For anna — you gave me an idea that I'm sure you weren't intending me to have. This one's for you.

Richard Berger was a middle-aged man with a horrible toupee of brown hair. He stood in front of Horatio Caine and was not backing down while Horatio explained the situation. The answer for pulling the music: no, absolutely not. The answer for having police inside for any suspicious activity: again, not happening.

"So what do we do now?" asked Ryan.

"We sit out here and wait," said Horatio.

The team waited outside the Sunset-2-Sunrise club for something to happen. It wasn't until midnight that Horatio noticed something on a neighboring rooftop. Horatio left his post and went to the rooftop. When he got there, he didn't see anyone.

"I didn't think you would be here," said a familiar voice.

Horatio turned around to see white-haired Danny Phantom.

"What are you doing here?" asked Horatio.

"Trying to catch a ghost," answered Danny. "You?"

"Trying to catch a killer," Horatio said.

Danny gave a short humorless laugh. "Good luck with that. Your killer is my ghost."

"A kid shouldn't be going after dangerous criminals," said Horatio.

"And a police officer shouldn't be going after a ghost without the proper equipment," Danny shot back.

"All right," said Horatio. "Do you have any way of catching this 'ghost'?"

Danny smirked and took out the Fenton Thermos.

Horatio's eyes widened a little. A thermos? This kid was going to try to catch a criminal with a thermos?

"Don't worry," said Danny. "I know what I'm doing."

A wisp of blue came from Danny's mouth. "He's here."

"How do you know?" asked Horatio.

"My ghost sense," replied Danny. "That and the fact that a DJ Twilite song is playing right now."

Horatio got on the radio. "He's here. Everyone, go."

"No!" cried Danny. "You'll just be hypnotized with the rest of them."

"I can't stand back and do nothing," said Horatio, heading for the roof entrance.

Danny tossed Horatio a pair of Fenton Phones. "They'll filter out the ghost noise. As long as you have them in, you shouldn't be affected."

"Aren't these the same items Miss Manson was wearing last night?" asked Horatio.

"Yeah, but the communicator failed for some reason," said Danny. "Now come on, before someone else winds up dead."

Danny flew off the roof, forcing Horatio to leave the same way he came: down the stairs.

Danny phased through the roof of the building and saw the DJ ghost at the mixing board. The brunette ghost was focused on playing his hypnotic music. No one in the crowd looked up at Danny. They were too busy dancing.

Danny shot the DJ with an ecto-blast. "Hey, you!"

The DJ ghost looked up at him, glowing green locking with glowing green. He stood up and fixed his black vest.

"I'm working," he snapped.

"So am I," said Danny. "Now are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

"I've done nothing wrong," said the DJ.

"You've killed six people," said Danny.

"I did not!" roared the DJ. He threw his hand out and a pulsing beat shot from his hand.

Danny barely had time to swoop out of the way.

"Why would I hurt anyone?" the DJ yelled. "Look, I'm not hurting anyone here."

"You hypnotized them!" Danny said. "They'll dance until they die!"

The DJ was taken aback. "You lie."

"No, Mr. Diamond, he doesn't," said Horatio, holding his gun up. He was standing on the platform where the DJ booth was, away from the swarm of dancing people. "There are six people in the morgue because of you."

"No," whispered the DJ. "No, that's not possible."

"Dude, you seriously don't know what you did?" asked Danny.

"I don't kill," said the DJ. "I don't."

"But you did," said Horatio.

The DJ's face twisted in rage, green eyes flashing dangerously. "You want me to be a killer? I'll start with you first!"

The DJ put his hand up. Horatio fired, but the bullet simply passed through the DJ. A blast shot from the DJ's hand just as Danny fired an attack of his own. Horatio was hit and knocked into the crowd. The DJ was also hit and knocked in the wall behind him.

Horatio curled up in a ball to protect himself from being trampled. A sudden cold shot through him and he felt himself being picked up off the floor.

Danny moved Horatio back to the DJ platform. The DJ was gone and the song had changed, but the people were still dancing madly.

"We have to stop them," said Horatio.

"He's just like Ember," whispered Danny. A sudden idea came to him. "Just like Ember!"

Danny quickly took a few steps back, looking around the room. "Man, I hope I don't crush us."

Horatio whirled around, but didn't get the chance to ask Danny what he met.

Danny took a deep breath and yelled. A tortured moan came from his mouth and green sound waves could be seen. The building shook and a few lights broke. Danny quickly stopped as soon as he saw people covering their ears.

"That should do it," said Danny. He looked at the broken glass. "Even at low power, that's still a strong attack."

The DJ suddenly appeared and tackled Danny. Danny let out a cry and struggled to get free.

People started screaming and rushed to get out of the club.

"Get them out!" Danny yelled, punching the DJ in the face. "Get them all out!"

Horatio worked to get the people out and finding his team.

"H, what's going on?" called Eric.

"We need to get these people away from the club," said Horatio. "Move them back as far as you can."

"Horatio!" called Calleigh, running towards him.

There was a crash and Danny was sent through the roof of the club. He stopped himself in the air and shook his head to rid himself of the dizziness. He looked down and saw the DJ coming at him. Danny dodged out of the way, firing an ecto-blast. It hit the DJ square in the chest.

"What the hell are they?" said Eric, watching the fight between Danny and the DJ.

"They're ghosts," answered Horatio.

"What?" Eric and Calleigh asked. They thought he was crazy.

"One of them is the ghost of Trevor 'DJ Twilite' Diamond," said Horatio.

