Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five 0

A/N: Hiii So this has been sitting on my computer for like a year but until recently I haven't had the courage to post anything on this site. I have more ideas if anyone's interested and not too bored with my writing, but this will be posted in two parts :P I'd love to know what you think, crit is embraced with open arms :D


Emm xx

Say you'll be mine Part one

Danny Williams hated Valentine's Day with a passion. Even when he was with Rachel, the last thing he wanted to do was go shopping in tackily decorated, crowded shopping malls; trying to find a gift for his wife that she wouldn't throw back in his face. So naturally, once February 14th rolled around again, the New Jersey native just wished that he could erase all existence of the day.

"Good morning!" Kono sang as she skipped happily into the main room of five 0 headquarters. Spilling out of her arms, were three bouquets of roses. "One for you, one for you, and one for you!" She exclaimed as she handed the yellow roses to Chin, the pink roses to Steve, and the white roses to Danny. Steve grinned in appreciation as Chin laughed and brought the flowers up to his nose to smell them. Kono caught Danny's eye, and frowned slightly as she watched him place the bouquet aside and pick up his case folder. "What's up Danny, don't you like them?"

Danny sighed as she adopted her best kicked puppy expression. "Of course I do hon. They're lovely, and I'm guessing Charlie is the reason for the spring in your step, and that's great I'm so happy things are working out for you. But it's just today, yeah? I don't do Valentine's or soppy poems or candy hearts or anything. Frankly, the whole idea of it makes me want to puke my guts out. So I'm sorry for not showing the right amount of enthusiasm, I didn't mean to offend you, but thanks for the roses, and they'll look great in my office." With his rant for the morning over and done with, he stalked off clutching the roses and folders; leaving his three colleagues behind, staring at each other in bemusement.

"Knock, knock." Danny glanced up from his computer to see Steve standing inside his partner's office, leaning against the doorframe.

"By all means, come in." He replied dryly, as he tried to ignore the dark haired man's presence by refocusing on the email drew up on the screen.

"Seriously Danno, you're still bitching?" Steve came further inside Danny's office, and sprawled himself gracefully onto the black leather couch, propping an elbow up on the armrest, as he scrutinised his partner. After at least five minutes of silence, Danny sighed.

"Steve, did you want something in particular? It's just that not everybody can be the governor's pet, and I actually have a lot of work to be getting on with." If Steve picked up on the hints of bitterness, he didn't comment on it, just continued to assess him as if he were an interesting piece of art, and making Danny just the slightest bit uncomfortable.

"What, do I have something on my face?" He asked, reaching up to check, self-consciously, and Steve smirked slightly.

"Will you be quiet, just for a second? I'm trying to think here."

"Right… About what?"


Danny stopped tapping on his keyboard and blinked. "Me? Why would you be thinking about me?" He questioned cautiously and Steve heaved out a weary sounding sigh.

"Because, I just am. Okay?"

"No! Not okay, Steve, not okay at all. You cannot just tell me that you're thinking about something that concerns me, and then refuse to explain it to me. It's just not on, not on at a- Mmph!"

Danny flailed his arms about as Steve cut off his ramble, by launching himself forward and pressing his lips on the shorter man's own. After a few moments, or maybe it was several; Danny's brain had shut down the moment his mouth parted slightly to accept the kiss, his tongue running over Steve's bottom lip cautiously making his partner shiver slightly, Steve pulled back, his face an unreadable mask.

"Uh okay. Well that was unexpected." Danny's voice was shaky as he pressed his fingertips to his lips.

"S-sorry, I ah, Sorry." Steve stuttered as he backed away whilst reaching blindly behind him for the door- handle."I should go."

And, then he had fled out of the office, even out of the building, before Danny could make any sense of what had just happened to him.