Hey all.

So, six years and a time of growing up later, I have some bittersweet news: th

is fic is scrapped.

See, here's the thing. After the aforementioned growing up, I've found I don't actually want a "Nat lives" fix-it fic. I've come to terms with the heartbreaking end of PG and my interests have moved elsewhere. That elsewhere being "afterlife fic where all of Bart's humans wait for him and feelings ensue" If that at all interests you, my tumblr handle is TheModeTheCityTheSoul and, more to the point, my AO3 is AvinRyd. Keep an eye out on those and I'll soon return to the Bart fandom.

Thank you all so much for your support of this project. Your encouragement really helped solidify my confidence as a young writer and I could never have reached this point without you all. So Thank You.

See you on the other side.