The DJ took a hard hit and slammed into the car. Danny came to hover above him.

"And the other is Danny Phantom," Horatio added.

"Don't you have a hack tour to play?" taunted Danny, hoping to make the ghost angry enough to slip up.

The DJ growled and fired more sound waves at Danny. Danny flew out of the way and was punched in the face.

"How do we stop them?" asked Calleigh.

"Can we stop them?" asked Eric.

"Let them wear each other down," said Horatio. "It seems Mr. Phantom is trying to help us."

Danny rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand. A green smudge appeared on his white glove.

The DJ hovered before him.

"What is going on out here?" roared Richard Berger.

Danny was hit hard from a blast from the DJ and hit the ground, several yards behind Berger. He shook his head and looked up, green eyes widening at the DJ.

"Oh, crud," Danny muttered.

Berger looked at Danny and then what he was looking at. The man's face paled.

The DJ unleashed a sound wave attack that hit both Berger and Danny. Danny was able to throw up a shield in time. Amongst the debris, Danny saw something small and furry fly passed him.

When the dust settled, Danny dropped his shield. He saw the man who got caught up in the blast a few feet in front of him, unconscious and bald. Danny glanced behind him quickly and then back to Berger.

"Was that his hair?" he asked absently.

Danny shot into the air just in time to dodge the DJ's next attack. Danny shot a powerful ecto-beam and hit the DJ square in the chest. The DJ was knocked out of the air and landed on a BMW.

"Okay, has-been, time for your swan song," said Danny, taking out the thermos. He popped the lid off and sucked in a screaming DJ. He quickly put the lid back on. "No encore, please." He grinned.


Danny looked down and saw all the cops who were pointing their weapons at him. "Time to go." He disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" asked Eric.

"I don't know," said Calleigh.

Horatio had a good idea.

"I want charges filed!" Berger was yelling. "I want those two in cuffs. I want them in jail for the rest of their miserable lives for what they did to my club, my car, and my hair!"

Horatio turned and went back to his Hummer.

"H, where are you going?" called Eric.

"To see a friend," said Horatio.

Eric and Calleigh watched him leave with confused looks on their faces.

Horatio pulled up to the Mansons' beach house. He knocked on the front door.

"May I speak to Mr. Fenton, please?" Horatio asked Jeremy.

"Danny!" Jeremy yelled.

Danny Fenton came to the door looking like he just woke up or was in a fight. His hair was a mess and he didn't appear to be completely with it. He looked at Horatio and tensed slightly.

"Yeah?" Danny asked.

"Is there somewhere we can talk privately?" Horatio asked.

Danny led him to the kitchen. "Would you like coffee or something? I don't think we have any donuts."

"No, that's fine, Danny," Horatio said with a small smile of amusement. "Do you know what happened tonight?"

"Uh, no," Danny said slowly.

Horatio noticed a shifty glint in the teen's eyes.

"Danny Phantom saved a nightclub full of people from a ghost who was about to kill them," he told Danny.

"Phantom's in Miami?" Danny asked, trying to sound surprised.

"I think you already knew that," said Horatio. "Danny Fenton. Danny Phantom."

Danny opened his mouth.

Horatio put his hand up. "Mr. Berger wants to press charges against Mr. Phantom. But it is difficult to arrest a ghost. I would know."

Danny closed his mouth.

"Thank you," said Horatio.

Danny frowned. "For what?" he asked.

"For helping us," said Horatio. "I would like to know what's going to happen to Trevor Diamond."

"He'll go to prison," said Danny. "Phantom will take him back to Amity Park with him and put him in ghost jail."

"Ghosts have prisons?" asked Horatio.

"You'd be surprised how similar they are to us," said Danny.

"I don't think I would be," Horatio told him.

"So what happens now?" asked Danny. "Are you going to tell anyone?"

"It's hard enough trying to do your job," said Horatio. "Even harder when you have someone looking over your shoulder all the time. Or when you have to look over your shoulder."

"Thanks, Lieutenant," said Danny.

Horatio nodded.

After the lieutenant left, Danny went back up to the room he shared with Tucker. He and Sam were playing a video game.

"What was that about?" asked Tucker.

"Lieutenant Caine knows," Danny said.

Game controllers were dropped and both avatars died. Sam and Tucker whirled around. "What?" they cried.

"This is not good," said Sam. "They could arrest you."

"I didn't actually say I was Phantom," said Danny. "The one guy wants to press charges against him. But Lieutenant Caine figured it out."

Tucker laughed. "Maybe you aren't as clueless as I thought you were."

Danny glared at Tucker.

"So what happens now?" asked Sam.

"Same old, same old," said Danny. "Only we now have a friend in the Miami-Dade Police."

A few weeks after the ghost incident with people dancing until they died, Horatio received a letter in the mail. There was no return address. He opened it up.

"Dear Lieutenant Caine, I would like to inform you that the ghost of Trevor 'DJ Twilite' Diamond is now staying in the Ghost Zone's prison. You shouldn't have any problems with people dancing until they die for a few centuries. They really take the murder of the living seriously in the Ghost Zone. -DP."

Horatio smiled. "Thank you, Danny."

I know the ending sucks. But I want to thank you for staying with me all this time. I kind of lost the wind in the sails with this story a long time ago, but I was determined to finish it one way or another. I rather have a crummy ending then leave a story sit unfinished. With all the other projects I've taken on in the past weeks and with work, I'm lucky just to get this done. Thank you for reading.