room. Everyone, even Kyoya who had stilled his typing fingers, looked over in the twins' direction at the overturned table. Both were standing but wore very different expressions. Kaoru's face was in shock, arms protectively in front of him as he watched his brother, almost afraid of him. I couldn't blame him; Hikaru's face was one of pure anger and annoyance.

'It's always you, isn't it?' He spoke in a voice that didn't belong to him. The actual volume was barely above a whisper, but it had a roughness to it we'd never heard before.

'Hikaru…' Kaoru whispered, eyes wide.

Hikaru was looking at Tamaki, 'Just because you're my friend, that doesn't mean I'm just going to give up to you.' Hikaru walked out of the third music room, head down, eyes not meeting ours. Tamaki was gobsmacked, I never thought it would be possible to render him speechless.

'What's wrong with Hika-chan?' Honey asked innocently.

When Hikaru had his tantrums, now would be the time when Kaoru chased after him and made him feel better, but Kaoru didn't move. He just stared at the door his brother had closed behind him. Even Kyoya looked weary. Seeing as everyone else had supposedly forgotten how to work their legs, I calmly walked to the door in search of Hikaru.

Tamaki grabbed my wrist and spoke softly, 'I don't think he's in a good state of mind.'

Wordlessly, I shook his hand off. Hikaru was our friend, why was everyone frozen like this? I left the room through the same door and immediately found him. Hikaru had his hands pulling his orange hair and his forehead resting on the pink wall of the hallway. When I the door shut behind me with a gentle click he turned around and immediately reposed.

'Oh, Haruhi, what's up?' He said casually.

'Are you okay?' I simply asked. I wasn't usually good with confrontation but hey, Hikaru was my friend and this is what friends did.

He laughed. 'Yeah, you know me; I have a short temper – no big deal.' Well that was a relief. I didn't know what he meant by his words, or what was bugging him, but I'm sure it wasn't any of my business so I left it at that.

'You want to help me with our class project? I was going to do it by myself but… you and Kaoru can join me. Not that it's not fun learning Tamaki's lines…' I smiled at him and he smiled back. I loved to see Hikaru happy.

He hugged me tightly and buried his face in my hair. I heard him smell it before he sighed and said, 'Thanks, Haruhi.' I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a moment, not wanting to move. I was the one to release him, then we made our way back inside.


'No, Honey-Senpai! Bunnies do not hop like that! Try again!' This play was really testing my patience, and my brain. But it was all worth it; Haruhi was going to be my princess and we'd put on a great performance for everyone! Plays are always fun, right?

Speaking of her, she and Hikaru returned and he seemed to be calm again. Actually, he seemed to be more than calm, he had a huge smile on his face. 'Just because you're my friend, that doesn't mean I'm just going to give up to you.' His words were so cold, so harsh, and they were definitely directed at me. But what did he mean? I wouldn't want to force him into being in the play if it bothered him that much…

Hikaru sat down at Kaoru's, now righted, table whilst Haruhi got some books out of her backpack. She laid them out on the table in that delicate way of hers and appeared to give instructions to the twins. I thought it was a nice picture: the three of them together, working on a project, laughing, smiling. Then Haruhi was having trouble cutting something and Hikaru placed his hands over hers to help her. That would've been completely fine, until he looked back at me, wait, glared back at me. What? I didn't understand what he was doing until he wrapped his arm round Haruhi's waist.

He can't do that! She's mine! Haruhi just laughed it off and playfully pushed his arm away so he hugged her shoulders instead. Then he looked at me again. What the heck? Sure we weren't officially together but… still! We were going to have our first kiss then get married then have children – it was all planned in my head! Was he claiming her as his? '…That doesn't mean I'm just going to give up to you.'

'That bastard!' Whoops; didn't mean to say that out loud. Thankfully, No one noticed.

'You know, Tamaki, you should keep language like that to yourself.'

'GAAHH! Kyoya, don't sneak up on me like that!' Damn it, there was nothing getting past that guy!

He followed my line of sight, 'Calm down, Tamaki. Everyone knows you and Haruhi are an item, Hikaru just gets pissed when he can't have what he wants.'

'What? I am calm!' And what about his language? 'Besides…' I said seriously, 'Hikaru wouldn't do anything… right?'

'You never know with him, one minute he can be the happiest person on earth, then the next he could be violent, evil, aggressive…'

I gasped. Hikaru did have a very bad temper. 'I must warn Haruhi!'


The twins didn't really help with my project; I should have known they would slack off. Oh well, at least Hikaru seemed happier, teasing me and Kaoru. Now I just have to do all the work at home. I hope dad doesn't disturb me too much. I wonder if we have enough leftovers in the fridge for dinner tonight…?

Everyone had left the Host Club for the day so I was packing up my things when Tamaki came and stood next to me. 'Uh, what is it, Senpai?'


I would've carried on packing my things into my backpack but his tone startled me. It was so serious I looked around to see if someone else had spoken instead.

'Haruhi, look at me.'

I looked at him.

He took my both my hands in his. 'Haruhi, there's something I need to warn you about.' When I didn't answer he carried on, 'It's Hikaru. I think he's trying to… err…'

'What, Senpai?' Maybe Tamaki understood Hikaru's weird behaviour today.

'He's trying to take you away from me! So you have to be very careful, okay? I know Hikaru and he doesn't always play fair…'

'Hold on, what?' Where was this coming from? Is he still talking about the play?

'Haruhi just listen. What did he say to you when you two were out in the hall? Why was he holding your waist like that?'

'Like what?' I hadn't even noticed. 'Senpai, I don't understand…'

'I can see his intentions…' His face looked disgusted. It didn't suit Tamaki's angelic face at all. What was going on, why was everyone being weird today?


'That Hikaru needs to back off!' He shouted that at me. Tamaki. Shouting. At me. The last time he shouted at me was that incident at the beach when he saved me.

My confusion turned into annoyance. 'Hey, he was really upset today! What have you suddenly got against Hikaru?'

'I told you! He's taking you from me!'

'I don't belong to you anyway!'

Tamaki actually flinched. Was that a little too harsh? Well it was the truth. I wasn't technically his girlfriend, or his sister, and he'd by now grown out of that 'daughter/daddy' act. He was one of my best friends, since when did he decide I was his property? I needed to get home. My class project was due in tomorrow, and dinner needed to be made. This play performance nonsense had put me behind schedule.

'Bye, Senpai.' I turned without looking at him and left.