Chapter Two

The next day, all Scarlett did was plan. She had shared a few drinks with the MacManuses last night and on the way home, she had showed them the apartment of Max. Tonight was the night that the brothers planned to kill him. She had talked to Max and he told her exactly what he planned to do.

"Alright," Her cousin spoke, his voice low and serious. "When they get here, I'll have two gunmen already at the door. The second they get in, they'll shoot one of them in the leg and grab 'em. Then he'll threaten the other one with the shot one's life. That'll get them both under control. Then, we'll take 'em both in the spare room and cuff 'em to chairs-"

"You sound to cliche right now, Max, it's not even funny." She interrupted him.

"Shut up, it'll work. I know it will. We'll get 'em cuffed to the chairs and then you can come here. I'll get one of my guys to get you. We shoot one, let the other live for a minute, then they're dead. We each get one to kill."

"Max... It's not going to work. I promise you. These guys are smart. Really smart."

"Well if it doesn't work out, we'll find a way to get it to work."

"I only have one shot-"

"You can get someone new to fake a role."

"You only have one damn life! You're my only blood relation right now and I'll be fucked if I'm going to lose you! Understand that?"

There was silence on the other end of the line. Scarlett took a deep breath to calm herself and went on.

"If this doesn't work out and you're there, they'll kill you."

"It'll work out. Trust me."

The line went dead on the other end.

That conversation had been a while ago. She knew in her heart that the Saints were attacking now or had only a short time before. Her heart was racing with worry and anticipation. Tonight, she'd either learn of a new victim with pennies on his eyes or hear a knock in the door. Either option seemed to carry dread.

As she thought deeper into the possibilities of this, a noise interrupted her thoughts. It was a knock on her door.

Scarlett walked down the dim-lighted hallway, excited about the upcoming events. The cold metal in her hands only added to it. Tonight, she'd become infamous. She'd kill the Saints of South Boston. How great revenge was! Kyle's death would be avenged and two threats out of the way.

As she got closer to the door, her thoughts wandered. She knew how hard it was to lose a sibling, but not a twin. It must be ten times worse to lose someone that you've spent every moment of your life with rather than someone who you only saw rarely until you worked for him. The MacManuses were good men. They were twins. In the short time she had spent with them, she saw a whole new side to the Boston Saints. They teased each other, laughed with (and at) each other, they were just normal people doing extraordinary things.

The people you've killed for Kyle were innocent people. Her mind seemed to mock her own thoughts. They had families. They had brothers. They could have had twins.

She reached her hand out and grabbed the knob, twisting it slowly. She opened the door and looked on.

Max's plan had worked, miraculously. The two brothers were handcuffed, legs and feet both, to the arms and legs of the chairs they were in. Max stood behind Connor, smirking at Scarlett and gripping the chair.

"I see you made it. My plan won't work out, will it?" He chuckled.

"Nice. Glad to know that you did something correct for once, Max." She stepped closer to the brothers.

Murphy glanced at his brother and the two of them met eyes. She had played them all along.

"You see," Max walked over to Murphy, stopping when he was standing next to him. "When you hurt one of them," Scarlett's eyes followed the trail of Max's hand as it went to Murphy's thigh. Blood was stained on the dark haired brother's ripped jeans and a hole resided there. Max jabbed his finger tip into the bullet wound, making Murphy's eyes close tightly and his teeth grind together. "The other will do anything to protect him."

Connor glared at Max, pure hatred in his dark blue eyes. For a short second, his gaze moved to Scarlett, the emotions unchanging. Scarlett could see the lighter haired twin trying to removed his hands from the cuffs, barely making progress.

"Fuck" Murphy hissed as Max walked away. He glared daggers at Scarlett.

"Can't save him now, can you?" Max taunted Connor as he noticed the trickle of blood flowing down Connor's wrists.

"Fuck ye!" Connor shouted, pulling more.

All of this was oddly sickening to Scarlett. She had never been so disgusted before. Not even when she tortured people herself or when she put a bullet right in between their pleading eyes.

Death. Connor's eyes seemed to plead to her. I'd rather have death then see Murph get hurt.

"Take the first shot on this one?" Max asked.

She hesitantly nodded, planning to kill before she could change her mind about her decision.

Scarlett cocked her gun, aimed at her new target, and pulled the trigger.

I plan to put up the last part of this soon. Review please?