The dimly lit halls of the Institute of War provided the perfect cover. In the dead of night he slipped out of his upstairs apartment. He always was accustomed to the darkness that seemed to surround him, and his knack for stealthy moves and silence earned him a reputation as "The Blades Shadow". Nobody at this Institute fully understood what would lead such a person to join, for he was sell sufficient, and did not need the League, and yet here they found him, silent and disconnected, always watching, always listening, constantly observing the world around him, but never speaking.

Talon was a middle aged man, an assassin of the Noxian's under the direct order of General Du Couteau, that is before his mysterious disappearance. Under the circumstances most would have guessed that Talon, being the man he was, would have simply left. Du Couteau had made him what he was, and the only reason Talon stayed with the Noxian was because he was the one person who he had not managed to best in battle. When the General came up missing most forgot about his Shadow Warrior, but Talon never forgot the man that had served to be the only mentor he ever had, and he had an iron determination to track down the General.

Of the champions in the League, it seemed, the only person Talon took any interest in was that of Katarina, the daughter of his missing mentor. Talon knew that she was completely and utterly capable of handling herself, but with his silent vigil he watched, waiting for anything that would threaten her. Although what he felt for Katarina was simply business. Being the go to guy for her father instilled him with a sense of protectiveness for the general and his family, and in the general's absence he had sworn to himself not to allow any harm to come to either of his daughters.

In his silence Talon had overseen the events of the League with an eye that could see a mosquito flying from 20 yards away; an eye for detail that only a master thief of his standard could possess. It is with these eyes that he formed a close bond with an unlikely champion, although they never spoke.

He recounted many a night he would stand outside her doorway in the dead of night, simply listening, for the music that she played had an adverse effect on him. The melody would sink into his body and fill him with emotions that he had long since discarded. He cared little for emotions, and saw them only as the body's way of hindering instinct. In his line of work instinct was the only thing that Talon ever needed.

He recalled the first night he'd heard the woman playing her music, and felt ashamed by the memory. It was on a night like this that he'd first crept from his quarters. He'd heard stories of a woman who played a magical instrument, and not only magical but valuable. The Etwahl would fetch a nice price in his network of thieves on the outside of the Institute of War, and it was for this reason that he left his room that night. His mind set on the instrument.

As he crept down the corridor the only thing that filled his mind was the thought of the gold that the instrument would fetch to the right buyer, but as he neared the room he heard it's magical charm. It seemed to flow around him and embrace him, a feeling he had never felt before, and as he listened it was as if the music spoke to him. Every note played tugged at his heart, pulling apart the stoney skin that encased a man who had never felt connected to anyone in this world.

"What are you doing out this late" He heard a woman's voice but as he glanced back and forth he could not find a source.

"If it is me that you're looking for than you need not look anywhere but your destination, if it is the Etwahl you desire, than you need not look anywhere but inside"

Talon froze solid 'how do they know what I'm here for, and who is it that is talking to me.' Still glancing side to side Talon's vision betrayed him revealing now physical source of the voice filling his head. He continued down the corridor and stopped just shy of the room where the instrument was kept. The music grew in volume and with every passing second Talon felt his resolve weaken. The voice in his head grew louder and louder, but it was not angry, but welcoming.

"If you wish to find me than all that is asked of you is to open the door, but if you wish to find my instrument, you'll find it tearing you apart, I know of you, and I know what your intentions are. Don't assume that I will allow you to have what you want, for this instrument is mine, and mine alone. The heart of this instrument belongs to me, and as long as I draw breath it will remain loyal."

Talon felt his arm inching towards the knob on the door, fully aware of what could be waiting on the other side. His mind told him calmly to stop, for he had heard tales of such enchantments before, the "heart" of an object could not be broken easily, and unless broken stealing such an object was a wasted effort, for without it's rightful owner it would not be used to it's full potential, and in many cases, would come up missing from the thief who had taken it.

As his mind told him to stop his body would not heed. His hand reached for the handle gripping it lightly and turning it, the door pushed open without a sound and what Talon found on the other side of the door mesmerized him. A young woman sat behind the instrument, gently plucking the strings, the music in the room was soothing and gentle. His left foot led as he stepped into the room, not of his own will, but somehow drawn to the music that was so ambient, and as he entered into the room he felt his body grow weak. The woman never raised her head to speak but Talon could hear her at all times.

"I have brought men with stronger resolve than you to their knees with this instrument, but I will not harm them, it's not in my nature. The music I play has been said to bewitch the heart of man, and you are here, but why? The music I have been playing is no less enchanted than the clothes in my wardrobe, and yet you have entered my room, why?"

Talon tried to say something but no sounds came out, maybe he was talking but the music drowned everything else out. As he stood in awe at the sight before him he felt his legs begin to tremble under an overwhelming weight, and finally his legs failed him and he fell to the ground. Surrounded only by the music that had brought him to this room.